Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Marriages Celebrated in 1916 through 1919 With Surname starting with P through R this site was last updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With P | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Palmer, Kenneth R | Reed, Norma Edith | Palmer, Kenneth R / Norma Edith Reed : 1917------------------------------------------- Reed, Norma Edith / Kenneth R Palmer : 1917 |
Palmer, Norma Edith | Palmer, Kenneth R | Palmer, Kenneth R / Norma Edith Reed : 1917------------------------------------------- Reed, Norma Edith / Kenneth R Palmer : 1917 |
Panos, Emma | Panos, James | Panos, James / Emma Tupy : 1916------------------------------------------------------------- Tupy, Emma / James Panos, : 1916 |
Panos, James | Tupy, Emma | Panos, James / Emma Tupy : 1916------------------------------------------------------------- Tupy, Emma / James Panos, : 1916 |
Patterson, Ethel May | Patterson, Harvey G | Patterson, Harvey G / Ethel May Pierce : 1917---------------------------------------- Pierce, Ethel May / Harvey G Patterson : 1917 |
Patterson, Harvey G | Pierce, Ethel May | Patterson, Harvey G / Ethel May Pierce : 1917---------------------------------------- Pierce, Ethel May / Harvey G Patterson : 1917 |
Pavlovec, Frank | Jirak, Stella | Pavlovec, Frank / Stella Jirak : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Jirak, Stella / Frank Pavlovec : 1917 |
Pavlovec, Stella | Pavlovec, Frank | Pavlovec, Frank / Stella Jirak : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Jirak, Stella / Frank Pavlovec : 1917 |
Payne, Fannie Potts | Johnson, Theodore C | Johnson, Theodore C / Fannie Potts Payne : 1917------------------------------------ Payne, Fannie Potts / Theodore C Johnson : 1917 |
Pearson, Lester W | Rastetter, Madeline | Pearson, Lester W / Madeline Rastetter : 1917---------------------------------------- Rastetter, Madeline / Lester W Pearson : 1917 |
Pearson, Madeline | Pearson, Lester W | Pearson, Lester W / Madeline Rastetter : 1917---------------------------------------- Rastetter, Madeline / Lester W Pearson : 1917 |
Peck, Charlotte | Walby, Alvin | Walby, Alvin / Charlotte Peck : 1917----------------------------------------------------- Peck, Charlotte / Alvin Walby : 1917 |
Peck, Daniel | Van Wey, Maud | Peck, Daniel / Maud Van Wey : 1917-------------------------------------------------------- Van Wey, Maud / Daniel Peck : 1917 |
Peck, Maud | Peck, Daniel | Peck, Daniel / Maud Van Wey : 1917-------------------------------------------------------- Van Wey, Maud / Daniel Peck : 1917 |
Pecka, Tillie | Frana, Adolph J | Frana, Adolph J / Tillie Pecka : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Pecka, Tillie / Adolph J Frana : 1919 |
Pederson, Carl Christian | Rognas, Ida Gustava | Pederson, Carl Christian / Ida Gustava Rognas : 1917----------------------------- Rognas, Ida Gustava / Carl Christian Pederson : 1917 |
Pederson, Ida Gustava | Pederson, Carl Christian | Pederson, Carl Christian / Ida Gustava Rognas : 1917----------------------------- Rognas, Ida Gustava / Carl Christian Pederson : 1917 |
Pederson, Lula | Reisvold, Arne | Reisvold, Arne / Lula Pederson : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Pederson, Lula / Arne Reisvold : 1919 |
Peglow, Faye R | Peglow, Fred J | Peglow, Fred J / Faye R Gilbert : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Gilbert, Faye R / Fred J Peglow : 1917 |
Peglow, Fred J | Gilbert, Faye R | Peglow, Fred J / Faye R Gilbert : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Gilbert, Faye R / Fred J Peglow : 1917 |
Peter, Ernest | Koch, Nettie Amelia | Peter, Ernest / Nettie Amelia Koch : 1919---------------------------------------------- Koch, Nettie Amelia / Ernest Peter : 1919 |
Peter, Nettie Amelia | Peter, Ernest | Peter, Ernest / Nettie Amelia Koch : 1919---------------------------------------------- Koch, Nettie Amelia / Ernest Peter : 1919 |
Peterson, Arnold B | Herbranson, Marie M | Peterson, Arnold B / Marie M Herbranson : 1917-------------------------------------- Herbranson, Marie M / Arnold B Peterson : 1917 |
