Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 26, 1985
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

King and queen for the Mount Ayr Community high school homecoming will be chosen from these groups of MACHS seniors:
Queen candidates are Laurie KIENE, Michelle CAMPBELL, Joni YEAROUS, Lori KINTON and Wendy PLOEGER. Candidates for king
are Troy FORD, Rowdy McDOWELL, Joe PULLIAM, Terry MERCER and Todd CARLSON. The king will be named tonight (Thursday)
and the queen at the homecoming football game Friday.

The main office of the First State Bank of Diagonal and Shannon City will be moving to Mount Ayr shortly after the
first of October. The new home office will be located at 100 E. South in the former Tingley State Savings Bank building
along Highways 2 and 169 in Mount Ayr, with branch offices to be kept in Diagonal and Shannon City.

In the first month of the Iowa Lottery's sales, four Ringgold countyresidents have been winners of $100or more out of
the $5 million in prize money paid to winners. Kyle D. MONTGOMERY of Kellerton won $1,000. Loren INNIS of Kellerton
won $500. James A. CHAPMAN of Mount Ayr won $500 and Paul F. CALLAHAN of Mount Ayr won $100, according to lottery
commissioner Dr. Ed STANEK. Sales across the state have totaled $13.0 million for the first month, with almost half
of that coming in the first week.

Owen SPENCER of Munt Ayr found a Blandings turtle in his driveway last week. According to conservation officials, the
land turtle, which can completely enclose itself in it shell, is not native to Iowa. What looked like a hole drilled
in an edge of the shell migh indicate that at one time it was someone's pet. SPENCER is keeping the turtle, which lives on
a diet of worms, greenery and water.

Ringgold county elected officials will not receive a raise during the next fiscal year, the Ringgold county Compensatin
Board has decided. Members of the compensation board are Nancy RIGGS, Kenenth QUICK, Lawrence RYCHNOVSKY, Wayne KEMERY and

September 21, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Del FIELD, Kellerton
September 24, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert KIBBE, Jr., Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in September 08, 1983 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Dr. Carlton Cain LAWHEAD
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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