Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1934 through 1936 With Surname starting with W through Z this site was last updated on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With W | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Waas, Ruth | Olson, Oscar | Waas, Ruth / Oscar Olson : 1935------------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Oscar / Ruth Waas : 1935 |
Wachholz, Elonore H | Roth, Walter W | Wachholz, Elonore H / Walter W Roth : 1935-------------------------------------------- Roth, Walter W / Elonore H Wachholz : 1935 |
Waddington, Genevieve | Johnson, Lowell | Waddington, Genevieve / Lowell Johnson : 1936---------------------------------------- Johnson, Lowell / Genevieve Waddington : 1936 |
Wagner, Agnes | Meinholdt, Louis | Wagner, Agnes / Louis Meinholdt : 1935-------------------------------------------------- Meinholdt, Louis / Agnes Wagner : 1935 |
Wagner, Anna M | Wagner, Edward | Schindelar, Anna M / Edward Wagner : 1934---------------------------------------------- Wagner, Edward / Anna M Schindelar : 1934 |
Wagner, Edward | Huber, Gladys | Huber, Gladys / Edward Wagner : 1936----------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Edward / Gladys Huber : 1936 |
Wagner, Edward | Schindelar, Anna M | Schindelar, Anna M / Edward Wagner : 1934---------------------------------------------- Wagner, Edward / Anna M Schindelar : 1934 |
Wagner, Gladys | Wagner, Edward | Huber, Gladys / Edward Wagner : 1936----------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Edward / Gladys Huber : 1936 |
Wagner, Grace | Moudry, Leonard | Wagner, Grace / Leonard Moudry : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Moudry, Leonard / Grace Wagner : 1935 |
Wagner, Harvey | Miller, Lucille | Miller, Lucille / Harvey Wagner : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Harvey / Lucille Miller : 1934 |
Wagner, Lucille | Wagner, Harvey | Miller, Lucille / Harvey Wagner : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Wagner, Harvey / Lucille Miller : 1934 |
Wagner, Luella T | Kampa, Clarence B | Wagner, Luella T / Clarence B Kampa : 1934-------------------------------------------- Kampa, Clarence B / Luella T Wagner : 1934 |
Wakeen, Audrey | Wakeen, James | Sloggy, Audrey / James Wakeen : 1935----------------------------------------------------- Wakeen, James / Audrey Sloggy : 1935 |
Wakeen, James | Sloggy, Audrey | Sloggy, Audrey / James Wakeen : 1935----------------------------------------------------- Wakeen, James / Audrey Sloggy : 1935 |
Wakefield, Louise | Wilke, Wayne | Wakefield, Louise / Wayne Wilke : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Wilke, Wayne / Louise Wakefield : 1936 |
Wallace, Everett | Barker, Frances | Barker, Frances / Everett Wallace : 1934----------------------------------------------- Wallace, Everett / Frances Barker : 1934 |
Wallace, Frances | Wallace, Everett | Barker, Frances / Everett Wallace : 1934----------------------------------------------- Wallace, Everett / Frances Barker : 1934 |
Waller, Adeline | McCormick, Joseph | Waller, Adeline / Joseph McCormick : 1936---------------------------------------------- McCormick, Joseph / Adeline Waller : 1936 |
Wallum, Sylvia | Syftestad, Percival | Wallum, Sylvia / Percival Syftestad : 1936-------------------------------------------- Syftestad, Percival / Sylvia Wallum : 1936 |
Walsh, Alice | Walsh, Chester | Nordstrom, Alice / Chester Walsh : 1936------------------------------------------------- Walsh, Chester / Alice Nordstrom : 1936 |
Walsh, Bernard | Koehler, Dorothy | Keohler, Dorothy / Bernard Walsh : 1935------------------------------------------------- Walsh, Bernard / Dorothy Koehler : 1935 |
Walsh, Chester | Nordstrom, Alice | Nordstrom, Alice / Chester Walsh : 1936------------------------------------------------- Walsh, Chester / Alice Nordstrom : 1936 |
Walsh, Dorothy | Walsh, Bernard | Keohler, Dorothy / Bernard Walsh : 1935------------------------------------------------- Walsh, Bernard / Dorothy Koehler : 1935 |
Walsh, Mark M | Klimesh, Otilia M | Klimesh, Oltilia M / Mark M Walsh : 1934----------------------------------------------- Walsh, Mark M / Otilia M Klimesh : 1934 |
Walsh, Otilia M | Walsh, Mark M | Klimesh, Oltilia M / Mark M Walsh : 1934----------------------------------------------- Walsh, Mark M / Otilia M Klimesh : 1934 |
