Carroll County

Sgt. Lewis J. Schmitz



Miss Yvonne Mooney Bride of Lewis J. Schmitz Today

Westside (THNS)
—Miss Yvonne L. Mooney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mooney of Westside, became the bride of Lewis J. Schmitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitz of Arcadia, at a ceremony performed at 8:30 this morning in St. John’s Church at Arcadia. The Rev. Mathias Stork followed the double-ring ceremony with the nuptial mass.
After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz will return to Westside, where they will make their home with the bride’s parents for the present.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, April 21, 1942


Honoring Lewis Schmitz, who left Friday for the armed forces, a farewell supper was given by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rupiper at their home near Templeton Wednesday evening. The after supper hours were spent socially.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitz, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schmitz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Speyer and daughter, Leo, Bertilla and Norma Jean Schmitz and Alice Vonnahme, all of Arcadia; Mrs. Leonard Rupiper of Crofton, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rupiper and sons.

Thursday evening the same group gathered at the Peter Schmitz residence at Arcadia and at a late hour accompanied Lewis to the bus enroute to Camp Dodge.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, November 18, 1942


Pvt. Lewis J. Schmitz, who left Carroll for army service on Nov. 13, has been sent to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schmitz. His address is: Co. B., 56th Bn., 12 Tng. Regt., Platoon 3, Hutment 26, Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark., U.S. Army.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, November 28, 1942


Mrs. Lewis Schmitz returned home Monday morning from Little Rock, Ark., where she had spent the past months with her husband, Pvt. Lewis Schmitz. Pvt. Schmitz is being transferred to Mississippi, where he will be stationed at Cam Van Dorn.

Source: Carroll Times Herald, January 6, 1943


Arcadia (THNS)
—Sgt. Lewis Schmitz and Cpl. Leo Schmitz, who served in the army 37 months and 36 months respectively, have returned home as dischargees.

Lewis Schmitz, who was attached to the 3942nd Quartermaster company, was in the Persian Gulf command in Iran and also in the China-Burma-India theater for 31 months.

Leo Schmitz was stationed most recently at the Atlanta air base, Atlanta, Ga.

The two are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Schmitz of Arcadia. They will assist their father in the hardware and implement business there.

Source: Carroll Time Herald, December 14, 1945

***Further Research:

Lewis Joseph Schmitz was born July 17, 1920 to Peter H. and Mayme Hugeback Schmitz. He died Nov. 14, 2003 and is buried in Saint Johns Catholic Cemetery, Arcadia, IA. 