Peterson, Clara | Ellestad, Edward Evenson | Ellestad, Edward Evenson / Clara Peterson : 1916----------------------------------- Peterson, Clara / Edward Evenson Ellestad : 1916 |
Peterson, Clarence W | Borsheim, Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret | Peterson, Clarence W / Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret Borsheim : 1919------ Borsheim, Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret / Clarence W Peterson : 1919 |
Peterson, Gertrude Marie | Halse, Daniel P | Halse, Daniel P / Gertrude Marie Peterson : 1918----------------------------------- Peterson, Gertrude Marie / Daniel P Halse : 1918 |
Peterson, Helen A | Stec, Arthur M | Stec, Arthur M / Helen A Peterson : 1918----------------------------------------------- Peterson, Helen A / Arthur M Stec : 1918 |
Peterson, Marie M | Peterson, Arnold B | Peterson, Arnold B / Marie M Herbranson : 1917-------------------------------------- Herbranson, Marie M / Arnold B Peterson : 1917 |
Peterson, Mattie T | Ropper, Albert Augustus | Ropper, Albert Augustus / Mattie T Peterson : 1919-------------------------------- Peterson, Mattie T / Albert Augustus Ropper : 1919 |
Peterson, Minnie Cornelia | Berg, August Julius | Berg, August Julius / Minnie Cornelia Peterson : 1919--------------------------- Peterson, Minnie Cornelia / August Julius Berg : 1919 |
Peterson, Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret | Peterson, Clarence W | Peterson, Clarence W / Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret Borsheim : 1919------ Borsheim, Nora Gertrude Barbara Magret / Clarence W Peterson : 1919 |
Pfister, Anna Marie | Dahlen, Edgar Orlando | Dahlen, Edgar Orlando / Anna Marie Pfister : 1918--------------------------------- Pfister, Anna Marie / Edgar Orlando Dahlen : 1918 |
Pfister, Esther | McMillan, G A | McMillan, G A / Esther Pfister : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Pfister, Esther / G A McMillan : 1917 |
Phillips, Daisy Isabell | Ohmacht, Ferdinand J | Ohmacht, Ferdinand J / Daisy Isabell Phillips : 1918----------------------------- Phillips, Daisy Isabell / Ferdinand J Ohmacht : 1918 |
Phillips, Jessie | Hejelik, Joe W | Hejelik, Joe W / Jessie Phillips : 1919------------------------------------------------- Phillips, Jessie / Joe W Hejelik : 1919 |
Pierce, Ethel May | Patterson, Harvey G | Patterson, Harvey G / Ethel May Pierce : 1917---------------------------------------- Pierce, Ethel May / Harvey G Patterson : 1917 |
Pierce, Iona Mae | Moran, Joseph C | Moran, Joseph C / lona Mae Pierce : 1919----------------------------------------------- Pierce, lona Mae / Joseph C Moran : 1919 |
Pierce, Lila Clara | Hudson, James Merril | Hudson, James Merril / Lila Clara Pierce : 1917------------------------------------ Pierce, Lila Clara / James Merril Hudson : 1917 |
Pitzenberger, Mathilda | Huniker, Edmund S | Huniker, Edmund S / Mathilda Pitzenberger : 1916----------------------------------- Pitzenberger, Mathilda / Edmund S Huniker : 1916 |
Placek, Emma Marie | Placek, George John | Placek, George John / Emma Marie Krob : 1918----------------------------------------- Krob, Emma Marie / George John Placek : 1918 |
Placek, George John | Krob, Emma Marie | Placek, George John / Emma Marie Krob : 1918----------------------------------------- Krob, Emma Marie / George John Placek : 1918 |
Plachek, Cecilia E | Plachek, Edward P | Plachek, Edward P / Cecilia E Soukup : 1916------------------------------------------- Soukup, Cecilia E / Edward P Plachek : 1916 |
Plachek, Edward P | Soukup, Cecilia E | Plachek, Edward P / Cecilia E Soukup : 1916------------------------------------------- Soukup, Cecilia E / Edward P Plachek : 1916 |
Plagman, Elizabeth Bertha | Nicholson, Cyrus Rodney | Nicholson, Cyrus Rodney / Elizabeth Bertha Flagman : 1917--------------------- Plagman, Elizabeth Bertha / Cyrus Rodney Nicholson : 1917 |
Plagman, Elmer | Murdock, Sarah | Plagman, Elmer / Sarah Murdock : 1916---------------------------------------------------- Murdock, Sarah / Elmer Plagman : 1916 |
