Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 03, 1941
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The consolidation of the Western Auto Association Stores in Clarinda and Mount Ayr was effected this weekby moving the stock of merchandise of the local store to Clarinda. The stores are owned by the Beasley Brothers.
Percy Beasley, who managed the Mount Ayr store during the last year, will go to Clarinda to assist his brother, Victor, in operating the store in that city.

F. L. Bryant announces the opening of a new roller rink on July 5. Mr. Bryant recently purchased from E. I. Wilson of Gravity his tent and skates, and has laid a new floor on the lots north of the Barker & Cross service station
west of Mount Ayr on Highways 3 and 169.

Newly elected officers of the Hazel Glen Pastime Club are Mrs. Herman Wagenknecht, president; Mrs. George Fleming, vice-president and reporter; Mrs. James Krisinger, secretary; and, Mrs. Clark Pratt, treasurer.

A county pie baking contest sponsored by the Ringgold County Farm Bureau in cooperation with Wallace's Farmer and the Iowa Homestead will be held in connection with the Ringgold County Fair. Members of the committee
which will have charge of the contest are Norma Hollen, Mrs. Clark Jennings, Mrs. Leo Saltzman, Mrs. Belle Corneilson, Robert Hudson, Mrs. George Irving, Clifford Johnson, Franklin Spurrier, Mrs. Howard Turnbull,
Mrs. H. K. Baker, Mrs. Roy Lepley and Vernon Dennis.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wimer, of Tingley township, July 1, a daughter. Weight, nine and one-half pounds.
MOUNT ZION - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hall are the proud parents of a baby boy.
CLEARFIELD - Born, Jun 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephens, a son, Larry Neil.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2016

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