IAGenWeb Project

Shelby County

Iowa State Gazetteer.
and Business Directory
Volume XIII

R. L. Polk & Co.


Floral Divider Bar



BOTNA. Population, 60. On the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys., in Jefferson township, Shelby county, 18 miles n. e. of Harlan, the judicial seat, and 7 from Manning, the nearest bank location. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co. Tel., W. U. Miss J. E. Stonebaugh, postmaster.

Carson F M, carpenter.
Forbs R J, R R exp and tel agt.
McConnell & Wizner, blacksmith and wagonmaker.
McCournell J R, delivery and drayage.
Palmer N E, drugs.
Pattee O P, grain and live stock.
Palmer W E, druggist.
Rorabaugh Aaron P, general store.
Rorabaugh A P, genl store, coal, grain, and live stock.
STONEBAUGH MISS J E, Confectionery, Stationery and Notions.
Thompson Martin, carp and stone mason.
Willfong A H, general store and grain.

[Transcribed from Page 220]


CORLEY. Population, 80. On the C. R. I. & P. Ry., in Fairview township, Shelby county, 7 miles s. of Harlan, the judicial seat and banking point. Has a Methodist church and a graded public school. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. W. H. Nelson, postmaster.

Albers Claus H, general store.
[End of Page 383]

Campbell, L A, blacksmith.
Corley Creamery Co.
Des Moines Elevator Co.
Dunlavy Mrs, prin of school.
Madison M, R R agt.
Muldoon James, live stock.
NELSON W H, General Store.
Rixon D, hotel.

[Transcribed from Pages 383-384]


DEFIANCE. Population, 400. Dating its settlement from 1881, is an incorporated city located on the Nishnabotna River and on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Union township, Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the judicial seat and 100 from Des Moines. It has Catholic, Christian, Evangelical, Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, The Defiance Enterprise. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. W. J. Williams, postmaster.

Baer T H, physician.
BANK OF DEFIANCE THE, L F Potter Pres, R G Penniston Cashier.
Bill Adolph C, barber.
Cleveland L & Brunker, draymen.
Cox Orvil T, wagonmaker.
Davis George, carpenter.
Defiance Enterprise, S E Zollinger publr.
Defiance Lumber Co (J F Loudenslager, George Rewerts).
Durward W W, livery.
Grow Joseph, r r exp and tel agt.
Hancock F H, grain.
Hannon C M, sewing machines.
Hobart Thomas P, agricultural impts.
Konkle T W & Co (Thomas W Konkle), drugs.
McGuire Frank, hardware and furniture.
Mackrill C C, blacksmith.
Moyer & Shannon, meats.
[End Page 502]

Neola Elevator Co, C A Hobart mngr, grain.
Preston Charles W, general store.
Rewerts George, carpenter.
Schneider Fred, shoemaker.
Scoy Henry B, lawyer.
Tyler House, A E Kingsbury, H D Knight, proprs.
Waldron S, painter.
Williams Wesley J, general store.
Wright Rev J W (Methodist).
Zellinger Samuel E, publr Defiance Enterprise.
[Transcribed from Pages 502-503.]


EARLING. Population, 450. An incorporated town on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Westphalia township, Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the county seat, and 6 s. w. of Defiance. Has Catholic and Evangelical churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Earling Monitor. Stage daily to Westphalia, 5 miles southeast; fare, 25 cents. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. Lyman Hubbell, P. M..

Atlas Grain Co, Ed Kuhl mngr.
Baker August, carpenter.
Bollerman Charles, carpet weaver.
Bolleman D H, meats.
Bruck Jacoby, livery.
DICKERSON L L CO (L L and S A Dickerson), Publrs The Earling Monitor.
Earling Creamery, Axel Anderson supt.
Earling German Cornet Band, Theodore Scheuring leader.
Earling Hardware and Furniture Co.
Earling Water Works, Jacob Mumm supt.
Foxhoven J H, confr, billards and barber.
Funke Anne, milliner.
German Savings Bank (capital $20,000), P J Korth pres. N V Kuhl cashr.
Gibbs A G, music teacher.
Harlan Telephone Co, H A Schleier mngr.
Hiese John C, lumber and coal.
Holden Rev (Evangelical).
Hotel Dewey, A N Foxhoven propr.
Howard Hotel, A V Tyler propr.
Hubbell Lyman, real estate.
Hummert Rev J B (Catholic).
Huntoon L C, flour and feed.
Iowa Telephone Co, H A Schleier & Co mngrs.
Kearness Wm H, live stock.
Kirkpatrick R A, publr Earling Observer.
Klootz Rev.
Kohles Hendricks, hardware.
Koll Mathias G, photographer.
Koll Peter J, harness.
Korth P J, insurance agent.
Kuhl Mathias P, livery and live stock.
Kuhl Peter, general store.
Knoester John, carpenter.
Lingham Charles E, R R, exp and tel agt.
Loeltz Michael A, restaurant.
Mason George, poultry breeder.
Meyers Roland, prin of school.
Miller J P, dairy.
Mola Elevator Co, Lorey Huntoon mngr.
Moyer John, well borer.
Munchrath J P, general store.
Powell L G, physician.
[End Page 644]

