Des Moines in the Services
Babette Frankel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frankel, 301 Towanda drive, is serving in Persia as an American Red Cross staff assistant. She is a graduate of Roosevelt High school and the State University of Iowa.
Source: The DesMoines Tribune, August 7, 1945 (photo included)
Miss Frankel Returns Here
Babette Frankel has arrive in Des Moines after spending a year in Persia and Egypt with the American Red Cross.
Before returning she visited a few weeks with her sister in Los Angeles, Cal. She will visit until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frankel, 301 Tonawanda drive, and will then leave to spend the summer at Lake Okoboji.
Source: The DesMoines Register, June 26, 1946