Plymouth County

Cpl. Herbert Doering




NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Pfc. Herbert Doering arrived in LeMars Thursday to visit his wife, the former Darlene Long, and son, Dennis, and also his mother, Mrs. Geo. Doering, who is recovering from an operation at the Sacred Heart Hospital. Pfc. Doering is stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and will leave Saturday.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, July 25, 1944

NEWS of the Boys in the Service 

Cpl. Herbert Doering of Fort Knox, Kentucky, is spending a 14-day furlough with his wire and son, Dennis, in LeMars.  He will report back to Fort Knox when his furlough is up.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, November 21, 1944

***Further Research:

Herbert Norman Doering was born July 14, 1920 to Albert Benjamin and Katherine Lubben Doering. He died June 4, 2002 and is buried in Bayview Cemetery, Bellingham, WA. 