Schweiger Fred, tailor.
Shirk Wm, postmaster.
Sprague E C, drugs.
Strunk Hall, Q E Loehr and J P Miller mngrs.
Vessey Bros, general store.
Wahl Henry, carpenter.
Wilwerding Fred W, agrl implements.
Wilke Fritz, shoemaker.
Winkler Paul, blacksmith.

[Transcribed from Pages 644-645]


ELK HORN. Population 300. In Clay township, Shelby county, 18 miles s. e. of Harlan, the county seat, and 16 from Audubon, the usual shipping point. Has Adventist, Baptist and Lutheran churches and a bank. Stage daily to Audubon. Mail, daily. A. Berggreen, postmaster.

Berggeen A, real estate,
Danish Lutheran College.
Danish Mission Society.
Elk Horn Bank, John Peterson pres, S C Peterson cashr.
Elk Horn Clothing Co.
Elk Horn College, T N Jessild pres.
Elk Horn Co-operative Fire Insurance Co, R Hansen pres.
Elk Horn Co-operative Lumber Co, Nels M Elsen mngr.
Elk Horn Music Corps, John Christiansen leader.
Elk Horn Implement Co.
Greyerson Walter, drugs.
Hansen Christopher, harnessmaker.
Hansen C W, furniture.
Hansen R J, restaurant.
Heileson Mary C, physician.
James Joseph & Co, general store.
Jensen Chris P, dealer in live stock.
Jerslid Rev T N (Lutheran).
Larson N, meats.
Miller Jeremiah, hardware.
Miller P, photographer.
Nelson Nels, blacksmith.
Pedersen R P, blacksmith.
Peterson John A, watchmaker.
Peterson & Johnson, general store.
Schroeder Carl, blacksmith.
Schroeder Carl & Co, blacksmiths.
Soe Peder, physician.
Venstrup Emil, barber.

[Transcribed from Page 657]


HARLAN. Population 2,500. The judicial seat of Shelby county, is an incorporated town located on the West Nishnabotna river, and on the C. R. I. & P. and C. & N. W. Rys., (depots 1/4 mile apart), 14 miles n. of Avoca, 35 s. of Carroll, 45 n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 100 w. of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, has water works, fire department, telephone facilities, 3 hotels, an opera house, a $65,000 court house, a number of prosperous manufacturing establishments, 3 banks and 3 weekly newspapers, the Shelby County Republican, the Tribune and the Baegteren (Danish-Norwegian). There are 8 churches and an admirable public school system. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am., U. S. C. A. Reynolds, postmaster.