Walshek, Joe J | Rogers, Lillian | Rogers, Lillian / Joe J Walshek : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Walshek, Joe J / Lillian Rogers : 1936 |
Walshek, Lillian | Walshek, Joe J | Rogers, Lillian / Joe J Walshek : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Walshek, Joe J / Lillian Rogers : 1936 |
Wangsness, Elmer Melvin | Lee, Hazel Orlene | Lee, Hazel Orlene / Elmer Melvin Wangsness : 1936--------------------------------- Wangsness, Elmer Melvin / Hazel Orlene Lee : 1936 |
Wangsness, Genevieve Viola | Blegen, Arthur Norton | Wangsness, Genevieve Viola / Arthur Norton Blegen : 1935----------------------- Blegen, Arthur Norton / Genevieve Viola Wangsness : 1935 |
Wangsness, Hazel Orlene | Wangsness, Elmer Melvin | Lee, Hazel Orlene / Elmer Melvin Wangsness : 1936--------------------------------- Wangsness, Elmer Melvin / Hazel Orlene Lee : 1936 |
Wangsness, Norma | Anderson, Henry O | Wangsness, Norma / Henry O Anderson : 1936-------------------------------------------- Anderson, Henry O / Norma Wangsness : 1936 |
Ward, Dorothea | Reid, Gordon | Ward, Dorothea / Gordon Reid : 1934------------------------------------------------------- Reid, Gordon / Dorothea Ward : 1934 |
Warner, Anna Pearl | Johnston, Howard W | Warner, Anna Pearl / Howard W Johnston : 1935---------------------------------------- Johnston, Howard W / Anna Pearl Warner : 1935 |
Warner, W Avis | Wellen, Judson F | Warner, W Avis / Judson F Wellen : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wellen, Judson F / W Avis Warner : 1935 |
Warren, Dorothy W | Cameron, Paul E | Warren, Dorothy W / Paul E Cameron : 1935---------------------------------------------- Cameron, Paul E / Dorothy M Warren : 1935 |
Waters, Doris Jean | Waters, Gerald George | Hart, Doris Jean / Gerald George Waters : 1936-------------------------------------- Waters, Gerald George / Doris Jean Hart : 1936 |
Waters, Everett | Nierling, Leona | Nierling, Leona / Everett Waters : 1935------------------------------------------------- Waters, Everett / Leona Nierling : 1935 |
Waters, Gerald George | Hart, Doris Jean | Hart, Doris Jean / Gerald George Waters : 1936-------------------------------------- Waters, Gerald George / Doris Jean Hart : 1936 |
Waters, Leona | Waters, Everett | Nierling, Leona / Everett Waters : 1935------------------------------------------------- Waters, Everett / Leona Nierling : 1935 |
Watson, Frances | Eggen, Milfred | Watson, Frances / Milfred Eggen : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Eggen, Milfred / Frances Watson : 1936 |
Watson, Geneva | Anderson, Hildus | Watson, Geneva / Hildus Anderson : 1936------------------------------------------------- Anderson, Hildus / Geneva Watson : 1936 |
Watson, Helen | Watson, William | Franzen, Helen / William Watson : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Watson, William / Helen Franzen : 1934 |
Watson, William | Franzen, Helen | Franzen, Helen / William Watson : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Watson, William / Helen Franzen : 1934 |
Webb, Irene | Gray, Richard | Webb, Irene / Richard Gray : 1936---------------------------------------------------------- Gray, Richard / Irene Webb : 1936 |
Weflen, Marie | Swenson, Sverre | Weflen, Marie / Sverre Swenson : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Swenson, Sverre / Marie Weflen : 1935 |
Welch, John | Mulder, Verna | Mulder, Verna / John Welch : 1935---------------------------------------------------------- Welch, John / Verna Mulder : 1935 |
Welch, Verna | Welch, John | Mulder, Verna / John Welch : 1935---------------------------------------------------------- Welch, John / Verna Mulder : 1935 |
Welda, Vira Ione | Heffner, Elwood Wilson | Welda, Vira Ione / Elwood Wilson Heffner : 1935------------------------------------ Heffner, Elwood Wilson / Vira Ione Welda : 1935 |
Wellen, Judson F | Warner, W Avis | Warner, W Avis / Judson F Wellen : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wellen, Judson F / W Avis Warner : 1935 |
Wellen, W Avis | Wellen, Judson F | Warner, W Avis / Judson F Wellen : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wellen, Judson F / W Avis Warner : 1935 |
Wells, Earl Henry | May, Hermyone Goldsmith | May, Hermyone Goldsmith / Earl Henry Wells : 1934--------------------------------- Wells, Earl Henry / Hermyone Goldsmith May : 1934 |
