Plymouth County

Lt. Robert E. Reeves





Robert E. Reeves, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves, is stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas, where he is in officer’s training infantry.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 26, 1943


Camp Barkeley, Tex.—In a move designed to ultimately relieve thousands of medical officers for duties more demanding of their complete professional knowledge, the second six-week class of the school for medical administrative corps officers recently began training here. Among officers in the class is Lt. Robert Ellsworth Reeves, 24, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves, 334 First ave. S.E., LeMars. Purpose of the school is to train the officers for the duties of battalion surgeon’s assistants, to replace medical officers who serve in battalion aide stations. Located a few hundred yards to the rear of the battalion in combat that it supports, the station receives and treats slight casualties and renders emergency treatment, such as the administration of blood plasma, to the seriously wounded. Its principal purpose, however, is to supervise swift evacuation of the serious cases by litter to the rear.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, March 20, 1944

For Efficiency And Devotion To Duty

With the 80th Infantry Division in France.—Major General Horace L. McBride, commanding general of the 80th infantry division, has announced that 2nd Lt. Robert E. Reeves of Co. A, 305th medical battalion, has been awarded the bronze star for meritorious service in France.

During the period October 11, 1944, to November 15, 1944, 2nd Lt. Reeves distinguished himself in performing his duties as litter and liaison officer in an outstanding manner, and his willingness to expose himself to constant danger has been responsible for the efficiency of his company’s evacuation system. The fearlessness, leadership and constant devotion to duty displayed by 2nd Lt. Reeves reflect great credit upon himself and the armed forces of the United States.

Lt. Reeves is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves, residing at 334 First Ave. SE, LeMars. He entered the service on April 6, 1943.

Source: LeMars Sentinel, January 19, 1945


Robert Reeves, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.L. Reeves, has been promoted from second to first lieutenant in the front-line medical unit in which he has been serving under fire for months. He sent home the insignia from a Nazi officer’s uniform. He captured the officer while in no-man’s land, bringing in wounded. Of equal interest to his parents is the shoulder patch of the 80th Division, showing the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, where the 80th was activated.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, February 22, 1945

Robert Ellsworth Reeves was born June 7, 1919 to Jessie L. and Mabel R. McDonald Reeves. He died Aug. 4, 2005 and is buried in Memorial Cemetery, LeMars, IA.
