Plymouth County

T/5 Harry G. Reynolds



Cpl. Bevo Reynolds and wife arrived here late Thursday from Albuquerque, N. M., to spend a furlough in the home of his mother, Mrs. C. A. Reynolds and family. Cpl. Reynolds is in the quartermaster’s corps, attached to the air force and entered the service September 5, 1942. He is a former printer of The Globe-Post. Mrs. Reynolds, the former Myrna Dose, a nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital, is employed in a doctor’s office at Albuquerque.

Mrs. C.A. Reynolds has another son, Harry Reynolds, in the army on the West Coast, and a daughter, Odette Reynolds, a member of the WAVES.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 19, 1943


With the First Cavalry Division Field Artillery in Manila—A field artilleryman that has helped pave the way for dismounted cavalry men of the famous first cavalry division in their fight to wrest control of the capitol city of the Philippines from Japanese forces is Tec. 5 Harry G. Reynolds, whose mother, Mrs. Hulda Reynolds, lives at 404 Central ave. SE, LeMars.

His field artillery battalion was responsible for destroying several of the Jap fortified positions in Southern Manila. Many of the field artillery battalions of the cavalry division engaged the Japs in artillery duels. In every case Jap artillery pieces were completely knocked out.

His battalion, commanded by Lt. Col. Hugh H. Kennedy, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was attached to the first cavalry division artillery commanded by Brigadier General Rex E. Chandler of San Antonio, Tex.  The battalion is now in its fourth major Pacific campaign. Most of the artillerymen in the battalion are veterans of the New Guinea, Biak Island and Leyte Island campaigns.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, March 19, 1945

*** Further Research:

Harry Glenn Reynolds was born Oct. 28, 1911 to Cleveland Alexander and Adeline Hulda Bertha Jaacks Reynolds. He died Jan. 15, 1976 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA.