Plagman, Sarah | Plagman, Elmer | Plagman, Elmer / Sarah Murdock : 1916---------------------------------------------------- Murdock, Sarah / Elmer Plagman : 1916 |
Platz, Clifford Roy | Reinhart, Esther | Platz Clifford Roy / Esther Reinhart : 1917------------------------------------------- Reinhart, Esther / Clifford Roy Platz : 1917 |
Platz, Esther | Platz, Clifford Roy | Platz Clifford Roy / Esther Reinhart : 1917------------------------------------------- Reinhart, Esther / Clifford Roy Platz : 1917 |
Polsdofer, Agnes Marie | Polsdofer, Will Albert | Polsdofer, Will Albert / Agnes Marie Stenseth : 1919----------------------------- Stenseth, Agnes Marie / Will Albert Polsdofer : 1919 |
Polsdofer, Will Albert | Stenseth, Agnes Marie | Polsdofer, Will Albert / Agnes Marie Stenseth : 1919----------------------------- Stenseth, Agnes Marie / Will Albert Polsdofer : 1919 |
Porter, Verona | Gordon, John | Gordon, John / Verona Porter : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Porter, Verona / John Gordon : 1916 |
Poush, Earl R | Hicks, Hope L | Poush, Earl R / Hope L Hicks : 1919------------------------------------------------------- Hicks, Hope L / Earl R Poush : 1919 |
Poush, Hope L | Poush, Earl R | Poush, Earl R / Hope L Hicks : 1919------------------------------------------------------- Hicks, Hope L / Earl R Poush : 1919 |
Powers, Grace Garnet | Orum, Paul Clarence | Orum, Paul Clarence / Grace Garnet Powers : 1918----------------------------------- Powers, Grace Garnet / Paul Clarence Orum : 1918 |
Price, Florence | Erickson, Albert C | Erickson, Albert C / Florence Price : 1919-------------------------------------------- Price, Florence / Albert C Erickson : 1919 |
Price, Henry | Olson, Lottie | Price, Henry / Lottie Olson : 1916-------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Lottie / Henry Price : 1916 |
Price, Lottie | Price, Henry | Price, Henry / Lottie Olson : 1916-------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Lottie / Henry Price : 1916 |
Price, Pearl | Allen, Floyd | Allen, Floyd / Pearl Price : 1917---------------------------------------------------------- Price, Pearl / Floyd Allen : 1917 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With Q | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Qualley, Agathe Malene | Qualley, Gilbert | Qualley, Gilbert / Agathe Malene Henderson : 1918--------------------------------- Henderson, Agathe Malene / Gilbert Qualley : 1918 |
Qualley, Gilbert | Henderson, Agathe Malene | Qualley, Gilbert / Agathe Malene Henderson : 1918--------------------------------- Henderson, Agathe Malene / Gilbert Qualley : 1918 |
Qualley, Gotfred M | Anderson, Laura | Qualley, Gotfred M / Laura Anderson : 1917-------------------------------------------- Anderson, Laura / Gotfred M Qualley : 1917 |
Qualley, Laura | Qualley, Gotfred M | Qualley, Gotfred M / Laura Anderson : 1917-------------------------------------------- Anderson, Laura / Gotfred M Qualley : 1917 |
Quam, Alfred | Ramsey, Matilda Remelia | Quam, Alfred / Matilda Remelia Ramsey : 1916----------------------------------------- Ramsey, Matilda Remelia / Alfred Quam : 1916 |
Quam, Matilda Remelia | Quam, Alfred | Quam, Alfred / Matilda Remelia Ramsey : 1916----------------------------------------- Ramsey, Matilda Remelia / Alfred Quam : 1916 |
Quanrude, Agnes | Quanrude, Henry M | Quanrude, Henry M / Agnes Finholdt : 1916---------------------------------------------- Finholdt, Agnes / Henry M Quanrude : 1916 |
Quanrude, Henry M | Finholdt, Agnes | Quanrude, Henry M / Agnes Finholdt : 1916---------------------------------------------- Finholdt, Agnes / Henry M Quanrude : 1916 |
Quinn, Mary Loretta | Quinn, Thomas | Quinn, Thomas / Mary Loretta Knox : 1917----------------------------------------------- Knox, Mary Loretta / Thomas Quinn : 1917 |
