Plymouth County

Pvt. Arthur G. Kellen



More Men Leave Friday For Army
Were Accepted For Service Week Earlier

Twenty-four Plymouth county young men who were accepted for army service March 12 left Friday by bus for Fort Crook , Nebraska , to start their military service. Six men who had been accepted for the navy and marines at the time these men were examined report as called for those branches and some were already in service. The group leaving Friday included the following:

Raymond E. Fredricksen, Akron

Robert E. Keene, Remsen

Edward M. Marso, LeMars

Virgil L. Knorr, LeMars

Errol L. McCarty, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Roman L. Kosse, Remsen

Harley R. Hiemstra, Philadelphia, PA

Ross H. King, LeMars

Arthur G. Kellen, LeMars

Robert J. Glaser, LeMars

John L. Conover, LeMars

James C. Miller, Jr., Merrill

Ronald J. Meyers, Herrold

Carroll S. Davis, Everett, Wash.

Henry W. Ommen, LeMars

Elwyn D. Woodley, Seattle, Wash.

Clarence J. Miller, Merrill

Anselm N. Scholer, Remsen

Daniel E. Raub, Portland, Ore.

Vernon C. Ewin, LeMars

Virgil E. Campbell, Sioux City

Arden W. Reemts, Sioux City

Richard E. Albert, LeMars

Kenneth W. Schweitzberger, Kingsley

New orders received by the selective service board restrict release for publication of men called during any quota period and names of men cannot be given out by the board until they have been accepted for service. Dates of induction, induction center and mode of travel are also considered secret military information.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, March 23, 1943



Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kellen have received another letter from their son, Pvt. Art Kellen, in which he tells about moving from a foxhole into the luxury of a boxcar, which, since the shrapnel holes have been stuffed up and the leaks fixed, is considered the height of luxury at the front. “They say a GI’s home is where he hangs his helmet,” he wrote, and “I hope soon I can hang my helmet back of the door in a certain little home in LeMars, and forget about it.”

The soldier mentioned that army photographers took pictures of himself and others, and that his face might appear in the newsreels.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, February 5, 1945

***Further Research:

Arthur Gordon Kellen was born Nov. 2, 1922 to Nicholas J. “Nick" and Clara Wenner Kellen. He died Jan. 12, 1991 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, LeMars, IA. 
