people can not be otherwise than good, and a significant
tact on this point is that the first two grave-yards opened in the county,
to-wit, in what are now West Bend and Fern Valley, were not opened for
those who had died of disease, but rather by violence.
We quote the following from J.A. Smith's History
of Northwestern Iowa:
"The climatic conditions of this region
preclude the possibility of contracting bronchial affections, and fever
and ague are of very rare occurrence. This is a poor country for doctors;
what few there are wear poor clothes, and visit their patients either on
foot or behind a horse so thin that its shadow attracts less notice than
the virtues of a Congressman."
Thus, as we close this brief sketch of its infant
history Palo Alto marches cheerily onward, alive to the music and abreast
with the progress, religion and refinement of the world's best
In our researches we think we have discovered
evidence of a prosperous and happy future for its people, and our prayer
is that its sons and daughters (for the daughters will have more to do
with it in the future than in the past) may by their sobriety, integrity
and heroic virtue hand it over to a future generation on the next
Centennial Day, with its hilltops crowned with castles, the palatial
mansions of a patriotic people, whose honor, strength and virtue shall
make them worthy citizens of our beloved country, and be the crowning
glory of all. J.L.M.
Emmetsburg, Iowa, July 4th, A.D. 1876. |
Supplemental History
Palo Alto County.
EDS. REPORTER-In answer to
inquiries and by way of Supplement to our CENTENNIAL HISTORY of this (Palo
Alto) county, we would say that all the bright anticipations of 1876 are
being realized. The grasshopper pest referred to has evidently departed
forever. Our crops have been abundant, and our condition as an
enterprising, agricultural people has averted in a great measure the
financial evils felt so severely in older settled countries.
Since closing our Centennial History, Emmetsburg
has had a healthy, if not rapid growth. The county has largely
increased in population.-The school building then being constructed here
was rapidly completed and school opened in two departments (a portion of
the time three departments have been organized) and the school is, and has
been, second to none of its grade in this part of the State.
Many new business houses, shops and factories
have been added to those we had in 1876, (for a list and description of
which we refer the reader to the Index and Advertising Pages of our Cen.
hist. and to the advertising columns of the REPORTER. Another wagon
factory is to be opened soon, and a plow factory has recently been
established. We presume one or more cheese factories will be opened soon
as there is a fortune for someone in it-and it has become almost a
Emmetsburg, the county seat, was incorporated a
few months ago, and the Milwaukee & St. Paul, Railway Company are
rapidly constructing the McG. & M.R.R. across the county; they
confidently expect to reach this town with their trains the last of July.
Property, especially real estate, which has been
very cheap here in the past, is rapidly advancing, and persons desiring to
purchase in town or country will do well to buy soon.
Immigration is pouring in upon this season as in
days of yore, and all who come to help us settle and improve the country
and transform the broad domain of rolling prairie into teeming fields and
blooming gardens will receive a hearty welcome and a share in the success
and happiness that surely awaits each one of us who does his duty. |