Miss Ruth Margaret Taplin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taplin, 1017 Walker street, has been called to service in the women's reserve of the marine corps. She will leave Sunday morning and begin classes in Hunter college, New York City, Monday. Formerly employed in the superintendent's office at Rath Packing company, Miss Taplin was inducted April 18.
Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - June 13, 1943 (photo included)
Pvt. Ruth Taplin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Taplin, 1017 Walker street, a member of the marine corps women's reserve, has been assigned to quartermaster school at Camp Lejeune, New River, N.C. Upon graduation from the quartermaster course there, she will receive a corporal rating. Entering the marine reserve on June 13, she has just completed her basic training course at Hunter college, N.Y.
Source: The Courier, Waterloo, IA - July 29, 1943