Carroll County

Leonard S. Sturm, S 2/c



Pre-Induction Physicals For Sixteen Men

Sixteen men left Carroll Thursday night for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to report for pre-induction physical examinations, Miss Lois Kerper, clerk of the selective service board here, announced.

The men will return to their homes after completion of examinations. Those accepted will await calls for duty in the various branches of the armed services.

The contingent included:  Templeton—Leonard S. Sturm.

Source:  Carroll Times Herald, December 29, 1944

10 Men Leave on Wednesday For Induction

Ten Carroll County men left the city last night for final induction in the armed services at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Miss Lois Kerper, clerk of the selective service board, announced.

The contingent included:  Leonard S. Sturm, Templeton.

Source:  Carroll Times Herald, February 15, 1945


Great Lakes, Ill. (AP)—Five Carroll County, Iowa, men are receiving their initial naval indoctrination at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill.  They are:
Eugene J. Greteman, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clement E. Greteman, Arcadia;
Henry J. Seidl, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Seidl, Dedham;
Leonard S. Sturm, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Sturm, Route 1, Templeton;
Raymond M. Schaeuble, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Schaeuble, Templton;
Earl R. Davis, 22, husband of Mrs. Marjorie L. Davis, Templeton.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, March 5, 1945

Templeton—(THNS)—Pfc. Edward A. Sturm, who had been home on a 10-day furlough, left from here to report at Ft. Benning, Ga.  Pfc. Sturm has been in the Army since the first of December, 1941, and has been overseas 18 months.  His brother, Leonard S. Sturm, S 2/c, who was home on leave some time ago, is addressed in care of the Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif.  The servicemen are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Sturm, living southeast of Templeton.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, May 31, 1945

***Further Research:

Leonard Stephen Sturm was born Nov. 4, 1926 to Wolfgang and Frances Hacker Sturm. He died Feb. 9, 1994 and is buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Carroll, IA. Leonard served with the U.S. Navy in World War II.
