Plymouth County

Pvt. Guy J. Harkness



Mrs. Anna M. Harkness, southwest of town, received a telegram from J. A. Uleo, Adjutant General, Washington, D.C., dated August 27, stating that her son, Pvt. Guy J. Harkness, had been wounded in the fighting in France.  The message read:

“Regret to inform you your son was seriously wounded in action in France nine August. Until new address is received, address mail for him, Private Guy H. Harkness, ASN 37489222, Hospitalized Central Postal Directory, APO 640, care Postmaster, New York, N. Y.  You will be advised as reports of his condition are received.”

Mrs. Harkness also received a letter from her son, who is in an Army hospital in England, receiving treatment. He has been presented the Purple Heart award for his injury, and stated he will send the same to his mother. Pvt. Harkness' many friends hope to soon hear that he is well on his way to complete recovery.

Source: Akron Register-Tribune, August 31, 1944


Pvt. Guy Harkness of Hawarden has been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in action in France, according to the telegram from the War Department received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harkness. Pvt. Harkness (not Hargrove) was home on furlough in May, before he was shipped overseas. He is now in an American military hospital in England.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, September 25, 1944

***Further Research:

Guy Harkness, Jr. was born Nov. 19, 1923 to Guy Everett and Anna Mae Tillotson Harkness. He died Jan. 19, 1999 and is buried in Elk Point Cemetery, Elk Point, SD. 
