IAGenWeb Project

Shelby County

Iowa State Gazetteer.
and Business Directory
Volume XIV

R. L. Polk & Co.


Floral Divider Bar



BOTNA. Population, 60. On the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys. in Jefferson township, Shelby county, 18 miles n. e. of Harlan, the judicial seat, and 7 from Manning, the nearest bank location. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co. Tel., W. U. Miss J. E. Stonebaugh, postmaster.

Forbs R J, R R exp and tel agt.
McConnell & Wizner, blacksmiths.
McCournell J R, drayage.
Rorabaugh Aaron P, general store and grain.
STONEBAUGH MISS J E, Confectionery, Stationery and Notions.
Willfong A H, general store and grain.
Updike Grain Co, Fred Ruhs propr.

[Transcribed from Page 273]


CORLEY. Population, 85. On the C. R. I. & P. Ry., in Fairview township, Shelby county, 5 1/2 miles s. of Harlan, the judicial seat and banking point. Has a Methodist church and a graded public school. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. L. A. Campbell, postmaster.

Albers Claus, grain elevator.
Asquith Edith, prin of school.
CAMPBELL L A, Blacksmith and Wholesale Oil.
CAMPBELL L A & CO, General Store.
Campbell & Foss, machinsts.
Corley Creamery Co.
Des Moines Elevator Co.
Hanner & Co, trappers.
Lee L, barber.
Meier J, express agt.
Muldoon James, live stock.
Pool Wm, railroad agt.

[Transcribed from Page 447]


DEFIANCE. Population, 400. Dating its settlement from 1881, is an incorporated city located on the Nishnabotna River and on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Union township, Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the judicial seat and 100 from Des Moines. It has Catholic, Christian, Evangelical, Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, The Defiance Enterprise. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. W. J. Williams, postmaster.

Baer T H, physician.
BANK OF DEFIANCE THE, L F Pattee Pres, R G Penniston Cashier. (See ad.)
Bill Adolph C, barber.
Blakeslee F M, R R, exp and tel agt.
Booth Implement Co.
Cleveland L & Brinker, draymen.
Cox Orvil T, wagonmaker.
Davis George, carpenter.
Defiance Hardware Co (T M McGuire, F A Hillsebus).
Defiance Lumber Co (J F Loudenslager, George Rewerts).
Economy Cash Store, general store.
Flangher J A, blacksmith.
Hancock F H, grain.
Hannon C M, sewing machines.
Hubbell L, real estate.
Kingsbury H M, pool room.
Konkle T W & Co (Thomas W Konkle), drugs.
McIntosh S P, livery.
McKNIGHT H J, Newsdealer and Confectionery.
Moyer J M, meats.
Neola Elevator Co, C A Hobart mngr, grain.
Peterson J & Co, general store.
Powell L G, physician.
Priest Rev E S (Christian).
Rethlefsen H G & Co, general store.
Rewerts George, carpenter.
Schneider Fred, shoemaker.
Scoy Henry B, lawyer and mayor.
Summers James, harness.
Thomas Rev R W (Methodist Episcopal).
Van Ansdol & Saylor, real estate.
Van Slyck P J, confectioner.
Yeoman A W, confectioner.

Do a General Banking Business
Collections Promptly Attended To
Farm Loans a Speciality

[Transcribed from Page 559]


EARLING. Population, 350. An incorporated town on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Westphalia township, Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the county seat. Has Catholic and Evangelical churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Earling Observer. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. Wm. Shirk, postmaster.

Baker August, carpenter.
Bolleman J H, meats.
Bollerman Charles, carpet weaver.
Bruck & Kenkel, proprs Earling Creamery.
Commercial Hotel, H Heltman propr.
Earling Creamery, Bruck & Kenkel proprietors.
Earling German Cornet Band, Theodore Scheuring leader.
Earling Observer, R A Kirkpatrick publr.
Earling Water Works, Jacob Mumm supt.
Foxhoven A N, confectioner and barber.
Funke Anne, milliner.
GERMAN SAVINGS BANK (Capital $20,000), P J Korth Pres. N V Kuhl Cashr. (See card.)

