Source: The Mt. Pleasant News, August 1945


The following are serving in the Armed Forces: 

Roy Nimocks, Infantry, Germany. 

Russell Nimocks, Navy, San Diego, California 

Carl E. Johnson, Aviation mechanic 

George Nelson, Hospital corps. 

Edward S. Lundgren, 27th Evacuation Hospital, Germany. 

Herschel Lindeen, Signal Corps, 9th Air Force in Germany, now in U.S. 

Pfc. Nimrod A. Ebb, jr., wounded in action in St. Lo, France, Aug. 11, 1944, now in U.S. 

Kenneth Ebb, A. S. U. S. N. R., Philadelphia, Penn. 

Major Leslie Lindeen, M. C. Hq. Hq. Sq. 30 Air Depot Group in Tirelemont, Belgium. 

Pvt. Arvid Anderson, Co. A. 106th I.T.B. 27th I.T.R. Camp Maxey, Tex. 

Lt. (jg.) Melvin Bergstron, U.S.S. Birmingham, somewhere in Pacific. 

S/Sgt. Carl R. Nelson, Co. M, 118th Infantry, France. 

Capt. Robert Wray, prisoner of war in Japan in fall of Bataan. 

Pfc. Glenn C. Sisler, jr, in Manila, Philippines, Army Air corps. 

Cpl. John E Chrisinger, Army Air Force, Scott Field, Ill. 

Sgt. Claire Hedlund, M.P. Manila, Philippines. 

S K 3-C, Alvin Mo bo, Construction Battalion, Okinawa. 

Paid the supreme sacrifice: 

Robert Wiltgren, husband of Irene Lundgren Wiltgren, Chicago, Killed June 16, 1945, off coast of Okinawa. 


Sgt. James Rizer has received an discharge from the army and is at Olds with Mrs. Rizer and Susan Jane. 

Robert Ehrhart and La Mar J. Ehrhart, S 2/c, have received new addresses which friends may get from their grandmother, Mrs. Cora Bishop on N. Lincoln street. 

T Sgt. Dale Lanferman is home on a furlough after 35 months duty in the Pacific. (cont. on next page) 

Pfc. Delbert Jordan, who has been with the 13th airborne division in Europe, arrived in the states on Monday and expects to be home soon. 

Ph. M. 2-c Otho Miner, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ralph Miner arrived Saturday for a 30 day leave. He has been in serice on Saipan and will report to Des Moines following his leave. On Monday evening he spoke before the Rotary club. 

Capt. Earl Miner entered the hospital at Grand Island, Ne., on Saturday. 

Sgt. John L. Bare, visted here last week with his sister, Mrs. Clarence Graber. Sgt. Bare, who participated in the Italian campaign, has received his discharge on the point system. He has been awarded the bronze star, purple heart, a campaign ribbon with five stars, the good conduct medal with 3 year clasp and the pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon. 

S 1/C Willis Bain telephoned to his wife this morning from Long Beach, Calif., stating that he had arrived back in the states after four months service in the Philippines with the landing craft infantry. He is to report to San Francisco for a months training and is hoping to get home for a leave shortly after that. 

With the 54th T.C. F. S. P. D. in New Orleans, La., Pfc Sidney Hammond has been promoted to rank of Corporal Technician according to word received by his wife and children at Mt. Union. 

Captain William Watts, his wife Grace, and baby Betty, left on Monday morning for New York state. Captain Watts is to take further training in flying at an Army air base near West Point. Mrs. Watts and baby who have been making their home at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Watts at Hillsboro, plan to stay at West Point with him. 

Tech. Sgt. Donald Alexander arrived in New York Tuesday after 30 months in North Africa. He is a son of Mr. and Mr.s Iliff Alexander. 

Word has been received that Earnest Morrow has recently been promoted to the rank of sergeant. He is with a railroad battalion. 

Pvt. Henry E. Ericson after spending a short furlough with home folks while being transferred from Camp Hood, Texas, to Ft. Riley, Kansas, has been transferred from there to Ft. Ord, California. His present address is Pvt. Henry E. Ericson 37367171 Co. A 6th Regt. Inf A. G. F. R. D. 2 Ft. Ord, Calif. 

Source: The Mount Pleasant News, Wed., August 22, 1945, pg 2

Cpl. John Isom 

Memorial Service For Cpl. John Isom Held at Winfield 

Winfield – Memorial services for Corporal John A. Isom, killed in Germany on September 16, 1944, were held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the Winfield Scott township cemetery with services in charge of the Winfield American Legion Post. “Old Rugged Cross” - sung by male quartet; prayer, Rev. Max Fisk, pastor of the Open Bible church; reading of scripture, Rev. Max Fisk; reading of obituary, Rev. Max Fisk; “Rock of Ages” sung by male quartet; prayer, Rev. John C. Porath, pastor of Methodist church; bugle call by James Bellamy. Quartet members were Robert Johnson, Rev. John C. Porath, Rev. Max Fisk and Ralph Gorham. 

Those from a distance here for the services were: Mrs. John A. Isom, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Biederbeck and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Biederbeck of Tuolon, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Newell Mink and family of Moline, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bowes and daughters of Barstaw, Ill., Howard Isom of Marion, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bradford of Washington. 

Source: The Mount Pleasant News, Tues., August 28, 1945, pg 2 

With County Men and Women In the U.S. Service 

Mrs. Wilma Wilson, Hillsboro, has received word that her husband, Dale Wilson, of the U.S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Antietam has been promoted to Shipcook 3-c. 

Cpl. Milan Ross has returned to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., after a 3 days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ross. 

Harold Olson, S 1-c, of Wright Junior college at Chicago, was home for the week-end. The radar course he was taking has been discontinued. 

Aboard the USS Essex in the Pacific: Dale I. Thornburg, 19, seaman, second class, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thornburg, Route 1, Lowell, serves aboard this carrier which steamed close to the shores of Tokyo with Task Force 28 to launch her plances against the remaining strength of the enemy in the final days of the war. 

All hands answered reveille several hours before sunrise that morning. They had had their breakfast and were waiting at their stations for the first light of dawn when the deafening roar of the flight of fighters took off one by one, followed by the bombers and torpedo planes. 

Hundreds of Jap planes were destroyed on the ground, but few were sent up to challenge the attacks. The few that dared to fly out to the Task Force never returned. 

Pfc. Dale Smith and Rodney Sanders, MM3-c, met the week end on August 18 and 19 on Okinawa and spent the two days together. They report that they had a grand time together discussing home and “good old Mt. Pleasant.” (cont. next page) 

T. Sgt. Harold Livix and Mrs. Livix left this morning for Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where Sgt. Livix will report for duty following a 30 day furlough. Mrs. Livix will remain for a few days. 

Pfc. Delbert Jordan arrived Thursday for a 30 day furlough here after service with the 13th airborne division in the ETO. Pfc. Jordan will report to Jefferson Barracks following his furlough. 

New Address: Pvt. Donald L. Fraser 37861052, Co. A, 104th I T B, 75th I T R, Camp Robinson, Ark., Box 129. 

New Address: Wendell Fraser, S 3-c, ?22-01-31, USN Dist. Center, Shoemaker, Calif. 

Source: The Mount Pleasant News, Tues., August 28, 1945, pg 2