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HORN, George R. 1850 - 1923


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 1/1/2025 at 22:41:58

"The Weekly Ledger-Journal"
Fairfield, Iowa
Thursday, April 5, 1923
Page 8, Column 1


... --George R. HORN passed through a very critical operation at St. Mary's hospital in Rochester, Minn. Saturday. ...


"The Daily Ledger-Journal"
Fairfield, Iowa
Sunday, April 8, 1923
Front Page, Column 6

Went To Rochester For Operation; Remains Will Arrive This Afternoon

George R. HORN, 301 East Briggs, assed (sic) away yesterday morning about three o'clock in Rochester, Minn., where he had gone for an operation. The remains will be brought to this city this afternoon over the C. B. & Q., arriving here at 2:46, accompanied by his brother, J. Milton HORN who went to that city with him. Funeral arrangements will be made after the funeral party arrives here.

Mr. HORN had been in very poor health for some time and March 23 he and his brother went to Rochester to consult the Mayo Bros. While there he underwent a preliminary operation, where it was found his condition was very critical.

Mr. HORN was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. HORN, prominent farmers of Jefferson county, and practically all of his life has been spent here. He was married to Miss Laura B. SWAN of this city, October 9, 1902. Soon after their marriage they moved to his farm on Locust Grove township, near Brookville, where they resided twelve years. In the spring of 1917 they returned to Fairfield. Here Mrs. HORN passed away May 24, 1922. He is survived by one brother and two sisters: J. M. HORN of this city and Miss Lydia HORN and Mrs. John Elliott of Linden, Ind.

Mr. HORN has always been prominently associated with the affairs of this community. Twenty years ago he held the position of County Auditor for four years and later was deputy county treasurer for several years.

Mrs. John ELLIOTT, a sister, will arrive here today for the funeral.


"The Fairfield Daily Ledger"
Monday, April 9, 1923
Front Page, Column 2


The funeral services for George R. HORN, who died Saturday morning at three oclock at St. Mary's hospital in Rochester, Minn., were held this afternoon at 2:30 oclock from the late residence, 301 East BBriggs (sic). Rev. H. Sears Thomson of the Presbyterian church conducted the last rites. Mrs. Cora Ball, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Pierson at the piano, sang the solos. The pallbearers were: W. G. Ross, Wilbur Dole, J. L. Raney, E. F. Simmons, L. T. Gobble and W. L. Carson. The remains were placed in the Fairfield Abbey.


"The Fairfield (Ia.) Daily Ledger"
Monday, April 9, 1923
Page 6, Column 3


George R. HORN was born in Washington County, Penn., on January 22, 1850. When five years of age he came with his parents to Jefferson county, Iowa, and here was his home till his death. He grew up on the HORN homestead in Center township northwest of Fairfield and on the farm he learned and acquired those habits of self reliance, thrift and industry that distinguished him through life. His opportunities for schooling were limited to the country school of that time, and to the short winter terms by zeal and diligence and good ability he qualified himself as a teacher at the age of nineteen, when he had his first school and he continued to teach most successfully in the winter months for a period of eighteen years. He was a most excellent accountant and held deputyships in the offices of the county auditor, county clerk and county treasurer. He served a period of four years as county auditor and his records are a model of clearness and accuracy, and his handwriting is almost as legible as copper plate. The abstractors of the county who have to use these records admit themselves under a debt of gratitude to him.

He was married to Laura B. SWAN on October 9, 1902 and she preceded him in death on May 24, 1922. He leaves to mourn his loss, one brother J. M. HORN of Fairfield, Iowa, two sisters Lydia HORN and Mrs. John ELLIOTT of Linden, Ind., three nephews and two nieces and a host of friends.

He had been in failig (sic) health for several months and after consulting excellent physicians at home and near by he determined to go to Rochester, Minn., where he went on March 24, 1923 but his trouble was too stubborn to be mastered by his remaining strength and he died there on April 7, 1923. His last days were filled with excruciating pain but he bore it with the patience and fortitude that had characterized him through life.

George R. HORN was a most useful man in the community. He had the entire confidence of every one and this confidence was adways (sic) justified. He was a well balanced man ,steady, (sic) reliable, accurate in speech, considerate in act, of great good common sense,,sympathetic (sic) and helpful in his relations with all persons, a good business man and a worthy citizen. The trust the community had in him is shown by the range of his activities, as farmer, teacher, deputy county official, city official for it is not a month since he voluntarily retired from the city county, bank cashier and as appraiser, referee and administrator in numerous estates. In all these things he did his work in a manner satisfactory to all the persons interested. He was one of the quiet, effective, wise and trustworthy forces that build up communities and make the world better. Our city is poorer for his going and we do well to honor his memory.


"The Fairfield Daily Ledger"
Monday, April 9, 1923
Page 8, Column 1


... --Mrs. John ELLIOTT and daughter Miss Ruth ELLIOTT of Linden, Ind., came yesterday to attend he funeral (sic) of the former's brother, George R. HORN. ...


"The Fairfield Daily Ledger"
Tuesday, April 10, 1923
Page 8, Column 2

... --Mrs. Fatima IRELAND and daughter Reva returned last night to their home in Oskaloosa after being here to attend the funeral of the former's brother A. S. McPHERSON and to attend the funeral of George R. HORN. ...

Copied with permission from The Fairfield Ledger, Inc. IAGenWeb Bylaws PROHIBIT the COPYING AND RE-POSTING OF THIS MATERIAL IN ANY PUBLIC VENUE such as Ancestry or Find A Grave without WRITTEN permission from the submitter ~ copyright restrictions apply.
*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.

Note: Buried in Lot 4th.115 with wife Laura. Originally interred in the Fairfield Abbey, a mausoleum which once stood in what is now the 6th Addition of Evergreen Cemetery. In the 1960s, due to deterioration, the Abbey was torn down and those who had been buried there were transferred to other places of rest.


Jefferson Obituaries maintained by Joey Stark.
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