German Savings Bank
Capital, $30,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits, $6,700
P. J. KORTH, President.     J. C. HESSE, Vice-President.
H. V. KUHL, Cashier.
Prompt Attention to Collections

Gibbs A G, music teacher.
Harlan Telephone Co, H A Schleier mngr.
Heitman H, propr Commercial Hotel.
Hiese John C, lumber and coal.
Holden Rev ___ (Evangelical).
Hubbell Lyman, real estate.
Hummert Rev J B (Catholic).
Iowa Telephone Co, H A Schleier & Co mngrs.
Kearness W H, live stock.
Kirkpatrick R A, publr Earling Observer.
Klootz Rev.
Knoester, John, carpenter.
Kohles George J, phonographs.
Koll Mathias G, confr and pool.
Koll Peter J, harness.
Korth P J, insurance.
Kuhl Mathias P, livery and live stock.
Lingham Charles E, R R, Exp and Tel Agt.
Loeltz Michael A, restaurant.
Mason George, poultry breeder.
MESTER R A, General Store.
Meyers Roland, principal of school.
Miller J P, dairy.
Mola Elevator Co, Lorey Huntoon mngr.
Moyer John, well driller.
Munchrath J P, general store.
Powell L G, physician.
Schram & Jacoby, livery.
Schweiger Fred, tailor.
SHIRK W M, Postmaster.
Sprague E C, drugs.
Stinn Casper, furniture and hardware.
Strunk Hall, Q E Loehr and J P Miller mngrs.
Wahl Henry, carpenter.
Wilwerding A F, general store.
Wilwerding Fred W, agrl Implts.
Wilke Fritz, shoemaker.
Winkler Paul, blacksmith.
Wright & McWhinney, grain.

[Transcribed from Page 696]


ELKHORN. Population 400. In Clay township, Shelby county, 18 miles s. e. of Harlan, the county seat, and 16 from Audubon, the usual shipping point. Has Adventist, Baptist and Lutheran churches and a bank. Stage daily to Audubon. Mail, daily. John A. Peterson, postmaster.

Carlsen Tena, millinery.
Christensen N J, hotel.
Danish Lutheran College, Rev Kr Anker pres.
Danish Mission Society.
Elkhorn Bank, John Peterson pres, S C Peterson cashier.
Elkhorn Clothing Co, clothing.
Elghorn [sic Elkhorn] Co-operative Fire Insurance Co, R Hansen pres.
Elhorn [sic Elkhorn] Co-operative Lumber Co, Nels M Elsen mngr.
Elkhorn Music Corps, John Christiansen leader.
Elkhorn Implement Co, implts.
Greyerson Walter, drugs.
Hansen Carl, hdware and genl store.
Hansen Christopher, harnessmaker.
Hansen Claus, meats.
Hansen C W, furniture.
Hansen J A, railroad and telegraph agt.
Hansen R J, restaurant.
Heileson Mary C, physician.
James Joseph & Co, general store.
Jerslid Rev T N (Lutheran).
Johnson J C, hardware.
Marne and Elkhorn Telephone Co.
Miller Jeremiah, hardware.
Miller P, photographer.
Nelson Nels, blacksmith.
Pedersen R P, blacksmith.
Pedersen S C, real estate.
Petersen Simon, barber.
Peterson H, general store.
PETERSON JOHN A, Watchmaker.
Soe Peder, physician.

[Transcribed from Page 708]


HARLAN. Population 2,500. The judicial seat of Shelby county, is an incorporated town located on the West Nishnabotna river, and on the C. R. I. & P. the C. G. W. and C. & N. W. Rys., 14 miles n. of Avoca, 35 s. of Carroll, 45 n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 100 w. of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, has water works, fire department, telephone facilities, 3 hotels, an opera house, a $65,000 court house, a number of prosperous manufacturing establishments, 3 banks and 4 weekly newspapers, the American, Shelby County Republican, the Tribune and the Vaegteren (Danish-Norwegian). There are 8 churches and an admirable public school system. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., Am., U. S. and W., F. & Co. C. A. Reynolds, postmaster.