Wells, Hermyone Goldsmith | Wells, Earl Henry | May, Hermyone Goldsmith / Earl Henry Wells : 1934--------------------------------- Wells, Earl Henry / Hermyone Goldsmith May : 1934 |
Wells, Ruth | Keehn, Ruben | Wells, Ruth / Ruben Keehn : 1935------------------------------------------------------------ Keehn, Ruben / Ruth Wells : 1935 |
Wendling, Marion | Erickson, Everett | Wendling, Marion / Everett Erickson : 1935-------------------------------------------- Erickson, Everett / Marion Wendling : 1935 |
Wenger, Eileen | James, Louis L | Wenger, Eileen / Louis L James : 1936---------------------------------------------------- James, Louis L / Eileen Wenger : 1936 |
Wenthold, Andrew | Gossman, Dorris | Gossman, Dorris / Andrew Wenthold : 1935----------------------------------------------- Wenthold, Andrew / Dorris Gossman : 1935 |
Wenthold, Dorris | Wenthold, Andrew | Gossman, Dorris / Andrew Wenthold : 1935----------------------------------------------- Wenthold, Andrew / Dorris Gossman : 1935 |
Wereley, Ceona | Wereley, H R | Cullmann, Ceona / H R Wereley : 1936----------------------------------------------------- Wereley, H R / Ceona Cullmann : 1936 |
Wereley, H R | Cullmann, Ceona | Cullmann, Ceona / H R Wereley : 1936----------------------------------------------------- Wereley, H R / Ceona Cullmann : 1936 |
Werman, Verna | McPeak, Ward | Werman, Verna / Ward McPeak : 1935-------------------------------------------------------- McPeak, Ward / Verna Werman : 1935 |
Werr, Barbara | Johnson, E N | Werr, Barbara / E M Johnson : 1934-------------------------------------------------------- Johnson, E N / Barbara Werr : 1934 |
Wertz, Lydia M | Naney, N E | Wertz, Lydia M / N E Naney : 1934---------------------------------------------------------- Naney, N E / Lydia M Wertz : 1934 |
Wertzler, Maud | Kennedy, John Amos | Wertzler, Maud / John Amos Kennedy : 1934---------------------------------------------- Kennedy, John Amos / Maud Wertzler : 1934 |
Westby, Clifford | Ellingson, Edna Louise | Ellingson, Edna Louise / Clifford Westby : 1935------------------------------------ Westby, Clifford / Edna Louise Ellingson : 1935 |
Westby, Edna Louise | Westby, Clifford | Ellingson, Edna Louise / Clifford Westby : 1935------------------------------------ Westby, Clifford / Edna Louise Ellingson : 1935 |
Westness, Leona | Urban, Lumir | Westness, Leona / Lumir Urban : 1935----------------------------------------------------- Urban, Lumir / Leona Westness : 1935 |
Westness, Marjorie | Miller, Chester | Westness, Marjorie / Chester Miller : 1935-------------------------------------------- Miller, Chester / Marjorie Westness : 1935 |
Wheatman, Grace M | Gross, Edwin P | Wheatman, Grace M / Edwin P Gross : 1935----------------------------------------------- Gross, Edwin P / Grace M Wheatman : 1935 |
Wheatmen, Beatrice M | Luzum, John F | Wheatmen, Beatrice M / John F Luzum : 1936-------------------------------------------- Luzum, John F / Beatrice M Wheatmen : 1936 |
Wheeler, Ernest | Hussman, Louisa | Hussman, Louisa / Ernest Wheeler : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wheeler, Ernest / Louisa Hussman : 1935 |
Wheeler, Grace | Cameron, George | Wheeler, Grace / George Cameron : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Cameron, George / Grace Wheeler : 1934 |
Wheeler, Louisa | Wheeler, Ernest | Hussman, Louisa / Ernest Wheeler : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wheeler, Ernest / Louisa Hussman : 1935 |
Whetstone, Frank | McConothie, Kathryn | McConothie, Kathryn / Frank Whetstone : 1935----------------------------------------- Whetstone, Frank / Kathryn McConothie : 1935 |
Whetstone, Kathryn | Whetstone, Frank | McConothie, Kathryn / Frank Whetstone : 1935----------------------------------------- Whetstone, Frank / Kathryn McConothie : 1935 |
Whipple, Hazel | Hill, O Jay | Whipple, Hazel / O Jay Hill : 1935-------------------------------------------------------- Hill, O Jay / Hazel Whipple : 1935 |
Whisler, Florence L | Whisler, Owen C | Peterson, Florence L / Owen C Whisler : 1936----------------------------------------- Whisler, Owen C / Florence L Peterson : 1936 |
Whisler, Owen C | Peterson, Florence L | Peterson, Florence L / Owen C Whisler : 1936----------------------------------------- Whisler, Owen C / Florence L Peterson : 1936 |
