Plymouth County

Wm. Kramer Jr.



Our Neighbors in the Service.

Remsen, Iowa --- William C. Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer, departed for Lawrence, Kansas, where he will enroll for the v-12 college program.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, July 5 , 1943

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kramer enjoyed a visit from their son Wm. Kramer Jr, on Navy leave and who arrived last Thursday, departing today to report for duty Friday. Young Bill entered the Navy, July 1, and for four months attended classes at Kansas University, at Lawrence, after which he spent two months at the Great Lakes naval training station where he completed his basic training December 29. He now is rated as a Seaman second class, and on his return to the Great Lakes will be transferred to some naval hospital as a hospital apprentice, second class.

Source: The Remsen Bell-Enterprise, January 6, 1944

***Further Research:

William Charles Kramer was born Feb. 16, 1926 to William A. and Eleanor Mildred Wellendorf Kramer.