Quinn, Thomas | Knox, Mary Loretta | Quinn, Thomas / Mary Loretta Knox : 1917----------------------------------------------- Knox, Mary Loretta / Thomas Quinn : 1917 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With R | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Ramberg, Agnes G | Ramberg, Freeman E | Ramberg, Freeman E / Agnes G Dale : 1919----------------------------------------------- Dale, Agnes G / Freeman E Ramberg : 1919 |
Ramberg, Freeman E | Dale, Agnes G | Ramberg, Freeman E / Agnes G Dale : 1919----------------------------------------------- Dale, Agnes G / Freeman E Ramberg : 1919 |
Ramlo, Betsey Olena | Ramlo, Clarence | Ramlo, Clarence / Betsey Olena Bakken : 1918----------------------------------------- Bakken, Betsey Olena / Clarence Ramlo : 1918 |
Ramlo, Clarence | Bakken, Betsey Olena | Ramlo, Clarence / Betsey Olena Bakken : 1918----------------------------------------- Bakken, Betsey Olena / Clarence Ramlo : 1918 |
Ramlo, Cora Idella | Ramlo, Roy | Ramlo, Roy / Cora Idella Kjome : 1918---------------------------------------------------- Kjome, Cora Idella / Roy Ramlo : 1918 |
Ramlo, Roy | Kjome, Cora Idella | Ramlo, Roy / Cora Idella Kjome : 1918---------------------------------------------------- Kjome, Cora Idella / Roy Ramlo : 1918 |
Ramsey, Amelia Inger | Berg, Ole | Berg, Ole / Amelia Inger Ramsey : 1918-------------------------------------------------- Ramsey, Amelia Inger / Ole Berg : 1918 |
Ramsey, Jeanette | Ramsey, John A | Ramsey, John A / Jeanette Novotny : 1919----------------------------------------------- Novotny, Jeanette / John A Ramsey : 1919 |
Ramsey, John A | Novotny, Jeanette | Ramsey, John A / Jeanette Novotny : 1919----------------------------------------------- Novotny, Jeanette / John A Ramsey : 1919 |
Ramsey, Lawrence Reuben | Vikesland, Marie Amelia | Ramsey, Lawrence Reuben / Marie Amelia Vikesland : 1919------------------------ Vikesland, Marie Amelia / Lawrence Reuben Ramsey : 1919 |
Ramsey, Marie Amelia | Ramsey, Lawrence Reuben | Ramsey, Lawrence Reuben / Marie Amelia Vikesland : 1919------------------------ Vikesland, Marie Amelia / Lawrence Reuben Ramsey : 1919 |
Ramsey, Matilda Remelia | Quam, Alfred | Quam, Alfred / Matilda Remelia Ramsey : 1916----------------------------------------- Ramsey, Matilda Remelia / Alfred Quam : 1916 |
Ramstad, Albert | Olson, Tina | Ramstad, Albert / Tina Olson : 1917------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Tina / Albert Ramstad : 1917 |
Ramstad, Tina | Ramstad, Albert | Ramstad, Albert / Tina Olson : 1917------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Tina / Albert Ramstad : 1917 |
Rasmussen, Henry August | Otteson, Nettie Amelia | Rasmussen, Henry August / Nettie Amelia Otteson : 1916-------------------------- Otteson, Nettie Amelia / Henry August Rasmussen : 1916 |
Rasmussen, Nettie Amelia | Rasmussen, Henry August | Rasmussen, Henry August / Nettie Amelia Otteson : 1916-------------------------- Otteson, Nettie Amelia / Henry August Rasmussen : 1916 |
Rastetter, Madeline | Pearson, Lester W | Pearson, Lester W / Madeline Rastetter : 1917---------------------------------------- Rastetter, Madeline / Lester W Pearson : 1917 |
Rastetter, Nellie Crecentia | Cunneen, William | Cunneen, William / Nellie Crecentia Rastetter : 1917----------------------------- Rastetter, Nellie Crecentia / William Cunneen : 1917 |
Rathbun, Blanche | Wiltgen, Mathias | Wiltgen, Mathias / Blanche Rathbun : 1916---------------------------------------------- Rathbun, Blanche / Mathias Wiltgen : 1916 |
Rausch, Andrew | Buchheit, Petronilla | Rausch, Andrew / Petronilla Buchheit : 1917------------------------------------------- Buchheit, Petronilla / Andrew Rausch : 1917 |
Rausch, Petronilla | Rausch, Andrew | Rausch, Andrew / Petronilla Buchheit : 1917------------------------------------------- Buchheit, Petronilla / Andrew Rausch : 1917 |
Recker, Bernard | Schrandt, Mary V | Recker, Bernard / Mary V Schrandt : 1919----------------------------------------------- Schrandt, Mary V / Bernard Recker : 1919 |
Recker, Mary V | Recker, Bernard | Recker, Bernard / Mary V Schrandt : 1919----------------------------------------------- Schrandt, Mary V / Bernard Recker : 1919 |