White, Agnes | White, Harry W | O'Brien, Agnes / Harry W White : 1936---------------------------------------------------- White, Harry W / Agnes O'Brien : 1936 |
White, Floyd Howard | Gager, Marian Hazel | Gager, Marian Hazel / Floyd Howard White : 1936------------------------------------ White, Floyd Howard / Marian Hazel Gager : 1936 |
White, Harry W | O'Brien, Agnes | O'Brien, Agnes / Harry W White : 1936---------------------------------------------------- White, Harry W / Agnes O'Brien : 1936 |
White, Lillian | Hunter, Leonard | White, Lillian / Leonard Hunter : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Hunter, Leonard / Lillian White : 1936 |
White, Lucille | Polley, Clayton | White, Lucille / Clayton Polley : 1935-------------------------------------------------- Polley, Clayton / Lucille White : 1935 |
White, Marian Hazel | White, Floyd Howard | Gager, Marian Hazel / Floyd Howard White : 1936------------------------------------ White, Floyd Howard / Marian Hazel Gager : 1936 |
Whitehead, Lucille | Whitehead, William A | Beardsley, Lucille / William A Whitehead : 1935------------------------------------ Whitehead, William A / Lucille Beardsley : 1935 |
Whitehead, William A | Beardsley, Lucille | Beardsley, Lucille / William A Whitehead : 1935------------------------------------ Whitehead, William A / Lucille Beardsley : 1935 |
Whitney, Clayton A Jr | Ness, Juliet M | Ness, Juliet M / Clayton A Whitney Jr : 1934----------------------------------------- Whitney, Clayton A Jr / Juliet M Ness : 1934 |
Whitney, Juliet M | Whitney, Clayton A Jr | Ness, Juliet M / Clayton A Whitney Jr : 1934----------------------------------------- Whitney, Clayton A Jr / Juliet M Ness : 1934 |
Whyte, Elsie M | Burrows, J Spencer | Whyte, Elsie M / J Spencer Burrows : 1935---------------------------------------------- Burrows, J Spencer / Elsie M Whyte : 1935 |
Wickstrand, Albert Julius | Ferguson, Florence Janet | Ferguson, Florence Janet / Albert Julius Wickstrand : 1935-------------------- Wickstrand, Albert Julius / Florence Janet Ferguson : 1935 |
Wickstrand, Florence Janet | Wickstrand, Albert Julius | Ferguson, Florence Janet / Albert Julius Wickstrand : 1935-------------------- Wickstrand, Albert Julius / Florence Janet Ferguson : 1935 |
Widseth, Alice G | Widseth, Carl G | Bolke, Alice G / Carl G Widseth : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Widseth, Carl G / Alice G Bolke : 1934 |
Widseth, Carl G | Bolke, Alice G | Bolke, Alice G / Carl G Widseth : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Widseth, Carl G / Alice G Bolke : 1934 |
Wiger, Viola | Wiger, W A | Amdahl, Viola / W A Wiger : 1935------------------------------------------------------------ Wiger, W A / Viola Amdahl : 1935 |
Wiger, W A | Amdahl, Viola | Amdahl, Viola / W A Wiger : 1935------------------------------------------------------------ Wiger, W A / Viola Amdahl : 1935 |
Wiles, James A | Kochenderfer, Malinda H | Kochenderfer, Malinda H / James A Wiles : 1936-------------------------------------- Wiles, James A / Malinda H Kochenderfer : 1936 |
Wiles, Malinda H | Wiles, James A | Kochenderfer, Malinda H / James A Wiles : 1936-------------------------------------- Wiles, James A / Malinda H Kochenderfer : 1936 |
Wilhelm, Velma Ellen | DuMaz, W S | Wilhelm, Velma Ellen / W S DuMaz : 1936------------------------------------------------- DuMaz, W S / Velma Ellen Wilhelm : 1936 |
Wilke, Louise | Wilke, Wayne | Wakefield, Louise / Wayne Wilke : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Wilke, Wayne / Louise Wakefield : 1936 |
Wilke, Wayne | Wakefield, Louise | Wakefield, Louise / Wayne Wilke : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Wilke, Wayne / Louise Wakefield : 1936 |
Wilkens, Esther C | Wilkens, William H | Nordheim, Esther C / William H Wilkens : 1934---------------------------------------- Wilkens, William H / Esther C Nordheim : 1934 |
Wilkens, William H | Nordheim, Esther C | Nordheim, Esther C / William H Wilkens : 1934---------------------------------------- Wilkens, William H / Esther C Nordheim : 1934 |
Willford, Dorothy | Willford, Leon | Murdock, Dorothy / Leon Willford : 1934------------------------------------------------- Willford, Leon / Dorothy Murdock : 1934 |
Willford, Leon | Murdock, Dorothy | Murdock, Dorothy / Leon Willford : 1934------------------------------------------------- Willford, Leon / Dorothy Murdock : 1934 |
