Plymouth County

Warren Nitzschke



NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Nitzschke of Remsen are in receipt of a letter from their son, Lyle Nitzschke, in Belgium, announcing a meeting with his cousin, Warren Nitzschke, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H.  Nitzschke.  He said he was sitting alone in a corner when he was tapped on the shoulder, and there stood Warren.  He was given a day off and the cousins had a splendid time. The two were then located within 10 miles of each other and said that while in England they were by 60 miles apart.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, November 21, 1944

***Further Research:

Warren Scott Nitzschke was born Nov. 16, 1920 to Otto Henry and Eda B. Scott Nitzschke. He died Sept. 26, 2004 and is buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Waterloo, IA. 