Baker David, well borer.
Bauder Alfred, blacksmith.
Baughn Wilmot F, live stock.
Beardsley Rev Frank G (Congregational).
Beebe J E, blacksmith.
Beem Mrs Cora, millinery.
Beh Joseph F, general store.
Birkholm Berthold, shoemaker.
Bisgard Sorem C, groceries and crockery ware.
Bocken Henry, tailor.
Bomberger Wm M, fruit grower.
Book J P, carpenter.
Booth Implement Co (Nathaniel, Charles D, David J Booth), farm machinery.
Boyson Hans, clothing.
Boyson & Schaek (Andrew Boyson, Schaek), furniture.
Brazie Fred, veterinary surgeon.
Brown P B, publr Shelby County Republican.
Byers, Lockwood & Byers (H W Byers, E Lockwood and J C Byers), lawyers.
Campbell & Campbell (H W and W C), publrs Tribune.
Canfield Calvin M, billiards.
Carl & Graves (Wm H Carl, Orvis T Graves), furniture
Casey Wm H, live stock breeder.
Christensen C M, county recorder.
Christensen Louis, blacksmith.
City Hotel, Guttenfelder & Bills proprs.
Cobb Elliott, physician.
Cook Elihu L, physician.
Cook H M, auctioneer.
Coslar Charles E, restaurant.
Cox John, live stock breeder.
Crique Joseph, harness.
Cullison & Yackey (G W Cullison, H V Yackey), lawyers.
Dacken & Moore (Herman C Dacken, W H Moore), barbers.
Dalton Mrs Maria, midwife.
DAVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE, James C Duncan Principal, 112-116 E 2d, Davenport, Ia. (See right side lines and adv in Davenport.).
Deen Loom Co The, J M Deen genl mngr, J H Deen treasurer.
Deen & Welch (David M Deen, I T Welch), marble works.
Donnan Harry, dentist.
Dow & Sandham (John F Dow, John Sandham), lumber and coal.
Dunn Mrs C, propr Park Hotel.
Dusell Wm H, meats.
Erret George E, dentist.
Farmers' and Merchants' Savings Bank (capital $50,000), E C Clapp pres R B Prouty cashier.
Ferris Mrs Lizzie, milliner.
Fish E F, justice and insurance.
Fogdall Rev S P (Baptist).
Foster L W & Co (Mrs L W Foster), dry goods and millinery.
Garland Herman I, agt C, R I & P Ry.
Garlick James M, agent Wells Fargo Express Co.
Green Bay Lumber Co, T H Potter mngr.
Guttenfelder & Bills (Chris J Guttenfelder, John Bills), proprs City Hotel.
Hack H P, county treasurer.
Hall Ransom G, publr Harlan American.
Hammer P & Co (Peter Hammer), general store.
HANSEN ALBERT, County Auditor, Court House.
Hansen-Lage-Nieman Co. K Hansen Mngr, general store.
Hansen Trules, blacksmith.
Hansen & Hanson (Hans Hansen, Henry Hanson), hardware.
Harlan American, Ransom D Hall publr.
Harlan Bank, George Walter propr.
Harlan Brick and Tile Co.
Harlan Clothing Co, Benjamin B Griffith mngr.
Harlan C L & Co (Charles L. Harlan, John E Petree), drugs.
Harlan Drug Co (George J Norgaard, John Lauvstad).
Harlan Electric Light, Power and Water Plant, G W Cox supt.
Harlan Land Co, T H Smith mngr.
Harlan Opera House, D M Wyland mngr.
Harlan Produce Co, John Gould mngr.
Harlan Steam Laundry, R F Bryan mngr.
[End Page 822] Harlan Tribune, H W Campbell publr, W C Campbell editor.
Harlan and Avoca Telephone and Telegraph Co, Menzel Fretz mngr.
Harris Charles, baker and restaurant.
Hayes William, clerk of courts.
Heintz Peter, photographer.
Heise Fritz, restaurant and confectioner.
Hertert E M, real estate.
Hetzel Roy B, pianos.
Hirkhart Harry C, meats.
Honeywell J G, justice.
Hoyt Rev Dr (Episcopal).
Hudson Wm C, livery.
Jack John T, loans.
