CALLED -- Miss Betty Boulton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Boulton, of Columbus City, who enlisted in the WAAC April 3 will report at Ft. Des Moines Tuesday and will be sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., for training as an officer. She has been engaged in social service work in Davis county, Ia., for the past year.
Source: Quad City Times, June 1, 1943 (photo included)
Brother and Sister in Service Visit Junction
Columbus Junction - A brother and sister, both in the armed forces, were visitors at the same time at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Boulton.
V.R. (Jack) Boulton, A.R.T., who has been with the armed forces in Northern Africa and Sicily, returned for a 30-day visit. His sister Elizabeth (Betty) Boulton 3rd WAC T/c of Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., returned on a several days leave.
Source: Muscatine Journal News-Tribune, September 7, 1943 (photo included)
Cpl. Boulton Of WACs Assigned To New Duties
Columbus Junction -- Cpl. Elizabeth M. (Betty) Boulton, who has been stationed with the WACs at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., has recently been transferred, destination and purpose censured at this time.
Source: Muscatine Journal News-Tribune, October 16, 1943