William, Ben | Bonk, Edna | Bonk, Edna / Ben William : 1936------------------------------------------------------------- William, Ben / Edna Bonk : 1936 |
William, Edna | William, Ben | Bonk, Edna / Ben William : 1936------------------------------------------------------------- William, Ben / Edna Bonk : 1936 |
Williams, Agnes | Kirchhefer, Bruno B | Williams, Agnes / Bruno B Kirchhefer : 1936------------------------------------------- Kirchhefer, Bruno B / Agnes Williams : 1936 |
Williams, Eva | Helgerson, Nels | Williams, Eva / Nels Helgerson : 1936---------------------------------------------------- Helgerson, Nels / Eva Williams : 1936 |
Williams, Evelyn | Aanas, Oberlin | Williams, Evelyn / Oberlin Aanas : 1934------------------------------------------------- Aanas, Oberlin / Evelyn Williams : 1934 |
Williams, Genevieve | Parson, Clarence E | Williams, Genevieve / Clarence E Parson : 1936-------------------------------------- Parson, Clarence E / Genevieve Williams : 1936 |
Williams, Robert E | Silvius, Willie | Silvius, Willie / Robert E Williams : 1934-------------------------------------------- Williams, Robert E / Willie Silvius : 1934 |
Williams, Willie | Williams, Robert E | Silvius, Willie / Robert E Williams : 1934-------------------------------------------- Williams, Robert E / Willie Silvius : 1934 |
Willis, Elizabeth | Fanning, Francis | Willis, Elizabeth / Francis Fanning : 1936-------------------------------------------- Fanning, Francis / Elizabeth Willis : 1936 |
Wilmutt, Leone | Coons, John | Wilmutt, Leone / John Coons : 1936-------------------------------------------------------- Coons, John / Leone Wilmutt : 1936 |
Wilson, Arlie | Witt, Violet | Witt, Violet / Arlie Wilson : 1934-------------------------------------------------------- Wilson, Arlie / Violet Witt : 1934 |
Wilson, Blanche | Thompson, John F | Wilson, Blanche / John F Thompson : 1936----------------------------------------------- Thompson, John F / Blanche Wilson : 1936 |
Wilson, Florence | Byrne, John Jr | Wilson, Florence / John Byrne Jr : 1934------------------------------------------------- Byrne, John Jr / Florence Wilson : 1934 |
Wilson, Gertrude | Carolan, Raphael | Wilson, Gertrude / Raphael Carolan : 1934---------------------------------------------- Carolan, Raphael / Gertrude Wilson : 1934 |
Wilson, Marion | Opheim, Julius W | Wilson, Marion / Julius W Opheim : 1934------------------------------------------------- Opheim, Julius W / Marion Wilson : 1934 |
Wilson, Viola Evelyn | Wilson, William Hargrave | Mills, Viola Evelyn / William Hargrave Wilson : 1934----------------------------- Wilson, William Hargrave / Viola Evelyn Mills : 1934 |
Wilson, Violet | Wilson, Arlie | Witt, Violet / Arlie Wilson : 1934-------------------------------------------------------- Wilson, Arlie / Violet Witt : 1934 |
Wilson, William Hargrave | Mills, Viola Evelyn | Mills, Viola Evelyn / William Hargrave Wilson : 1934----------------------------- Wilson, William Hargrave / Viola Evelyn Mills : 1934 |
Wiltse, Caroline | Slinger, Harold | Wiltse, Caroline / Harold Slinger : 1936----------------------------------------------- Slinger, Harold / Caroline Wiltse : 1936 |
Winch, Carmon | Hovelson, Eugene | Winch, Carmon / Eugene Hovelson : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Hovelson, Eugene / Carmon Winch : 1934 |
Winger, Hazel L | Natvig, Cliff E | Winger, Hazel L / Cliff E Natvig : 1936------------------------------------------------- Natvig, Cliff E / Hazel L Winger : 1936 |
Winters, Alberta | Winters, Eugene | Peterson, Alberta / Eugene Winters : 1935---------------------------------------------- Winters, Eugene / Alberta Peterson : 1935 |
Winters, Eugene | Peterson, Alberta | Peterson, Alberta / Eugene Winters : 1935---------------------------------------------- Winters, Eugene / Alberta Peterson : 1935 |
Wissman, Eloise E | Naas, Frederick R | Wissman, Eloise E / Frederick R Naas : 1936------------------------------------------- Naas, Frederick R / Eloise E Wissman : 1936 |
Withrow, Earl | Withrow, isabelle | Withrow, isabelle / Earl Withrow : 1936------------------------------------------------- Withrow, Earl / Isabelle Withrow : 1936 |
Withrow, isabelle | Withrow, Earl | Withrow, isabelle / Earl Withrow : 1936------------------------------------------------- Withrow, Earl / Isabelle Withrow : 1936 |