Jensen & Kellogg (Chris A Jensen, Louis L Kellogg), blacksmiths.
Jorgensen Jens C, shoes.
Justice Gustav A, chairman board of county supervisors.
Kellogg & Ross (Ray Kellogg, D Ross), barbers.
Kent John W, restaurant.
Koolbeck John, restaurant.
Kuhl Hotel, Michael J Schomers propr.
Lana Wm, bridge contractor.
Larson Bros (Peter, Martin and Mannur), contractors.
Larson Louis, shoes.
Luecke Herman H, clothing.
Lund J C, publr The Vaegteren.
Lyon John W, plumber.
McCamly George, feed barn.
McDowell, H M, express.
McGinnis John, carpenter.
McPheeters Benjamin B, drugs.
Macy Nathan W, district judge.
Marshall W L, agt C & N W Ry.
Mason David, livery.
Merrell Canning Co, A W Merrell mngr.
Miller James W, books, and agt American Express Co.
Moore Edwin B, physician and coroner.
Morgan I M, carpenter.
Morley Rev J P (Methodist).
Nelson Gas Engine and Automobile Co, T K Nelson pres, S G Dunmore sec and treas.
Neumeyer Henry, barber.
Nielson Nels, jeweler.
Nielson & Yonker (Jacob Nielson, Nels P Yonker), tailors.
Nieman Henry W, farm machinery.
Olsen James C, tailor.
Osborn R L, dentist.
Overfield M S, dentist.
Park Hotel Mrs C Dunn propr.
Pattee Albert J, confectioner.
Peterson Magnus C, county supt of schools.
Peterson Nels, carpenter.
Peterson, Nels P A, groceries and crockeryware.
Peterson Peter I, county surveyor.
Pexton James F, drugs.
Pfeiffer Benjamin F, painter.
Pichard L H & Co (L H Pichard, W H Townsan), real estate.
Pierce Bros (George D and W Bruce), general store.
Poole Ralph E, feed and grain.
Potter T H, mngr Green Bay Lumber Co.
Price E T, agt Chicago & G T Ry.
Rasmussen C C & Son (C C and C A), flour mills.
Rettig Paul G, harnessmaker.
Reyelt Adolph D, harness.
Schomers Michael J, propr Kuhl Hotel.
SHELBY COUNTY ABSTRACT CO (?Members Abstracters' Association of Iowa), O P Wyland Pres, C F Swift Sec and Treas, H E Swain Mngr.
Shelby County Agricultural Society, Fred Frazer sec.
Shelby County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co, W K Colburn sec.
Shelby County Implement Co, Wm H McConnell mngr.
SHELBY COUNTY STATE BANK (Capital $100,000, Surplus $20,000), L F Potter Pres, Thomas N Franklin Vice-Pres, F F Wunder Cashier, M I Westergaard Asst Cashier. Organized in 1880, the Oldest and Largest Bank in Shelby County, Send Us Your Business.
Smith E J, physician.
Smith Frank, barber.
Smith Thomas H, lawyer.
Sorensen Jens, notions.
Sorensen Peter L, livery.
Sorenson Charles G, carpenter contr.
Spurgeon Rev Otis L (Baptist).
Stiles Joseph, real estate.
Strome Charles, apiarist.
Stuart David, lawyer.
Swain Harry, city clerk.
Swain & Bailey (H E Swain, J W Bailey), abstracters.
SWIFT C F, Abstracts, Farm Loans, Insurance, Collections, Notary Public, Correspondence Solicited.
Tapley Harry W, billiards.
Taylor Charles M, painter.
Thomas Roy, propr White Line Transfer Co.
Tinsley Mrs M F, jeweler.
United States Express Co, W H Townsan agt.
Vaegteren The, J C Lund publr.
Walters George, propr Harlan Bank.
Weber Charles C, baker.
Wells Fargo Express Co, E T Price agt.
Wheeler Wm W & Son, clothing.
White Charles O, cigar mnfr.
White Edward S, county attorney.
Whitney Jesse B, lawyer.
White Line Transfer Co, Roy Thomas propr.
Wick Stod S, sheriff.
Wickersham Joseph O, carpenter.
Wyland Omar P, real estate.
Wyland W W, real estate.

