Plymouth County

Lt. Ronald J. Dirks




Our Neighbors in the Service

Akron, Iowa:
Ronald Dirks, son of Henry Dirks, will soon complete his training at the combat crew training school, Sioux City, and will be ready to go overseas.

Source:  The Sioux City Journal, July 7, 1944


Akron, Ia.—Second Lt. Ronald J. Dirks, 22, of Akron, Ia., bombardier on a 15th air force Flying Fortress, has been promoted to first lieutenant.  A member of the oldest heavy bombardment group in the Mediterranean theater of operations, Lt. Dirks has flown 24 combat missions.  He was a student at Iowa State University when he entered the aviation cadets in February, 1943.  He completed the advanced phase of his training at Carlsbad, N.M., winning his wings in April, 1944.  Lt Dirks wears the air medal with one oak leaf cluster.

Source: The Sioux City Journal, April 18, 1945

***Further Research:

Ronald John Dirks was born Jan. 18, 1922 to Henry and Ethel C. Bruns Dirks. He died Oct. 5, 2011 and is buried in Shain Memorial Cemetery, Ash Hill, MO.
