History of Palo Alto County, Iowa Palo Alto Co, History
Palo Alto County History

History of Palo Alto County, Iowa

By J.L. Martin as prepared for the Celebration at Emmetsburg
July 4, 1876
Page 11


  The R.R. now being built across the state from east to west divides Palo Alto into two very nearly equal parts, 
  and with its various depots in the county will afford reasonably convenient transportation to all the inhabitants, 
  while the Ft. Dodge & Ft. Ridgley R.R., a new enterprise, is approaching from the south and making a junction with
  the east and west road here, at Emmetsburg, will give us ample facilities for communication and trade with all
  parts of the North, South, East and West.
  The Fourth of July was celebrated with becoming pomp and decorum; the long looked for R.R. engine, being plainly 
  visible from the balcony of the REPORTER OFFICE, contributed to heighten the enjoyment of the occasion, and a
  fitting and eloquent Oration by A.L. Hudson, Esq., of Algona, was listened to with wrapt attention and patriotic 
  enthusiasm, by about two thousand people.
  EMMETSBURG, Ia., July 10, 1878.
   LATER.-The cars have reached Emmetsburg, and with them come people looking for homes in town and country, looking
   for locations for elevators, factories, warehouses, etc. Agriculture, manufacture, trade and commerce seem to have 
   received new impulses of vigor and hope.- But while the statement of simple facts makes a good record, and a strong 
   encouragement to person seeking home, such as may here be easily secured and made prosperous by the honest, temperate
   and industrious, we do not, wish to mislead any, by assuming this to be a perfect Eden, and that all who behold are 
   equally satisfied, for sensible people know that the round globe does not contain a country that is agreeable to all,-
   and this, like others, requires the earnest and intelligent effort of the individual, and this we believe with its 
   cheap land: ($5 to $12 per acre) good water, clear streams, healthful climate and rich soil, will insure as much 
   happiness to those who deserve it as any new and growing country can well bestow.           
   July 25, 1878

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