Dickinson County


Pvt. Wiley Roy Lambert





Nine More County Men Called To Colors

Nine more of Dickinson county’s young men have been called for selective service in the United States Army and are to report to the local board at Spirit Lake, at 8 a.m. on May 7, 1941, and will be sent to an induction station of the United States Army at Omaha, Neb.
They are as follows:
Clarence John Majerus
Fritz Wedeking
Floyd Eugene Haas
Robert Louis Dean
Anthony Edward Theesfield
Arnold Russel Hawk
Blain William Breitwiser
William Raymond Shelledy
Wiley Roy Lambert
Because one or more of the men named above may not be inducted at the induction station by the armed forces, the following named men may be required as replacements:
Claude John Stratman
Lester Woodrow Hollander.

Source: The Lake Park News, Thursday, May 8, 1941

Word has been received from Wiley Lambert that his address has been changed from San Francisco to Pvt. Wiley Lambert, Co. I, 53rd Infantry, Hills Field, Ogden, Utah.

Source: Spirit Lake Beacon, Thursday, January 1, 1942

Cpl. Wiley Lambert Was Honored at Dinner—

Cpl. Wiley Lambert, who came Oct. 19 to spend a 25-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert, was honored at a dinner Sunday in the Chester Phillips home.  The dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Misses Maud and Bell Lambert to honor their brother and nephew.  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Lambert and Marguerite and the honored guest were included in the courtesy.

Cpl. Lambert has spent 28 months in the Alaskan area and was recently returned to the States to Camp Swift, Texas.

Source: The Spirit Lake Beacon, November 2, 1944

Mrs. Muriel Weaver Married to Wiley Lambert, Nov. 17th

The bridegroom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lambert of Spirit Lake, served four and one-half years in the Army and received his discharge in September, 1945.

Source: The Ruthven Free Press, Wednesday, November 27, 1946

***Further Research:

Wiley Roy Lambert was born Sept. 16, 1919 to John Samuel Roy and Josephine Berg Lambert. He died Jan. 13, 2001 and is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Ruthven, IA.

Source: ancestry.com