[Transcribed from Page 822-823]


IRWIN. Population 500. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river, and on the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys, in Jefferson township, Shelby county, 16 miles n. e. of Harlan, the county seat. It contains a bank, Christian, German Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal and United Brethren churches and a graded public school. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. W. S. Branson, postmaster.

Bank of Irwin (capital $15,000), G E McMullen propr.
Blades G B, live stock.
[End Page 874]
Dudley Carl, confectioner.
Green Bay Lumber Co, coal.
Klinkefne Bros, livery.
McMullen G E, propr Bank of Irwin.
Nelson P, R R, exp and tel agent.
Olson & Shannon, general store.
Paulsen Paul K, general store.
Quinn J E, furniture and undertaker.
Reynolds B F, hotel.
Richards Edward, blacksmith.
Sorenson A E, shoemaker.
Southall Wm Co, grain.
Steenhusen Peter, hardware and mayor.
Swenson C, R R, exp and tel agent.
Thompson G C, wagonmaker.
Thompson John, blacksmith.
Updyk Grain Co, live stock.
Watters J H, physician.
Watters & Harmon (Dr J H Watters, J S Harmon), drugs and jewelry.
Wood Mrs Anna, milliner and dressmkr.
Wurtsbaugh C S, barber.

[Transcribed from Pages 874-875]


JACKSONVILLE. A discontinued post-office in Jackson township, Shelby county, 9 miles e. of Harlan, the county seat, banking and shipping point, whence mail is supplied by rural free delivery.

Anderson Carl V, carpenter.
Barmington, James, carpenter.
Boldt H P, carpenter.
Christensen Michael, agrl implements.
Damm Mrs Carl, dressmaker.
Green Bay Lumber Co, hardware.
Jacobson S P, bricklayer.
Larson & Broelerson, general store.
Marenssen Hans, blacksmith.
Olson Rev (Dan Seventh Day Adventist).
Weisman Rev A C (Dan Seventh Day Adventist).

[Transcribed from Page 875]


KIRKMAN. Population, 225. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river and on the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys. in Douglass township, Shelby county, 7 1/2 miles n. of Harlan, the county seat. Has Baptist and Methodist churches and a bank. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. A. D. Ames, postmaster

AMES A D, Confectioner
Bailey H S, billiards.
Bank of Kirkman, Frank De Klotz propr.
Broyk, Rev A O (Baptist).
De Klotz Frank, propr Bank of Kirkman and insurance.
Ferry W, barber and laundry.
Fleck W M, hotel.
Green Bay Lumber Co.
Gregorson James, drugs.
Greve H & Co, general store.
Harwood Rev J W (Methodist).
Howell D C, meats.
Kilcain Thomas, hardware and implts.
Kimball Thomas, livery.
Potter Henry C, blacksmith.
Sabin A E, physician.
Sandberg Hans, mason.
Schmid J H, grain and agrl implts.
Trans-Mississippi Grain Co.
Tucker E B, justice of peace.
Woods M H, contractor.
Yost Thomas, wagonmaker.
[Transcribed from Page 902]


PANAMA. Population, 500. An incorporated town on the Mosquito river and C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Washington township, Shelby county, 42 miles n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 13 n. w. of Harlan, the seat of justice. It has a bank, a weekly newspaper, the Herald, Catholic and Methodist Episcopal churches, and a graded public school. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. L. H. Crane, postmaster.

Aikfent Henry & Sons, harnessmakers.
Baumeister Charles, physician.
Baxter Mrs, propr Cottage Hotel.
Bendon Ira, blacksmith.
BLIVEN BROS, Publisher Panama Herald.
Bomer W A, prin of school.
Cottage Hotel, Mrs Baxter propr.
CRANE L H, General Store, Real Estate and School Supplies.
Dominie & Miller, confrs and bowling alley.

[End Page 1159]

Eich Joseph F, drugs.
Fullerton A K, R R, tel and exp agt.
Justice G A, supervisor.
Kansas City Grain Co, C Riley agt.
Keelner Karl, mayor.
Kwepeszewski Martin, blacksmith.
Lombarty Peter, meats.
McGinn A, teacher High School.
Magas Martin, shoemaker.
Mahlberg J C, livery.
Manhart Owen, teacher.
Miller E G, grain.
Miller Frank, stationery and confr.
Mills Bruce, hardware.
Mischa W, barber.
Oppohl Ben, general store.
Oppold Caspar, wagonmaker.
PANAMA HERALD, Bliven Bros Publrs.
Panama Savings Bank (cap $20,000). D L Sullivan pres, Eugene Sullivan cashier.
Sullivan Mamie, teacher.
Zimmerman Joseph, general store.

