Plymouth County

Lt. Robert Roseberry



Lt. Robt. Roseberry will return to Luke Field, Phoenix, Arizona, Tuesday morning, after spending a short furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roseberry. Bob is a pilot in the air corps and received his wings Monday, August 30.

Source: LeMars Sentinel, September 7, 1943

Lt. Robert Roseberry arrived from the Hawaiian Islands on Friday evening and will spend a 30-day furlough in the home of his mother, Mrs. Helen Roseberry.

Source: LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, Dec. 19, 1944

Was Rescued From Pacific Uninjured

Lieut. Robert Roseberry, who has been one of the Mustang pilots participating in the attacks on the Japanese islands, had to bail out May 29, as he was returning to Iwo Jima, his home base, and spent two or three hours in the water before he was picked up by a rescue ship. His letter gave few particulars but apparently on his return trip the engine of his pursuit plane failed to function and he parachuted to the Pacific, where the rubber raft kept him afloat until a rescue ship came along. He as back at his home base in Iwo Jima when he wrote the letter June 2. He came through the experience without any serious injury.

Source: LeMars Sentinel, June 15, 1945

***Further Research:

Robert Haas “Bob” Roseberry was born Dec. 20, 1921 to Clarence DePue and Helen Haas Roseberry. He died Mar. 17, 2015 and is buried in Memorial Cemetery, LeMars, IA. Bob retired from the U.S. Air Force with the rank of Major. He flew the P-51 Mustang on long-range missions from Iwo Jima to Japan in World War II and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Purple Heart and three campaign medals.  