Withrow, isabelle | Withrow, Earl | Withrow, isabelle / Earl Withrow : 1936------------------------------------------------- Withrow, Earl / Isabelle Withrow : 1936 |
Witt, Violet | Wilson, Arlie | Witt, Violet / Arlie Wilson : 1934-------------------------------------------------------- Wilson, Arlie / Violet Witt : 1934 |
Wittenburg, Beverley | Wittenburg, Harry | Seabolt, Beverley / Harry Wittenburg : 1934------------------------------------------- Wittenburg, Harry / Beverley Seabolt : 1934 |
Wittenburg, Harry | Seabolt, Beverley | Seabolt, Beverley / Harry Wittenburg : 1934------------------------------------------- Wittenburg, Harry / Beverley Seabolt : 1934 |
Wittnebel, Tillie | Schaefer, John J | Wittnebel, Tillie / John J Schaefer : 1934-------------------------------------------- Schaefer, John J / Tillie Wittnebel : 1934 |
Witzke, Donald | Newell, Norah | Newell, Norah / Donald Witzke : 1934----------------------------------------------------- Witzke, Donald / Norah Newell : 1934 |
Witzke, Norah | Witzke, Donald | Newell, Norah / Donald Witzke : 1934----------------------------------------------------- Witzke, Donald / Norah Newell : 1934 |
Woellert, Edith | Woellert, Ernest | Erickson, Edith / Ernest Woellert : 1936----------------------------------------------- Woellert, Ernest / Edith Erickson : 1936 |
Woellert, Ernest | Erickson, Edith | Erickson, Edith / Ernest Woellert : 1936----------------------------------------------- Woellert, Ernest / Edith Erickson : 1936 |
Wohlert, Henry | Suffrins, Sylvia | Suffrins, Sylvia / Henry Wohlert : 1934------------------------------------------------- Wohlert, Henry / Sylvia Suffrins : 1934 |
Wohlert, Sylvia | Wohlert, Henry | Suffrins, Sylvia / Henry Wohlert : 1934------------------------------------------------- Wohlert, Henry / Sylvia Suffrins : 1934 |
Wold, Lewis | Hall, Thelma Lenore | Hall, Thelma Lenore / Lewis Wold : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wold, Lewis / Thelma Lenore Hall : 1935 |
Wold, Mabel | Sihler, Ernest | Wold, Mabel / Ernest Sihler : 1934-------------------------------------------------------- Sihler, Ernest / Mabel Wold : 1934 |
Wold, Myrtle | Quandahl, Levi | Wold, Myrtle / Levi Quandahl : 1935------------------------------------------------------- Quandahl, Levi / Myrtle Wold : 1935 |
Wold, Thelma Lenore | Wold, Lewis | Hall, Thelma Lenore / Lewis Wold : 1935------------------------------------------------- Wold, Lewis / Thelma Lenore Hall : 1935 |
Woldum, Dorothy | Woldum, Telford | Hall, Dorothy / Telford Woldum : 1936---------------------------------------------------- Woldum, Telford / Dorothy Hall : 1936 |
Woldum, Ethel | Rima, Lloyd | Woldum, Ethel / Lloyd Rima : 1936---------------------------------------------------------- Rima, Lloyd / Ethel Woldum : 1936 |
Woldum, Evelyn | Meehlhause, Gerald | Woldum, Evelyn / Gerald Meehlhause : 1934---------------------------------------------- Meehlhause, Gerald / Evelyn Woldum : 1934 |
Woldum, Melford | Hauber, Viola | Hauber, Viola / Melford Woldum : 1934---------------------------------------------------- Woldum, Melford / Viola Hauber : 1934 |
Woldum, Telford | Hall, Dorothy | Hall, Dorothy / Telford Woldum : 1936---------------------------------------------------- Woldum, Telford / Dorothy Hall : 1936 |
Woldum, Viola | Woldum, Melford | Hauber, Viola / Melford Woldum : 1934---------------------------------------------------- Woldum, Melford / Viola Hauber : 1934 |
Wolfe, Frances | Johnson, Harry | Wolfe, Frances / Harry Johnson : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Johnson, Harry / Frances Wolfe : 1935 |
Wolfs, Inga | Evenson, Alfred | Wolfs, Inga / Alfred Evenson : 1936------------------------------------------------------- Evenson, Alfred / Inga Wolfs : 1936 |
Wood, Eugene | Peterson, Martine | Peterson, Martine / Eugene Wood : 1935-------------------------------------------------- Wood, Eugene / Martina Peterson : 1935 |
Wood, Martine | Wood, Eugene | Peterson, Martine / Eugene Wood : 1935-------------------------------------------------- Wood, Eugene / Martina Peterson : 1935 |
Woosley, Dorothy M | Woosley, George B | Bucknell, Dorothy M / George B Woosley : 1935---------------------------------------- Woosley, George B / Dorothy M Bucknell : 1935 |
