Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 18, 1940
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

A committee of five members was recently appointed to serve as the county Tennessee Valley Authority (T.V.A.) Committee.
They are Ray JENNINGS, Union township; Chas. BENNETT, Liberty township; Wm. E. KELLEY, Middle Fork tonship; Paul
RYCHONOVSKY, Waubonsie township; and A.G. MOFFATT, Poe township.

A new skating rink is in the making for the benefit of the youngsters of Mount Ayr. The football field is being
converted into a rink by flooding, the project being sponsored by the Mount Ayr Businessmen's Club, city administration
and Mount Ayr Volunteer Fire Department.

Ralph LONG, who had been employed for the past two years at Minidoka, ID, returned home the first of last week.

Marietta EDWARDS has been granted Senior standing in the College of Education at Drake University in Des Moines. Miss
EDWARDS, who plant to teach, is majoring in primary education.

Leland CORNWALL, who has been employed for several years in Omaha, NE, has accepted a civil service appointment in the
Bureau of Census in Washington, D.C., the duties of which he assumed January 15.

Approximately 20,000 fish have been placed in Mount Ayr's new lake since it was built last year.

A.G. MOFFATT, of Poe township, as recently named by Francis JOHNSON, president of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, as
a member of the Iowa Pork Producers Stabilization committee.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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