Dickinson County

Pvt. Gilbert H. Buchholz





Okoboji Man Is Seriously
Hurt In French Area

Mr. and Mrs. William Buchholz of Okoboji were informed by an official telegram Saturday that their son, Pvt. Gilbert H. Buckholz, 34, has been seriously wounded in action in France. He was wounded July 18, the telegram states, and a new address will be sent to his parents soon. The telegram was from the adjutant general at Washington, D. C.

Buchholtz had been in England awaiting the invasion since about Christmas time, his father believes. He had been in the army since Dec. 26, 1942, and was with the mechanized cavalry in the reconnaissance tank section. His parents are led to believe by recent magazine and newspaper articles that their son was in on one of the big tank battles in France, as the 18th is the date of some of the news stories.

The youth was home last August, having arrived August 9. He was trained at Camp Robinson, Ark., in a desert camp in California, and in Texas. He went with the invading troops into France, he was able to inform his parents. They have two letters from him from France, written June 24 and June 28. He was in good health then and said he had taken part in the invasion.

Source: The Milford Mail, Milford, Iowa, Thursday, August 10, 1944, Page 2

***Further Research:

Gilbert Herman Otto Buchholz was born July 15, 1910 to William A. and Sophie Theresa Newark Buchholz. He died Jan. 7, 2005 and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Spirit Lake, IA. Gilbert was awarded the Purple Heart.

Source: ancestry.com