Adams County

T/Sgt. Ronald B. Kneller


Social News

A one o’clock dinner was served Sunday, January 9 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young. The occasion honored Duane Birt and Ronald Kneller who are leaving for service this week. Ronald was formerly employed at the Consolidate Aircraft Corp., San Diego, California. He will report at Des Moines Tuesday, Jan. 11 and hopes to enter the Air Corps. Duane has enlisted in the Merchant Marines and will report for duty at New York City, leaving Prescott Wednesday, Jan. 13.

Friends and relatives enjoyed the bounteous pot-luck dinner. Those present were the honored guests, Ronald Kneller and Duane Birt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kneller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt, Mrs. Erwin Birt, Melvin and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Briles of Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradley, Carol Ann and Jinean, Council Bluffs, Orlo Olive, Corning, Everette Ellenwood, North Platte, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Showalter, Donald, Dorothy and John Showalter, Creston, Claudine Lundhigh, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Young, Carmelita and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stewart, Judy and Marilyn and the host and hostess, all of Prescott.

The afternoon was spent playing cards and visiting. The even was planned by the Loyd Young, Walter Young and Carlton Stewart families.

Source: Adams County Free Press, Corning, Iowa, Thursday, January 13, 1944, Page 4

Lt. Bickford, Sgt. Kneller Are
Reported “Missing In Action”


Bickford Over Germany
Kneller In Italy

The “missing in action” report from the War Department brought discouraging news to two more Adams County homes this week. Both messages were received Monday and concerned boys in the Air Corps, serving in the European areas, one in France and one in Italy.

Monday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kneller of Prescott were informed that their son, T-Sgt. Ronald Kneller, a gunner with a bomber crew in Italy had been missing in action since November 11, 1944. T-Sgt. Kneller had been in overseas service only a short time, leaving the states in late September. He has been in the service only since January of this year. He is 22 years old.

Source: Adams County Free Press, Corning, Iowa, Thursday, November 30, 1944, Page 1

Sgt. Ronald Kneller
Now Reported Dead

In the latter part of last November, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kneller of Prescott were notified by the War Department that their son, T/Sgt. Ronald Kneller, with a bomber crew in Italy, was missing in action. No further word was received until last week when the parents were advised that Sgt. Kneller is now listed as dead. Ronald entered military service in January, 1944 and went overseas in September of the same year. The further intensify the sorry of the Kneller family, they have received word that another son, Dale Kneller, has been wounded in the fighting on the Western Front and is now in a hospital in France.

Source: Adams County Free Press, Corning, Iowa, Thursday, March 15, 1945, Page 1

Sgt. Ronald Burdette Kneller is memorialized at the Tablets of the Missing, Florence American Cemetery in Italy. He was awarded the Air Medal and Purple Heart.
