Buena Vista County

Pvt. Mike G. Peterson -- Name Corrected to:
Pvt. Marvin Graham Peterson 





Our Neighbors in the Service

Linn Grove, Iowa—Private Mike G. (Correction: Marvin Graham) Peterson, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Peterson of Linn Grove, completed in the Marine record rifle match held at Camp Matthews, California. He is now and was awarded the sharpshooter cross at his graduation from basic training.

Source: Sioux City Journal, Sept. 30, 1943

Marvin Graham Peterson was born June 21, 1925 to Milo and Coral Graham Peterson. He died (probably Feb.) 1945 and is buried in Barnes Township Cemetery, Linn Grove, IA. He was initially buried in the 5th Marine Division Cemetery on Iwo Jima.

Pvt. Peterson served in World War II with the U.S. Marine Corps 1st Provisional Marine Brigade, 3rd Amphibious Corps (IIIAC) and participated in combat operations until KIA. 

Source: ancestry.com