Audubon County |
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We should be pleased if it were possible for every reader of this pamphlet to have viewed the display of cereals and vegetables raised this season, at the recent exhibition of the Audubon County Agricultural Society. It was a material support of those general notes that owuld prove most convincing and impressive of the fact that Audubon county has no superior in the state. However, we have at our command, by the courtesy of the various station agents, a statement of theEXPORTS,
foreign born, from the nations that have contributed some of the most thrifty and desirable citizens to our Republic. According to the totals of the most recent census we have 150 inhabitants of English birth, 136 from Ireland, 32 from Scotland, from Wales 4, from Canada 120, from Norway 14, from Sweden 43, from France 9, from Germany 592, from Bohemia 5, from Holland 5, from Denmark 680, and from all other countries 27. Both Germans and Danes are located in colonies, where they have established and maintain in flourishing condition both churches and schools, and are always enterprising in advancing public interests and the development of the country to its greatest capabilities.The political complexion of the county is quite evenly divided, the republicans and democrats sharing equally in the administration of county offices. It is in such condition as makes each contest doubtful and interesting. We would fail to compliment the high character of our population did we neglect to state that Audubon county is thoroughly and practically in accord with the prohibitory law of Iowa. Believing that the saloon is a source of evil they have enforced the law, and today not a grog shop is found within our borders. The population made up from the different nations, and from the many counties and states, is united on this question and in the support and enforcement of all salutary laws The above named organization is eminently a county institution, as it has been fostered by the progressive and enterprising farmers and business men of every township. It was organized eight years ago, and has annually increased in membership and exhibits, until its last exhibition far surpassed any of its predecessors, and successfully rivaled any in the state, outside of those counties containing the larger cities. By very efficient and wise management it has overcome quite discouraging obstacles, most important of which has been the purchase of two tracts of ground, the first one purchased having been rendered useless by the crossing of the North Western railroad. The Society now has a forty-acre tract, upon which has been erected commodious and substantial buildings, with many contrivances of general convenience and utility. It is meeting with increased prosperity from year to year, and by offering and paying liberal premiums serves the admirable purpose of inciting a commendable rivalry among producers, while the annual fair has come to be in the fullest extent of the term a reunion of citizens, where all may meet once a year and renew old and cultivate new acquaintances. The association grounds are at Audubon. Transcribed February, 2025 by Cheryl Siebrass from History of Audubon and Audubon County, Iowa, The Eden of the West., 1887, pp. 23-24. |