Story County

Leroy M. Apple


Leroy Apple Is In Charge of an Army “Canine” Brigade

Another Nevada boy is doing an interesting piece of work – Leroy M. Apple, member of the U.s. Coast Guard for over a year who is now stationed at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Clinton, Okla., where he is in charge of the complement of Coast Guard Sentry Dogs.

Apple was the subject of a feature story entitled “The Man of the Week” which appeared in The Duster, the naval air station’s publication of January 24. A pen-picture of Apple accompanied the story.

Previous to being sent to Clinton, Okla., Apple was sent to the War Dog Reception Center at Fort Robinson, Nebraska for three months of special training, where he graduated and was given his present assignment.

For nine years prior to his enlistment in the Coast Guard Service, Apple worked as property man for the Paramount Studios in Hollwood (sic). His wife lives in Los Angeles, where he owns his own home. The Duster says his “hobby" is inventing, and he is taking out patents on several kitchen utensils of his own design.

Mr. Apple attended the Nevada schools but went west before completing high school. Later, realizing his mistake, he studied nights and got his high school credits. He was born in Nevada 34 years ago.

His earlier days on the west coast were spent in charge of the Welty show ponies.

Source: The Nevada Journal, Nevada, Iowa, February 04, 1944