Woosley, George B | Bucknell, Dorothy M | Bucknell, Dorothy M / George B Woosley : 1935---------------------------------------- Woosley, George B / Dorothy M Bucknell : 1935 |
Wray, George | Keesling, Rosella | Keesling, Rosella / George Wray : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Wray, George / Rosella Keesling : 1934 |
Wray, Rosella | Wray, George | Keesling, Rosella / George Wray : 1934-------------------------------------------------- Wray, George / Rosella Keesling : 1934 |
Wright, Dorothy | Wright, George Elwin | Anderson, Dorothy / George Elwin Wright : 1936-------------------------------------- Wright, George Elwin / Dorothy Anderson : 1936 |
Wright, Elda | Wright, Thomas M | Swartz, Elda / Thomas M Wright : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Wright, Thomas M / Elda Swartz : 1935 |
Wright, George Elwin | Anderson, Dorothy | Anderson, Dorothy / George Elwin Wright : 1936-------------------------------------- Wright, George Elwin / Dorothy Anderson : 1936 |
Wright, Thomas M | Swartz, Elda | Swartz, Elda / Thomas M Wright : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Wright, Thomas M / Elda Swartz : 1935 |
Wurdell, Evelyn | Wurdell, Fred | Martin, Evelyn / Fred Wurdell : 1935----------------------------------------------------- Wurdell, Fred / Evelyn Martin : 1935 |
Wurdell, Fred | Martin, Evelyn | Martin, Evelyn / Fred Wurdell : 1935----------------------------------------------------- Wurdell, Fred / Evelyn Martin : 1935 |
Wymer, Floyd | Harders, Wilma | Harders, Wilma / Floyd Wymer : 1935------------------------------------------------------- Wymer, Floyd / Wilma Harders : 1935 |
Wymer, Wilma | Wymer, Floyd | Harders, Wilma / Floyd Wymer : 1935------------------------------------------------------- Wymer, Floyd / Wilma Harders : 1935 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With X | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Y | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Yarwood, Caroline | Hovden, Gerald | Yarwood, Caroline / Gerald Hovden : 1934----------------------------------------------- Hovden, Gerald / Caroline Yarwood : 1934 |
Yarwood, Earl Standley | Livingood, Gertrude Matilda | Livingood, Gertrude Matilda / Earl Standley Yarwood : 1936-------------------- Yarwood, Earl Standley / Gertrude Matilda Livingood : 1936 |
Yarwood, Ethel Jeanette | Fadness, Elmer Julian | Yarwood, Ethel Jeanette / Elmer Julian Fadness : 1934--------------------------- Fadness, Elmer Julian / Ethel Jeanette Yarwood : 1934 |
Yarwood, Gertrude Matilda | Yarwood, Earl Standley | Livingood, Gertrude Matilda / Earl Standley Yarwood : 1936-------------------- Yarwood, Earl Standley / Gertrude Matilda Livingood : 1936 |
Yearous, Cornelius | Severin, Gertrude | Severin, Gertrude / Cornelius Yearous : 1934----------------------------------------- Yearous, Cornelius / Gertrude Severin : 1934 |
Yearous, Gertrude | Yearous, Cornelius | Severin, Gertrude / Cornelius Yearous : 1934----------------------------------------- Yearous, Cornelius / Gertrude Severin : 1934 |
Youmans, Edward T | Kreibich, Marie | Kreibich, Marie / Edward T Youmans : 1934---------------------------------------------- Youmans, Edward T / Marie Kreibich : 1934 |
Youmans, Marie | Youmans, Edward T | Kreibich, Marie / Edward T Youmans : 1934---------------------------------------------- Youmans, Edward T / Marie Kreibich : 1934 |
Young, Arthur | Thompson, Olga | Thompson, Olga / Arthur Young : 1934----------------------------------------------------- Young, Arthur / Olga Thompson : 1934 |
Young, Helen | Young, Lester | Blegen, Helen / Lester Young : 1936------------------------------------------------------- Young, Lester / Helen Blegen : 1936 |
Young, Lester | Blegen, Helen | Blegen, Helen / Lester Young : 1936------------------------------------------------------- Young, Lester / Helen Blegen : 1936 |
Young, Olga | Young, Arthur | Thompson, Olga / Arthur Young : 1934----------------------------------------------------- Young, Arthur / Olga Thompson : 1934 |
Youngbauer, Vida | Ritscher, Ivan | Youngbauer, Vida / Ivan Ritscher : 1935------------------------------------------------- Ritscher, Ivan / Vida Youngbauer : 1935 |
