Editor | . . . . | Leo French |
Associate Editor | . . . . | Lucille Hedges |
Business Manager | . . . . | Rothmer Bales |
Advertising Manager | . . . . | Clyde Farmer |
Literary & Social Editor | . . . . | Ferne Higday |
Athletic Editor | . . . . | Clifford Allen |
Local Editor | . . . . | Ray Dady |
Exchange Editor | . . . . | Naomi Cronin |
Alumni Editor | . . . . | Alpha Williams |
Senior Editor | . . . . | Vera Lutz |
Junior Editor | . . . . | Thelma Mouton |
Sophomore Editor | . . . . | Helen Ervin |
Freshman Editor | . . . . | Florence Ballou |

The K. H. S. Booster is a periodical published twice a month by the student
body of the Kellerton High School, for the benefit and welfare of that school.

Subscription Rates:
Single copy | . . . . | 10c |
School year | . . . . | 50c |

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[Page 1]
The basket ball season closed Feb. 18, and on account of the warm weather, interest along that line has practically
ceased. This season has been more successful than most of the past years, having played seventeen games and winning nine
of them. It is hoped that next season will be more successful, as the team only loses three of the players, Manning,
[Clifford] Allen, and [Leo] French, all guards, leaving [Glenn] Brooks, [Lloyd] Gorman, C[arrol]. Jackson,
[Leroy] Brown and H[ansford]. Jackson. All these have had
considerable experience this year and should make [a] winning team next year. The following are the games as they were played:
Dec. 3 at Kellerton | . . . . | Ellston 30 vs. Kellerton 36 | . . . . | Won |
Dec. 11 at Kellerton | . . . . | Delphos 23 vs. Kellerton 21 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 17 at Kellerton | . . . . | Ellston 50 vs. Kellerton 14 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 20 at Kellerton | . . . . | Beaconsfield 23 vs. Kellerton 50 | . . . . | Won |
Dec. 25 at Grand River | . . . . | Grand River 34 vs. Kellerton 19 | . . . . | Lost |
Dec. 30 at Kellerton | . . . . | Alumni 13 vs. Kellerton 26 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 1 at Kellerton | . . . . | Alumni 25 vs. Kellerton 29 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 7 at Kellerton | . . . . | Benton 26 vs. Kellerton 40 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 14 at Benton | . . . . | Benton 53 vs. Kellerton 9 | . . . . | Lost |
Jan. 22 at Kellerton | . . . . | Graceland 30 vs. Kellerton 34 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 28 at Lamoni | . . . . | Lamoni 17 vs. Kellerton 20 | . . . . | Won |
Jan. 30 at Kellerton | . . . . | Grand River 18 vs. Kellerton 26 | . . . . | Won |
Feb. 3 at Graceland | . . . . | Graceland 32 vs. Kellerton 22 | . . . . | Lost |
Feb. 4 at Kellerton | . . . . | Lamoni 15 vs. Kellerton 46 | . . . . | Won |
Feb. 11 at Kellerton | . . . . | Grand River vs. Kellerton | . . . . | |
Feb. 12 at Kellerton | . . . . | Kellerton 16 vs. Mt. Ayr 27 | . . . . | Lost |
Feb. 19 at Mount Ayr | . . . . | Kellerton 16 vs. Mount Ayr 19 | . . . . | Lost |
We did not get to play a return game with Delphos on account of the roads and Beaconsfield does not have a gym.
We will play them next year however and it is hoped we win them both.
Brooks Breaks Arm
Friday afternoon, April 1, immediately after school was dismissed, several of the boys that are practicing for the
track and field meet to be held soon, suited up and filed out to practice. They had not practiced long however until an
accident occurred that will hurt our track and field team considerably. Glenn Brooks, while vaulting, fell and broke his
arm. He was rushed to the doctor and was soon feeling as good as could be expected. He had entered on the line-up and
was especially good at the broad jump and some of the races and relays. The accident will weaken our team in a
great extent as he was one of our leading men in these events.
Cosner And Peasley Re-Elected
At a meeting of the board of Education Tuesday evening, March 22, Mr. Cosner was re-elected superintendent for the next
year and Mr. Peasley was also re-elected principal. This gives to Mr. Cosner, his ninth election as superintendent of the
Kellerton schools and Mr. Peasley, his third election.
Junior Chapel
The Juniors gave their third series of Chapel numbers Wednesday morning, March 22. The program was as follows: Vocal
solo by Leona Gorsuch and a piano solo by Lola Stetzler. The Juniors have a large amount of talent and a good program
is always expected of them.
Sophomore Chapel
Quality replaced quantity in the special program given by the Sophomores at Chapel Wednesday morning, March 30. The
program consisted of three numbers: a pianologue by Dorothy Treichler; Piano solo by Doris Dickinson; and a modern
reproduction of an ancient fable by Mildred Masberger (sic, should be Mosbarger).
The High School and Grammar Room pupils were given a fine talk on "Liquor and Tobacco" Monday morning, March 27. Mrs.
Hale of Des Moines, A member of the worker of the "Women's Christian Temperance Union," was the speaker. Some fine
illustrations of how liquor and tobacco harm the body were given. The students listened attentively and the talk
was appreciated by everyone.

Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Selected items transcribed by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2014