Reckward, Herman | Harvey, Mabel | Reckward, Herman / Mabel Harvey : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Harvey, Mabel / Herman Reckward : 1917 |
Reckward, Mabel | Reckward, Herman | Reckward, Herman / Mabel Harvey : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Harvey, Mabel / Herman Reckward : 1917 |
Reed, Bertha Matilda | Reed, Harold Isaac | Reed, Harold Isaac / Bertha Matilda Wicks : 1919----------------------------------- Wicks, Bertha Matilda / Harold Isaac Reed : 1919 |
Reed, Clayton A | McMullen, Mary E | Reed, Clayton A / Mary E McMullen : 1916----------------------------------------------- McMullen, Mary E / Clayton A Reed : 1916 |
Reed, Harold Isaac | Wicks, Bertha Matilda | Reed, Harold Isaac / Bertha Matilda Wicks : 1919----------------------------------- Wicks, Bertha Matilda / Harold Isaac Reed : 1919 |
Reed, Mary E | Reed, Clayton A | Reed, Clayton A / Mary E McMullen : 1916----------------------------------------------- McMullen, Mary E / Clayton A Reed : 1916 |
Reed, Norma Edith | Palmer, Kenneth R | Palmer, Kenneth R / Norma Edith Reed : 1917------------------------------------------- Reed, Norma Edith / Kenneth R Palmer : 1917 |
Reicks, Mary | Reicks, Victor | Reicks, Victor / Mary Hey ing : 1916----------------------------------------------------- Heying, Mary / Victor Reicks : 1916 |
Reicks, Mary Ann | Leferink, Bernard | Leferink, Bernard / Mary Ann Reicks : 1918-------------------------------------------- Reicks, Mary Ann / Bernard Leferink : 1918 |
Reicks, Victor | Heying, Mary | Reicks, Victor / Mary Hey ing : 1916----------------------------------------------------- Heying, Mary / Victor Reicks : 1916 |
Reihle, Henrietta | Schissel, Bert | Schissel, Bert / Henrietta Reihle : 1917----------------------------------------------- Reihle, Henrietta / Bert Schissel : 1917 |
Reinhart, Esther | Platz, Clifford Roy | Platz Clifford Roy / Esther Reinhart : 1917------------------------------------------- Reinhart, Esther / Clifford Roy Platz : 1917 |
Reisvold, Arne | Pederson, Lula | Reisvold, Arne / Lula Pederson : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Pederson, Lula / Arne Reisvold : 1919 |
Reisvold, Lula | Reisvold, Arne | Reisvold, Arne / Lula Pederson : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Pederson, Lula / Arne Reisvold : 1919 |
Remer, Clara | Remer, Herman | Remer, Herman / Clara Schoonover : 1916------------------------------------------------- Schoonover, Clara / Herman Remer : 1916 |
Remer, Herman | Schoonover, Clara | Remer, Herman / Clara Schoonover : 1916------------------------------------------------- Schoonover, Clara / Herman Remer : 1916 |
Rempke, Ida | Vollman, Michael | Vollman, Michael / Ida Rempke : 1917----------------------------------------------------- Rempke, Ida / Michael Vollman : 1917 |
Renaas, Clara Olivia | Bridell, James Wallace | Bridell, James Wallace / Clara Olivia Renaas : 1917------------------------------ Renaas, Clara Olivia / james Wallace Bridell : 1917 |
Rich, Claudine E | Rich, Tracey I | Rich, Tracey l / Claudine E Boyd : 1916------------------------------------------------- Boyd, Claudine E / Tracey I Rich : 1916 |
Rich, Tracey I | Boyd, Claudine E | Rich, Tracey l / Claudine E Boyd : 1916------------------------------------------------- Boyd, Claudine E / Tracey I Rich : 1916 |
Richards, Frank | Huseby, Mabel | Richards, Frank / Mabel Huseby : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Huseby, Mabel / Frank Richards : 1919 |
Richards, Mabel | Richards, Frank | Richards, Frank / Mabel Huseby : 1919---------------------------------------------------- Huseby, Mabel / Frank Richards : 1919 |
Richert, Lloyd | Darrington, Vernice | Richert, Lloyd / Vernice Darrington : 1919-------------------------------------------- Darrington, Vernice / Lloyd Richert : 1919 |
Richert, Vernice | Richert, Lloyd | Richert, Lloyd / Vernice Darrington : 1919-------------------------------------------- Darrington, Vernice / Lloyd Richert : 1919 |