Younger, Elsie | Peters, George | Younger, Elsie / George Peters : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Peters, George / Elsie Younger : 1935 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Z | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Zabel, H F | Pettit, Mrs Evelyn | Pettit, Mrs Evelyn / H F Zabel : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Zabel, H F / Mrs Evelyn Pettit : 1935 |
Zabel, Mrs Evelyn | Zabel, H F | Pettit, Mrs Evelyn / H F Zabel : 1935---------------------------------------------------- Zabel, H F / Mrs Evelyn Pettit : 1935 |
Zaborowski, Delores | Coshenet, Eugene | Zaborowski, Delores / Eugene Coshenet : 1936----------------------------------------- Coshenet, Eugene / Delores Zaborowski : 1936 |
Zabrocki, Harry | Schettler, Vivian | Schettler, Vivian / Harry Zabrocki : 1936---------------------------------------------- Zabrocki, Harry / Vivian Schettler : 1936 |
Zabrocki, Vivian | Zabrocki, Harry | Schettler, Vivian / Harry Zabrocki : 1936---------------------------------------------- Zabrocki, Harry / Vivian Schettler : 1936 |
Zachau, Charles | Sikorski, Esther | Sikorski, Esther / Charles Zachau : 1934----------------------------------------------- Zachau, Charles / Esther Sikorski : 1934 |
Zachau, Esther | Zachau, Charles | Sikorski, Esther / Charles Zachau : 1934----------------------------------------------- Zachau, Charles / Esther Sikorski : 1934 |
Zenke, Clara A | Eastman, Leland L | Zenke, Clara A / Leland L Eastman : 1934----------------------------------------------- Eastman, Leland L / Clara A Zenke : 1934 |
Zick, Myron | Rasmussen, Ruth | Rasmussen, Ruth / Myron Zick : 1936------------------------------------------------------- Zick, Myron / Ruth Rasmussen : 1936 |
Zick, Ruth | Zick, Myron | Rasmussen, Ruth / Myron Zick : 1936------------------------------------------------------- Zick, Myron / Ruth Rasmussen : 1936 |
Zilz, Louise Marie | Bowers, Denny | Zilz, Louise Marie / Denny Bowers : 1934----------------------------------------------- Bowers, Denny / Louise Marie Zilz : 1934 |
Zimmerman, Dorothea H | Zimmerman, Harold W | Affeldt, Dorothea H / Harold W Zimmerman : 1935------------------------------------ Zimmerman, Harold W / Dorothea H Affeldt : 1935 |
Zimmerman, Harold W | Affeldt, Dorothea H | Affeldt, Dorothea H / Harold W Zimmerman : 1935------------------------------------ Zimmerman, Harold W / Dorothea H Affeldt : 1935 |
Zimmerman, Mildred Marie | Zimmerman, Paul | Ebert, Mildred Marie / Paul Zimmerman : 1935----------------------------------------- Zimmerman, Paul / Mildred Marie Ebert : 1935 |
Zimmerman, Paul | Ebert, Mildred Marie | Ebert, Mildred Marie / Paul Zimmerman : 1935----------------------------------------- Zimmerman, Paul / Mildred Marie Ebert : 1935 |
Zollman, Frances | Zollman, Henry | Abrams, Frances / Henry Zollman : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Zollman, Henry / Frances Abrams : 1936 |
Zollman, Henry | Abrams, Frances | Abrams, Frances / Henry Zollman : 1936-------------------------------------------------- Zollman, Henry / Frances Abrams : 1936 |
Zweibohmer, Angela | Zweibohmer, Hugo | Bullerman, Angela / Hugo Zweibohmer : 1934-------------------------------------------- Zweibohmer, Hugo / Angela Bullerman : 1934 |
Zweibohmer, Hildegard | Powers, Joseph | Zweibohmer, Hildegard / Joseph Powers : 1934----------------------------------------- Powers, Joseph / Hildegard Zweibohmer : 1934 |
Zweibohmer, Hugo | Bullerman, Angela | Bullerman, Angela / Hugo Zweibohmer : 1934-------------------------------------------- Zweibohmer, Hugo / Angela Bullerman : 1934 |
Zweibohmer, Josephine | Bullerman, Raymond h | Zweibohmer, Joslephine / Raymond h Bullerman : 1935------------------------------ Bullerman, Raymond H / Josephine Zweibohmer : 1935 |
Zweibohmer, Olivia | Schlee, Leonard | Zweibohmer, Olivia / Leonard Schlee : 1936-------------------------------------------- Schlee, Leonard / Olivia Zweibohmer : 1936 |
Zweibohmer, Raymond | Bengfort, Winifred | Bengfort, Winifred / Raymond Zweibohmer : 1936-------------------------------------- Zweibohmer, Raymond / Winifred Bengfort : 1936 |
Zweibohmer, Winifred | Zweibohmer, Raymond | Bengfort, Winifred / Raymond Zweibohmer : 1936-------------------------------------- Zweibohmer, Raymond / Winifred Bengfort : 1936 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With z | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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