Sisters Enlist in WAVES
Among the Davenport girls enlisting in the WAVES are two sisters, the Misses Maxine and Nadean Keefer, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Keefer, 1211 Bridge avenue. Their preliminary training will be taken at Hunter college in New York.
Source: The Daily Times, July 17, 1943 (photo included)
Three Local WAVES Serve in Washington
Three Davenport young women who are among the women reservists now on duty with the navy in Washington, D.C. are Fern Helen Cather, yeoman third class, whose husband, Thomas R. Cather, lives at 1924 Virginia Avenue; Maxine Keefer, yeoman third class, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J.L. Keefer, 1211 Bridge avenue; and Jeanette D. Herman, seaman, first class, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Herman, 2640 Harrison street.
Yeoman Cather reported for duty Sept 13, of this year, and is now stationed in the office of the vice chief of naval operations for air. She enlisted in the navy July 29 of this year and prior to that time she was employed as a secretary.
Yeoman Keefer was assigned to duty at the nation's capital Sept 11 of this year and is serving in the navy department's headquarters there. She enlisted in the navy July 21 of this year and before that time was employed as a stenographer. She was graduated from Davenport high school.
Seaman Herman has been stationed in the bureau of yards and docks since May 3, of this year. She is a graduate of Davenport high school and prior to her entrance into service Feb 4 of this year, worked as a blueprint file clerk.
All young women received their basic training at Hunter college, N.Y.
Source: The Daily Times, October 5, 1943
Sisters and Brother Help Uncle Sam
The war news is a personal matter with Mr. and. Mrs J.L. Keefer of 1211 Bridge avenue, Davenport, for they have a son and two daughters who have enlisted in Uncle Sams forces.
Their son, Wayne, is a master sergeant in the signal corps and has been overseas in the European area for two years He has been in the service for eight years.
Two daughters, Nadean and Maxine, enlisted in the WAVES last August, going to Hunter college, New York, for their boot training. The former, who was home early in December, is a storekeeper, third class, and is stationed at Arlington, Va.
Her sister, Maxine, is a yeoman, third class, and is home now on her first furlough. She is stationed in Washington, D.C. and will leave for the east next Monday.
Source: The Daily Times, February 10, 1944 (individual pictures included)
Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Maxine M. Keefer, a specialist "Q", first class, in the WAVES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Keefer of 1211 Bridge avenue, Davenport, who are at present in California, to Malvern K. Iles, son of Mrs. Otillie Iles of 2404 Pershing avenue and grandson of Mrs. Mathilde F. Koehler of this city. No date is set for the wedding.
Miss Keefer, who is a graduate of the Davenport high school, has been in the service since August 1943. She has been stationed in Washington, D.C. since receiving her basic training at Hunter college.
Mr. Iles is a graduate of Wentworth Military academy in Lexington, Mo., and he attended the Iowa State collage at Ames, majoring in engineering prior to entering the service about two years ago. He is in the navy air corps, and after training in Murray, Ky., Athens, Ga., Glenview, Ill., and Corpus Christi, Tex. was transferred to Pensacola Fla., where he will receive his wings and the commissioned an ensign this spring.
Source: The Daily Times, May 1, 1945 (photo included)
Transcriber Note: Extra research taken to verify the spelling of her maiden name. Highschool graduation and other documentation spells the name Keefer.