[Transcribed from Pages 1159-1160]


PORTSMOUTH. Population 201. An incorporated town on the C., M, & St. P. Ry. and on the Mosquito river, in Cass township, Shelby county, 12 miles w. of Harlan, the seat of justice. Has Catholic and Christian churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. S. A. Bendon, postmaster.

BENDON S A, Postmaster.
Brown George, agt C, M & St P Ry.
Curran P H, general store.
Elder A A, blacksmith.
Eolinger G, barber.
Fullerton Lumber Co.
Hammerand Bros, blacksmiths.
Hammes John, shoes.
Herkenroth M J, harnessmaker.
Herkenroth Peter & Son, general store.
Lee C A, express and telegraph agt.
Monahon C A, mayor.
Pfeifer John C, furniture.
Scarr H A & Co, drugs.
Sorrenson M A, creamery.
STATE BANK OF PORTSMOUTH (Capital $25,000), Peter Kerth Pres, C S Scroggin Cashier.
Tracy F A, livery.
Wehr Nicholas & Son (Nicholas and J E), live stock and grain.
Whaley G, billiards.

[Transcribed from Page 1181]


PRAIRIE ROSE. A discontinued post office in Monroe township, Shelby county, 11 miles s. e. of Harlan, the judical seat, and 9 1/4 from Walnut, its banking and shipping point. Has rural delivery from Walnut.

Peterson R J, general store.

[Transcribed from Pages 1183-1184]


REDLINE. A discontinued post office in Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the judical seat, and 7 from Kirkman, whence it has rural delivery.

Fabricius M J, general store.

[Transcribed from Page 1193]


RORBECK. A discontinued post office in Shelby county, 7 miles from Marne, its banking and shipping point, whence mail is suppled by rural delivery.

Knudson & Co, general store.

[Transcribed from Page 1218]


SHELBY. Population, 800. An incorporated town located on the C., R. I. & P. Ry,. in Shelby township and county, 16 miles s. w. of Harlan, the county seat, 32 n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 110 w. of Des Moines. Has Adventist, Christian, German Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. Arthur E. Curry, postmaster.

Alexander Fred H, grain and stock buyer.
Allen Frank H, physician.
Anderson Carl, creamery, butter and eggs.
Atherton C H, bee hive mnfr.
BANK OF SHELBY, E C Clapp Pres, G H Rink Cashr. (See adv.)

Bank of Shelby
Shelby, Iowa
E. C. CLAPP, President
G. H. RINK, Cashier.
Prompt Attention to Collections

Benedict C R, real estate.
Benham Mrs Emma T, propr Shelby Hotel.
Bixby N M, restaurant.
Bixby S R, pool and billiards.
Bonne J C, farm impts.
Brown Wm & Sons (Wm, Grant, Edgar and Charles), carpenters.
Buckley Carrie, dressmaker.
Bunting Erasmus H, mason.
Burwell John, painter.
Carling Etta, milliner.
Carling & Buckley (David Carling, George A. Buckley), carpenters.
Casidy George, physician.
Chamberlain Fred L, livery.
Clasen John, Ice.
Clasen John T, meats.
Claussen Hugo, harness.
Cook John A, grocer.
Cook Miss Ora, music teacher.
Cox Harvey, carpenter.
Cox Thomas M, live stock.
Cutshall Lemuel, shoemaker.
CURRY ARTHUR E, Postmaster and Jeweler.
Dettman Rev Albert (Lutheran).
Dow J F & Co, H C Hale mngr, grain elevator.
Durr Andrew, well borer.
Eggerss Fred, general store.
Fagan Horace M, druggist.
Fleisher Rev E H (Methodist).
Foster Nels, plasterer.
Fouts F Milton, barber.
Green Bay Lumber Co, S B Frum mngr.
Hager Julius H, billiards and pool.
Hale Harry C, mngr J F Dow & Co.
Haley Frank R, dentist.
Halladay Charles E, barber.
Hendricks Wm, painter and paper hanger.
Higgins George, justice.
Hillborn Viola, dressmaker.
Holtz Frederick, blacksmith.
Johnson Albert, general store.
Johnson S, principal of High School.
Jones John M, dentist.
Jones N Jasper, physician.
Kellogg L F, justice.
Kegel A, physician.
McLaughlin Wm, live stock.
Mayne J Frank, hardware.
Morrow Harry E, drayage.
Newman Charles W, blacksmith.
Propp Robert M, clothing.
Reams Joseph B, genl store and pres Shelby Ind Tel Co.
Rink John, live stock.
Scott Miss Mary, music teacher.
Shelby Hotel, Mrs E F Benham propr.
Shelby Independent Telephone Co, J B Reams pres, N Jasper Jones sec.
Shelby Lumber Co, D K Chestnut mngr, lumber and coal.
Slaughter Bros (George and Ura), live stock.
Sutton Jess M, live stock.
Tate Mary E, teacher.
Voss John J, wagonmaker.
Waterloo Creamery Co, George E King mngr.
Weinland R S (Presbyterian).

