Brenda Bedier, will Regina Barton the ability to push the front end of a car out of a
ditch at 4:00 a.m. We did a good job.
I, , Brenda Bedier, will all future senior girls the good fortune of having your prom date
sell your corsage the week of the Junior-Senior Prom.
I, Penny Boles, will Tracy Boles the ability to dodge those "moving" telephone poles. They'll
get your car every time.
I, Penny Boles, will Laura Woollums the ability to get the present she has always wanted.
But don't ask for it, okay!
I, Brian Deemer, will Dennis Stark the ability to go to a rodeo and ride without your
parents finding out.
I, Ron Gibson, will to the next year's student council president my ability to keep the
candy machine full. Use it better than I did.
I, , Kathi Jackson, will to Rossica Hobson my Styx tape, (since I won't get it back, anyway!)
I, Grant Jimmerson, will Ryan Bullock the ability to stand out in the halls during class
and not get caught.
I, Tena Main, will Tracey Greimann the ability to remove objects from the top of the car
before leaving a parking space.
I, Tena Main, will Regina Barton the ability to make up her mind who she likes now - Good Luck!
I, Garen Palmer, will to Gina Hewlett the ability to drive home from work and not have a
ditch jump out in front of her car; and to Jamie Greenland the ability to remember what town she lives in.
I, Shelia Phelps, will to my sister, brother, Regina, Jamie, and Lori, all my expert driving skills.
I, Shelia Phelps, will Jill the ability to distinguish what a cactus plant is.
I, Brenda Pierschbacher, will Jill Schwalbe the ability to find something fun for the FHA to
do and have their help doing it. (Hope you have better luck.)
I, Andy Sickels, will my brother Aaron the ability to make it through the rest of school
with his sanity. I didn't.
I, Larry Smith, will Dawn and Lori a year's supply of gum.
I, Larry Smith, will Todd my ability to goof off and have fun in shop.
I, , Beth Still, will to Tracy Lesan the ability to always be on time for District FFA events
(AVOID ALL DETOURS!) and the ability not to forget to introduce guests. Use it better than I did. Good Luck!!
I, Beth Still, will to Jamie, Gina, and Tracy a raise, better working conditions, and all the nights off they wish.
I, Allen Vanderflught, will Mark Mercer the ability to have fun and not get caught.
I, Steve Woollums, will Tracy Lesan an ISU T-shirt!!
I, Steve Woollums, will Dennis Stark and Galen Jimmerson the ability to slam dunk.
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Senior Composition Photograph submitted by Dick and Camille Jackson,
May of 2011Top Row, L-R: Sheila PHELPS, Grant JIMMERSON, Brian DEEMER, Steve WOOLUMS
Second Row, L-R: Larry SMITH, Andy SICKELS, Tena MAIN, Penny BOLES, Brenda PIERSCHBACHER, Garen PALMER
Bottom Row, L-R: Kathi JACKSON, Beth STILL, Ronnie GIBSON, Brenda BEDIER, Allen VANDERFLUGHT

Administration, Faculty & Staff
GV Underclassmen, Junior High and Elementary Classes
GV Homecoming
GV Athletic Program
GV School Organizations
The Way We Were in 1985
1985 Grand Valley Community School Yearbook Courtesy of GV/Foland School Museum, Kellerton IA
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2014