Riha, Anna | Barloon, Frank James | Barloon, Frank James / Anna Riha : 1919------------------------------------------------- Riha, Anna / Frank James Barloon : 1919 |
Rilling, Christian | Kafka, Rose | Rilling, Christian / Rose Kafka : 1918-------------------------------------------------- Kafka, Rose / Christian Rilling : 1918 |
Rilling, Rose | Rilling, Christian | Rilling, Christian / Rose Kafka : 1918-------------------------------------------------- Kafka, Rose / Christian Rilling : 1918 |
Rima, Roger B | Headington, Sadie | Rima, Roger B / Sadie Headington : 1917------------------------------------------------- Headington, Sadie / Roger B Rima : 1917 |
Rima, Sadie | Rima, Roger B | Rima, Roger B / Sadie Headington : 1917------------------------------------------------- Headington, Sadie / Roger B Rima : 1917 |
Rinde, John | Jones, Minnie | Rinde, John / Minnie Jones : 1916---------------------------------------------------------- Jones, Minnie / John Rinde : 1916 |
Rinde, Minnie | Rinde, John | Rinde, John / Minnie Jones : 1916---------------------------------------------------------- Jones, Minnie / John Rinde : 1916 |
Riste, Adolph Gerhard | Kirkland, Harriet Jane | Riste, Adolph Gerhard / Harriet Jane Kirkland : 1916----------------------------- Kirkland, Harriet Jane / Adolph Gerhard Riste : 1916 |
Riste, Adolph Gerhard | Williams, Myrtle | Riste, Adolph Gerhard / Myrtle Williams : 1917-------------------------------------- Williams, Myrtle / Adolph Gerhard Riste : 1917 |
Riste, Harriet Jane | Riste, Adolph Gerhard | Riste, Adolph Gerhard / Harriet Jane Kirkland : 1916----------------------------- Kirkland, Harriet Jane / Adolph Gerhard Riste : 1916 |
Riste, Herbert N | Abbey, Nelle Bradley | Riste, Herbert N / Nelle Bradley Abbey : 1916---------------------------------------- Abbey, Nelle Bradley / Herbert N Riste : 1916 |
Riste, Myrtle | Riste, Adolph Gerhard | Riste, Adolph Gerhard / Myrtle Williams : 1917-------------------------------------- Williams, Myrtle / Adolph Gerhard Riste : 1917 |
Riste, Nelle Bradley | Riste, Herbert N | Riste, Herbert N / Nelle Bradley Abbey : 1916---------------------------------------- Abbey, Nelle Bradley / Herbert N Riste : 1916 |
Riste, Petra Gelena | Tolstad, Edward | Tolstad, Edward / Petra Gelena Riste : 1918------------------------------------------- Riste, Petra Gelena / Edward Tolstad : 1918 |
Riveland, Alma M | Ellison, Gilbert B | Ellison, Gilbert B / Alma M Riveland : 1917------------------------------------------- Riveland, Alma M / Gilbert B Ellison : 1917 |
Roarsen, Elisa | Roarsen, Nils J | Roarsen, Nils J / Elisa Hanson : 1916---------------------------------------------------- Hanson, Elisa / Nils J Roarsen : 1916 |
Roarsen, Nils J | Hanson, Elisa | Roarsen, Nils J / Elisa Hanson : 1916---------------------------------------------------- Hanson, Elisa / Nils J Roarsen : 1916 |
Roberts, Archie M | Shapley, Sylvia A | Roberts, Archie M / Sylvia A Shapley : 1917------------------------------------------- Shapley, Sylvia A / Archie M Roberts : 1917 |
Roberts, Sylvia A | Roberts, Archie M | Roberts, Archie M / Sylvia A Shapley : 1917------------------------------------------- Shapley, Sylvia A / Archie M Roberts : 1917 |
Rodenkirch, Edith | Allen, H M | Allen, H M / Edith Rodenkirch : 1917----------------------------------------------------- Rodenkirch, Edith / H M Allen : 1917 |
Rodenkirsch, Rose Mathilda | Gibson, Ernest Lee | Gibson, Ernest Lee / Rose Mathilda Rodenkirsch : 1916--------------------------- Rodenkirsch, Rose Mathilda / Ernest Lee Gibson : 1916 |
Roe, Agnes R | Roe, Clyde L | Roe, Clyde L / Agnes R Olson : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Agnes R / Clyde L Roe : 1916 |
Roe, Clyde L | Olson, Agnes R | Roe, Clyde L / Agnes R Olson : 1916------------------------------------------------------- Olson, Agnes R / Clyde L Roe : 1916 |
Rogen, Albert Julius | Teslow, Helga Sophia | Rogen, Albert Julius / Helga Sophia Teslow : 1918--------------------------------- Teslow, Helga Sophia / Albert Julius Rogen : 1918 |
