Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 28, 1962
Ione Spurrier, Mount Ayr

John W. SHAFER of Redding, and David MARTIN of Osceola, have been elected secretary and assistant secretary,
respectively, of the Ringgold Mutual Insurance Association. Mr. SHAFER will have charge of the general management
of the association, and Mr. MARTIN will serve as manager of the Osceola branch of the association.

Kenneth CREVELING, agent for the Sunray DX Oil Company in Mount Ayr, has been awarded a three-year safe driving award
by the company. Awards are presented by the company each year to employees, commission bulk station agents and truck
salesmen who haven't had an chargeable accident.

Mrs. Earl KELLY of Redding, was elected president of the Auxiliary of the Iowa Rural Letter Carriers Association
during a convention of the organization held in Ames.

The Christian Church in Benton was the setting June 3, for the wedding of Joan HALEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James HALEY of Benton, and Donald STRINGHAM, son of the Ernest STRINGHAMS of ount Ayr. The double-ring service
was performed by the Rev. Ward CAMPBELL, pastor of the Mount Ayr Free Methodist Church. The couple is residing in
Mount Ayr.

Loren ELLIOTT, a design and planning engineer of the Little Sioux Flood Prevention Project in northwest Iowa
for three and one-half years, has been promoted to area civil engineer and transferred to Topeka, Kansas. His
duties are to provide technical guidance to personnel in 13 northeast counties in Kansas, relative to the engineering
phases of soil and water conservation. He and his family will make their home in Topeka.

Ringgold County's first western square dance club, "Spurs and Hurs," was organized recently in Ellston with
five sets of adult dancers and four sets of juniors. Officer elected are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HOSFIELD, presidents;
Mr. and Mrs. Warren GILES, vice-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DRIFTMIER, secretaries, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur LAY,
treasurers. Members of the boad of directors are the Kenneth McALEXANDERS, Duane GROSSES, LeRoy WOODS, and

Installed as officers of the Christian Women's Fellowship for 1962-63, are Mrs. Vance GEIGER, president;
Mrs. Burl CUNNING, vice-president; Mrs. Frank CLARKE, secretary; Mrs. Chas. J. LESAN, treasurer; Mrs. W. E.
KELLEY, Worship; Mrs. Joe PLACE, Study; Mrs. Howard WAKELIN, Service, and the Mesdames Claire BROWN, Robert FISHER,
and Ivan HARTMAN, Circle Leaders. Music for the service was provided by Janice FINK and Mary Jane MERCER.

June 20, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MARTIN, Grant City MO
June 20, a son to Mr. and Mrs. George HOSFIELD, Ellston
June 22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ryland GARNER, Redding
June 24, a son to Mr. and Mrs. William LYNCH, Redding

Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, Thursday, June 28, 1962
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

An instant use ready mix concrete plant, established in Mount Ayr by the SMITH Concrete Products Company, is open for
business. The new plant, owned by Gerald and Clair SMITH of Creston, is under the management of Richard JENNINGS,
formerly of Afton. The SMITH Brothers also own and operate plants in Creston and Corning.

The Kellerton girls quartet, composed of Janet HOLMES, Janie SISSEL, Joy JACKSON and Marjorie PAYTON, will compete
Sunday, July 1, in the 1962 Iowa State Fair Talent Search. The weekly competition is telecast from 5:30 to 6 p.m. on
KRNT-TV, Channel 8, Des Moines. Bill RILEY is master of ceremonies.

John W. SHAFER of Redding and David MARTIN of Osceola were elected secretary and assistant secretary, respectively, of
Ringgold Mutual Insurance Association, during a special meeting of the board of directors held Saturday.
 Mrs. Earl KELLY
of Redding is the new president of the Auxiliary of the Iowa Rural Letter Carriers Association, having been elected
to that position during the convention of the organization in session Sunday through Wednesday of last week on the Iowa
State University campus in Ames.

Mount Ayr is now firmly committed to eventually voting on the swimming pool proposition. The swimming pool committee
entered into a contract with Larkin and Associates, a Kansas City engineering firm, for a preliminary design of a pool
suited to Mount Ayr's need.

Kenneth CREVELING, agent for the Sunray DX Oil Company in Mount Ayr, has been awarded a three-year safe driving award by
the company.

Royce DAVIS and other newly elected officers of the Mount Ayr Lions Club were installed during the regular meeting of
the organization held Tuesday evening. Mr. DAVIS succeeds Art SCHMIT. Other officers installed were Arch C. DUNFEE,
first vice-president; Dale HERRINGTON, second vice-president; Don HARVEY, third vice-president; Merrill PERRY, tail
twister; Walter PRITCHARD, lion tamer, and Chas. J. LESAN, secretary-treasurer.

W. P. GAUER, who has served as minister of the local and Caledonia Methodist Churches during the past year, has again
been assigned to those charges.

Susan HENDERSON, a member of the Mount Ayr Methodist Youth Fellowship, will leave Sunday for Chicago, IL where she will
attend an Ecumenical Encounter, July 1-8, sponsored by the Iowa United Christian Youth Movement.

Suzanne TODD, daughter of the Howard TODDS of this city and an instructor in the Ladue high school in Saint Louis, MO
during the past year, left Wednesday of last week by plane for Montreal, Canada, on the first lap of a summer trip to

June 20, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Wayne MARTIN, Grant City MO
June 22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ryland GARNER, Redding
June 24, a son to Mr. and Mrs. William LYNCH, Redding

OBITUARIES in Thursday, June 28, 1962 Mount Ayr Record-News:
William Henry GREENROD Jessie Emily BUSBY SPURRIER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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