Plymouth County

Lt. Donald P. Foley





Mr. and Mrs. James Foley of Eagle Grove, Minn., and their son, Donald Foley, pilot in the Army Air Corps, who is stationed in Texas, visited the past week with Mike Foley and Mrs. Elizabeth Week in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. James Foley formerly lived in Akron.

Source: LeMars Sentinel, July 18, 1944

First Lt. Donald P. Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Foley, of Eagle Lake, Minn., former Akron residents, visited at Akron a few days last week with his uncle, Michael Foley and in the homes of aunts, Mrs. Lizzie Welch and Mrs. Bess Foley, while at home on furlough from overseas service.  Lt. Foley is a vereran of more than 30 of the 8th air force’s large bombing attacks on important targets within Nazi Germany, being a navigator on a B-17 Flying Fortress.  He is a member of the 487th bombardment group, a unit of the third air division.  One of his most exciting experiences was in a flight over the oil refineries at Marseburg, when a piece of flak came through the nose of the plane and ripped off his gas mask.  He was greatly frightened, but unhurt.  Before entering the Army Air Force in February, 1943, he attended the University of Minnesota. 

Source: The LeMars Globe-Post, April 23, 1945

***Further Research:

Donald Patrick Foley was born Jan. 5, 1924 to James and Ida M. Ostrom Foley. He died May 21, 1998 and is buried in Eagle Lake Cemetery, Eagle Lake, MN.