Rogen, Helga Sophia | Rogen, Albert Julius | Rogen, Albert Julius / Helga Sophia Teslow : 1918--------------------------------- Teslow, Helga Sophia / Albert Julius Rogen : 1918 |
Rognas, Ida Gustava | Pederson, Carl Christian | Pederson, Carl Christian / Ida Gustava Rognas : 1917----------------------------- Rognas, Ida Gustava / Carl Christian Pederson : 1917 |
Rognas, Selma | Sampson, LeRoy | Sampson, LeRoy / Selma Rognas : 1917----------------------------------------------------- Rognas, Selma / LeRoy Sampson : 1917 |
Rogneby, Alice Signora | Ruffridge, Walter Roy | Ruffridge, Walter Roy / Alice Signora Rogneby : 1918----------------------------- Rogneby, Alice Signora / Walter Roy Ruffridge : 1918 |
Rognlien, Hilda G | Rovang, Clarence A | Rovang, Clarence A / Hilda G Rognlien : 1917----------------------------------------- Rognlien, Hilda G / Clarence A Rovang : 1917 |
Rohm, Ole H | Skaftedal, Torbjorg | Rohm, Ole H / Torbjorg, Skaftedal : 1917----------------------------------------------- Skaftedal, Torbjorg / Ole H Rohm : 1917 |
Rohm, Torbjorg | Rohm, Ole H | Rohm, Ole H / Torbjorg, Skaftedal : 1917----------------------------------------------- Skaftedal, Torbjorg / Ole H Rohm : 1917 |
Rolfs, Elsie | Latermann, Albert H | Latermann, Albert H / Elsie Rolfs : 1919----------------------------------------------- Rolfs, Elsie / Albert H Latermann : 1919 |
Rolfshus, Adolph | Humphrey, Victoria | Rolfshus, Adolph / Victoria Humphrey : 1919------------------------------------------- Humphrey, Victoria / Adolph Rolfshus : 1919 |
Rolfshus, Lillie | Stoskopf, Weston F | Stoskopf, Weston F / Lillie Rolfshus : 1919------------------------------------------- Rolfshus, Lillie / Weston F Stoskopf : 1919 |
Rolfshus, Victoria | Rolfshus, Adolph | Rolfshus, Adolph / Victoria Humphrey : 1919------------------------------------------- Humphrey, Victoria / Adolph Rolfshus : 1919 |
Rollins, Fern | Rollins, Howard Francis | Rollins, Howard Francis / Fern Butler : 1916----------------------------------------- Butler, Fern / Howard Francis Rollins : 1916 |
Rollins, Howard Francis | Butler, Fern | Rollins, Howard Francis / Fern Butler : 1916----------------------------------------- Butler, Fern / Howard Francis Rollins : 1916 |
Ropper, Albert Augustus | Peterson, Mattie T | Ropper, Albert Augustus / Mattie T Peterson : 1919-------------------------------- Peterson, Mattie T / Albert Augustus Ropper : 1919 |
Ropper, Mattie T | Ropper, Albert Augustus | Ropper, Albert Augustus / Mattie T Peterson : 1919-------------------------------- Peterson, Mattie T / Albert Augustus Ropper : 1919 |
Rosenbaum, Louis F | Huber, Mathilda | Rosenbaum, Louis F / Mathilda Huber : 1917-------------------------------------------- Huber, Mathilda / Louis F Rosenbaum : 1917 |
Rosenbaum, Mathilda | Rosenbaum, Louis F | Rosenbaum, Louis F / Mathilda Huber : 1917-------------------------------------------- Huber, Mathilda / Louis F Rosenbaum : 1917 |
Rosendahl, Alfred Benjamin | Sorenson, Anna Cornelia | Rosendahl, Alfred Benjamin / Anna Cornelia Sorenson : 1916-------------------- Sorenson, Anna Cornelia / Alfred Benjamin Rosendahl : 1916 |
Rosendahl, Anna Cornelia | Rosendahl, Alfred Benjamin | Rosendahl, Alfred Benjamin / Anna Cornelia Sorenson : 1916-------------------- Sorenson, Anna Cornelia / Alfred Benjamin Rosendahl : 1916 |
Rosenthal, Bertha | Noecker, William A | Noecker, William A / Bertha Rosenthal : 1919----------------------------------------- Rosenthal, Bertha / William A Noecker : 1919 |
Rosenthal, Constance H | Johnson, Anna | Rosenthal, Constance H / Anna Johnson : 1919----------------------------------------- Johnson, Anna / Constance H Rosenthal : 1919 |
Rosenthal, Elsie | Rosenthal, Rene E H | Rosenthal, Rene E H / Elsie Frederick : 1916----------------------------------------- Frederick, Elsie / Rene E H Rosenthal : 1916 |
Rosenthal, Ernest | Barlow, Lena | Rosenthal, Ernest / Lena Barlow : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Barlow, Lena / Ernest Rosenthal : 1917 |