Baker David, well borer.
Bander Alfred, blacksmith.
Bang George W, notions.
Baughn Wilmot F, live stock.
Beardsley Rev Frank G (Congregational).
Beebe J E, blacksmith.
Beh Joseph F, general store.
Birkholm Berthold, shoemaker.
Bomberger Wm M, fruit grower.
Book J P, carpenter.
Booth N & Son (Nathaniel and Charles D), farm machinery.
Boyson & Broderson, clothing.
Boyson & Schaek (Andrew Boyson, ConisSchaek), furniture.
Brochen H, tailor.
BROWN P B, Publr Shelby County Republican.
Bryan Benjamin J, wagonmaker.
Byers, Lockwood & Byers (H W Byers, E Lockwood and J C Byers), lawyers.
Campbell H W, publr Tribune.
Carl & Graves (Wm H Carl, Orvis F Graves), furniture
Casey Wm H, live stock breeder.
Ceavell Rev O W (Dunkard).
Christensen C M, county recorder.
Christensen Rev R (Baptist).
Christensen C B, county recorder.
Christensen Louis, blacksmith.
CITY HOTEL, Dan Daly Propr, Steam Heat, Modern Throughout, Only Commercial Hotel in the City, Rates $2.00 Per Day, Large and Convenient Sample Rooms, Bus to and From All Trains.
Cobb Elliott, physician.
Cook Elihu L, physician and coroner.
Cook H M, auctioneer.
Cox John, apiarist.
Crique Joseph, harness.
Croft Geo S, county auditor.
Crosiar Charles E, restaurant.
Cullison & Yackey (G W Cullison, H V Yockey), lawyers. [sic? Yacket or Yockey?]
Dacken Herman C, barber.
Dalton Albert, feed barn.
Dalton Mrs Maria, midwife.
DALY DAN, Proprietor City Hotel.
DAVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE, James C Duncan Principal, 112-116 E 2d, Davenport, Ia. (See right side lines and page 464.)
Dawson J H, restaurant.
Deen Loom Co The, J M Deen genl mngr, J H Deen treasurer.
Deen & Welch (David M Deen, I T Welch), marble works.
Donnon Harry, dentist.
Dunn Mrs C, propr Park Hotel.
English Rev Charles J (Methodist).
Ferris Mrs Lizzie, milliner.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Capital $50,000, Surplus $10,000), L E Potter Pres, T N Franklin Cashier, The Only National Bank in Shelby Co, All Business Intrusted to Us will Receive Careful and Intelligent Attention.
Fish E F, justice and insurance.
Garland Herman I, agt C, R I & P Ry.
Gibson A J & Co, drugs.
Gladson Frank M, propr White Line Transfer Co.
Green Bay Lumber Co, T H Potter mngr.
Hammer P & Co (Peter Hammer, J C Jorgensen), general store.
Hansen-Cage-Nieman Co. K Hanson mngr, general store.
Hansen Trules, blacksmith.
Hansen & Hanson (Hans Hansen, Henry Hanson), hardware.
Harlan Bank, George Walter propr.
Harlan Brick and Tile Co, W M Lana pres, S G Dunmore sec and treas.
Harlan Clothing Co, W W Wheeler propr.
Harlan Electric Light, Power and Water Plant, M W Cox supt.
Harlan Land Co, F D Nelson mngr.
Harlan Opera House, D M Wyland mngr.
Harlan Steam Laundry, J H Lohr mngr.
Harlan Tribune, H W Tribune publr, W C Campbell editor.
Harlan and Avoca Telephone and Telegraph Co, A T Whittle mngr.
Harris Charles, baker and restaurant.
[End Page 763] Hayes William, clerk of courts.
Heath Ed, barber.
Heintz Peter, photographer.
Heisey Frederick, painter.
Herr O W, supt of schools.
HERTERT E M, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Holtshneider Mrs E, notions.
Hoyt Rev Dr (Episcopal).
Hudson Wm C, livery.
IOWA BUSINESS COLLEGE, A W Dudley Pres (Des Moines), (See page 3.)
Jack John T, loans.
Johnson N H & Co (Nels H Johnson, S C Bisgard), grocers.
Kellogg & Barkman (Ray Kellogg, Dallas Barkman), barbers.
Kent John W, restaurant.
Koolbeck John, restaurant.
Kuhl Matthew, propr Kuhl's hotel.
Langfitt & Co, hardware.
Larson Bros (Peter, Martin and Mannur), contractors.
Larson Louis, shoes.
Luecke Henry H, clothing.
Luxford G A, county supt of schools.
Lund J C, publr The Vegteren.
McCamly Geo, feed barn.
McConnell Wm, blacksmith.
McDowell, H M, express.
McGinnis John, carpenter.
McIntire Rev C A (Christian).
McPheeters Benjamin B, drugs.
Marshall W L, agt C & N W Ry.
Mason David, livery.
Macy Nathan W, district judge.
Merrill Canning Co, A W Merrill mngr.
Merrill H W, barber.
Miller Daniel H, veterinary surgeon.
Miller James W, books.
Miller J W, agt American Express Co.
Moore Edwin B, physician.
Morgan I M, carp.
Nelson Gas Engine and Automobile Co, T K Nelson pres, S G Dunmore sec and treas.
Nenmeyer Henry, barber.
Nichols Eugene E, painter.
Nielson Nels, jeweler.
Nielson N P & Co, shoes.
Olsen J C, tailor.
Osborn R C, dentist.
Overfield M S, dentist.
Park Hotel Mrs C Dunn propr.
Pattee Albert J, confectioner.
Patterson Chandler R, meats.
Pederson George M, drugs.
Peterson Nels, carpenter.
Peterson, Nels P A, groceries and crockeryware.
Peterson Peter I, county surveyor.
Pexton James F, drugs.
Pfeiffer Benjamin F, painter.
Pichard C H & Co (C H Pichard, W H Townsan), real estate.
Pierce Bros (George D and W Bruce), genl store.
Pool Ralph E, ice dealer.
POTTER C F, Pres First National Bank.
Price E T, agt Chicago & G T Ry.
Rasmussen C C & Son (C C and C H), flour mills.
Reyelt Adolph D, harness.
Roland Martin O, insurance and real est.
Ross J A, shoemkr.
Security Bank of Harlan, E C Clapp pres, R D Prouty cashr.
Seifert Lumber Co.
Shelby County Abstract Co, O P Wyland pres, C F Swift sec and treas, H E Swain mgr.
Shelby County Agricultural Society, W E Cooper sec.
SHELBY COUNTY STATE BANK (Capital $50,000, Surplus $25,000), W K Campbell Pres, H B Kees Vice-Pres, F F Wunder Cashier, Organized in 1880, The Oldest and Largest Bank in Shelby County, Send Us Your Business.
Smith E J, physician.
Smith Thomas H, lawyer.
Sorensen Jens, notions.
Stewart D W, sheriff.
Stiler Joseph, real est.
Strome Charles, apiarist.
Stuart David, lawyer.
Swain Harry, city clerk.
Swain & Bailey (H E Swain, and J W Bailey), abstracters.
SWIFT C F, Abstracts, Farm Loans, Insurance, Collections, Notary Public, Correspondence Invited.
Tapley Harry W, billiards.
Taylor Charles M, painter.
Tingle Albert H, real estate.
Tinsley M F, jeweler.
Ufferman Charles, meats.
United States Express Co, L H Pichard agt.
Vaegteren The, J C Lund publr.
Walker Advertising Bureau, L J Walker mgr.
Walters George, propr Harlan Bank.
Warren Clifton G, farm machinery.
Weber C C, baker.
Weisman Rev A C (Lutheran).
Wells Fargo Express Co, J H Koolbeck agt.
Westrope N S, lawyer.
Wheeler Wm W & Son (Lake), clothing.
Wheeler Wm W, hardware.
White Charles O, cigar mfr.
White C O, cigar mfr.
White Ed S, county attorney.
Whitney Jesse B, lawyer.
White Line Transfer Co, Frank M Gladson propr.
Wickersham Joseph O, carpenter.
Wyland O P, real estate.
Wyland W W, real estate.

