Scott County

Miss Marieellen Kiel



Active in USO

Miss Marieellen Kiel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Kiel of 1516 East High street, Davenport, has been named program chairman of the Scott county USO to succeed Mrs. John Seaton who is joining her husband in the state of Washington. Mrs. Seaton's work has been outstaying for two and a half years, not only for the time and effort expended but for the abilities displayed.

Assisting Miss Kiel will be the Misses Arline Melby, Ruth Burge, Vicki Vagenas, Mary Louise Brown, Dorothy Graaf and Phyllis Stevenson. The committee will have the responsibility of entertainment, parties and special dances.

Source: The Daily Times, February 7, 1945 (photo included)