Rosenthal, Lena | Rosenthal, Ernest | Rosenthal, Ernest / Lena Barlow : 1917-------------------------------------------------- Barlow, Lena / Ernest Rosenthal : 1917 |
Rosenthal, Rene E H | Frederick, Elsie | Rosenthal, Rene E H / Elsie Frederick : 1916----------------------------------------- Frederick, Elsie / Rene E H Rosenthal : 1916 |
Rothmeyer, Ida M | Rothmeyer, Joseph A | Rothmeyer, Joseph A / Ida M Yerkovsky : 1916----------------------------------------- Yerkovsky, Ida M / Joseph A Rothmeyer : 1916 |
Rothmeyer, Joseph A | Yerkovsky, Ida M | Rothmeyer, Joseph A / Ida M Yerkovsky : 1916----------------------------------------- Yerkovsky, Ida M / Joseph A Rothmeyer : 1916 |
Rovang, Bennie Toolin | Evenrud, Lillian V C | Rovang, Bennie Toolin / Lillian V C Evenrud : 1916-------------------------------- Evenrud, Lillian V C / Bennie Toolin Rovang : 1916 |
Rovang, Clarence A | Rognlien, Hilda G | Rovang, Clarence A / Hilda G Rognlien : 1917----------------------------------------- Rognlien, Hilda G / Clarence A Rovang : 1917 |
Rovang, Hilda G | Rovang, Clarence A | Rovang, Clarence A / Hilda G Rognlien : 1917----------------------------------------- Rognlien, Hilda G / Clarence A Rovang : 1917 |
Rovang, Lillian V C | Rovang, Bennie Toolin | Rovang, Bennie Toolin / Lillian V C Evenrud : 1916-------------------------------- Evenrud, Lillian V C / Bennie Toolin Rovang : 1916 |
Rowe, Nora | Griswold, Elmer | Griswold, Elmer / Nora Rowe : 1916-------------------------------------------------------- Rowe, Nora / Elmer Griswold : 1916 |
Ruckdoschol, Ernest | Breitsprecher, Rena C | Ruckdoschol, Ernest / Rena C Breitsprecher : 1919--------------------------------- Breitsprecher, Rena C / Ernest Ruckdoschol : 1919 |
Ruckdoschol, Rena C | Ruckdoschol, Ernest | Ruckdoschol, Ernest / Rena C Breitsprecher : 1919--------------------------------- Breitsprecher, Rena C / Ernest Ruckdoschol : 1919 |
Rudy, Juliette | Jewell, Fred | Jewell, Fred / Juliette Rudy : 1917------------------------------------------------------- Rudy, Juliette / Fred Jewell : 1917 |
Ruffridge, Alice Signora | Ruffridge, Walter Roy | Ruffridge, Walter Roy / Alice Signora Rogneby : 1918----------------------------- Rogneby, Alice Signora / Walter Roy Ruffridge : 1918 |
Ruffridge, Walter Roy | Rogneby, Alice Signora | Ruffridge, Walter Roy / Alice Signora Rogneby : 1918----------------------------- Rogneby, Alice Signora / Walter Roy Ruffridge : 1918 |
Russell, Dorothy Jane | Broghamer, John L | Broghamer, John L / Dorothy Jane Russell : 1919------------------------------------ Russell, Dorothy Jane / John L Broghamer : 1919 |
Russett, Edgar Olendo | Lang, Esther Marie | Russett, Edgar Olendo / Esther Mane Lang : 1919------------------------------------ Lang, Esther Marie / Edgar Olendo Russett : 1919 |
Russett, Esther Marie | Russett, Edgar Olendo | Russett, Edgar Olendo / Esther Mane Lang : 1919------------------------------------ Lang, Esther Marie / Edgar Olendo Russett : 1919 |
Ruth, Marjorie | Ruth, Sidney | Ruth, Sidney / Marjorie Corson : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Corson, Marjorie / Sidney Ruth : 1917 |
Ruth, Sidney | Corson, Marjorie | Ruth, Sidney / Marjorie Corson : 1917---------------------------------------------------- Corson, Marjorie / Sidney Ruth : 1917 |
Rygg, Alice | Rygg, Paul | Rygg, Paul / Alice Hamre : 1916------------------------------------------------------------- Hamre, Alice / Paul Rygg : 1916 |
Rygg, Paul | Hamre, Alice | Rygg, Paul / Alice Hamre : 1916------------------------------------------------------------- Hamre, Alice / Paul Rygg : 1916 |
Spouse 1 Names Starting With S | Name Spouse 2 | Transcribed Records |
Marriages in Years: | 1851-1855 | 1856-1869 | 1870-1880 | 1881-1890 | 1891-1895 | 1896-1900 | 1901-1905 | 1906-1910 | 1911-1915 | 1916-1919 | 1920-1924 | 1925-1929 | 1930-1933 | 1934-1936 | 1937-1939 | Misc-Years |
Surnames Starting With: | _A_ | _B_ | C-D | E-F | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | K-L | _M_ | N-O | P-R | _S_ | T-V | W-Z | Marriage Index |
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