Dickinson County

Lt. Thomas Rush

Our Neighbors in the Services

Milford, Iowa – Dickinson County is sending another chaplain into the service within a short time. He is Rev. Thomas Rush, treasurer of the La Salette Missionary College at Terrace Park on West Okoboji Lake. He has received his commission as first lieutenant and has been sworn in. He expects his first active duty will be attendance at the chaplains’ army school at Harvard University. Until he is called he will continue his work with the La Salette congregation and reside at the college. Rev. Father Rush is the first Catholic chaplain to go from this county. He came here in 1939 from Hartford, Conn.

Source: Sioux City Journal, June 11, 1943 (photo included)

***Further Research:

Thomas Joseph Rush was born Aug. 1, 1911 to James and Bridget Cosgrove Rush. He died Feb. 17, 1985 and is buried in Mount Saint Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield, CT. 

Source: ancestry.com