[Transcribed from Page 1242]


TENNANT. Population, 78. On the C., G. W. Ry., in Shelby township and county, 10 1/2 miles s. w. of Harlan, the county seat. Has a Methodist church and a bank. Tel., Postal. Exp., W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. C. D. Grauel, postmaster.

Bartholomew ___, R R, exp and tel agent.
GRAUEL C D, General Store and Postmaster.
Green Bay Lumber Co, hardware.
Halloran W M, livery.
Pederson P R, blacksmith.
Tennant Savings Bank (capital $10,000), W T Shepherd pres, E C Kurtz cashr.
Twamle J F Sons & Co, elevator.
Wiley J B, physician.
Woods W B & Co, general store.

[Transcribed from Page 1327]


WESTPHALIA. Population, 200. In Westphalia township, Shelby county, 8 miles n. w. of Harlan, the county seat, and 4 1/2 from Earling, the nearest banking and shipping point. Telephone connection. Mail, daily. Caroline Hesse, postmaster.

Bock Joseph H, bowling alleys.
Brommenshenkel Rev Peter (Catholic).
Eckerman J H, general store.
Emig Peter, hotel.
Goeser P, general store.
Mayes Mrs Albert, millinery.
Rosenthal Joseph, blacksmith.
Rosenthal Josephine, dressmaker.
Schleimer J, shoemaker.
Schneider Richard notions.

[Transcribed from Page 1413]


Index to Advertisements.
A List of Prominent and Successful Men of Iowa.

18Bank of Defiance559
19German Savings Bank696
24Bank of Shelby1242


from pg. 94

ShelbyHarlanA. HansenWm. HayesH. J. HackC. M. ChristensenS. S. WickM. C. PetersenP. I. PetersenE. S. White

Chairmen of Boards of County Supervisors.

from pg. 97

ShelbyD. L. EdwardsIrwin


from pg. 148


*Harlan (c.h.).

c.h. = county seat
* = International as well as Domestic Money-Order Offices


from pg. 111-139

DefianceBank of DefianceL. F. PatteeR. G. Penniston 
EarlingGerman Savings BankP. J. KorthN. V. Kuhl20,000
ElkhornElkhorn Bank   
HarlanFarmers' & Merchants' Sav. BkA. H. MorseR. D. Prouty50,000
HarlanHarlan BankE. C. Clapp  
HarlanShelby Co. State Bank(Geo. Walters)F. F. Wunder100,000
IrwinBank of Irwin(G. E. McMullen)  
KirkmanBank of Kirkman(Frank De Klotz)  
PanamaPanama Savings BankD. L. SullivanEugene Sullivan20,000
PortsmouthState BankPeter KerthC. S. Scraggin25,000
ShelbyBank of ShelbyE. C. ClappG. H. Rink 
TennantTennant Savings BankW. T. ShepherdE. C. Kurtz10,000

Transcribed and contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, March, 2024 from Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1908-1909 Volume XIV, Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., 1908. Original images may be viewed offsite at: Babel.Hathitrust.org