[Transcribed from Page 763-764]


IRWIN. Population 500. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river, and on the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys, in Jefferson township, Shelby county, 16 miles n. e. of Harlan, the county seat. It contains a bank, Christian, German Lutheran, and Methodist Episcopal churches and a graded public school. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., Am. and W., F. & Co. Telephone connection. W. S. Branson, postmaster.

Averil T E, general store.
Bank of Irwin (capital $15,000), G E McMullen cashier.
Blades G B, live stock.
Cold P F, live stock.
Dudley Carl, confectioner.
Ellis A, hotel.
Escher Charles jr, grain.
Green Bay Lumber Co, coal.
Kelly F J, livery.
Nelson P, R R, exp and tel agent.
Olson O N, general store.
Paulsen Paul K, general store.
Poling H M, blacksmith.
Reynolds B F, hotel.
Richards Edward, blacksmith.
Sorenson A E, shoemaker.
Southall Wm Co, grain.
Steenhusen Peter, hardware and mayor.
Tarpy D, livery.
Thompson G C, wagonmaker.
Thompson John, band leader.
Watters & Harmon (Dr J H Watters, J S Harmon), drugs and jewelry.
Winters J E, R R, exp and tel agt.
Wurtsbaugh C S, barber.
Quinn J E, furniture and undertaker.

[Transcribed from Page 818]


JACKSONVILLE. A discontinued post-office in Jackson township, Shelby county, 9 miles e. of Harlan, the county seat, banking and shipping point, whence mail is supplied by rural free delivery.

Anderson Carl V, carpenter.
Barmington, James, carpenter.
Boldt H P, carpenter.
Christensen Michael, agrl impts.
Damm Mrs Carl, dressmaker.
Green Bay Lumber Co, hardware.
Jacobson S P, bricklayer.
Larson & Broelerson, general store.
Marenssen Hans, blacksmith.
Olson Rev (Dan Seventh Day Adventist).
Weisman Rev A C (Dan Seventh Day Adventist).

[Transcribed from Page 818]

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KIRKMAN. Population, 300. An incorporated town on the Nishnabotna river and on the C. & N. W. and C. G. W. Rys. in Douglass township, Shelby county, 7 1/2 miles n. of Harlan, the county seat. Has Baptist and Methodist churches and a bank. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., Am. and W.,F. & Co. Telephone connection. S. B. Slater, postmaster

Bailey H S, billiards.
Banghuwer Mrs C E, hotel.
BANK OF KIRKMAN, Frank De Klotz Propr.
Broybs, Rev A O (Baptist).
DE KLOTZ FRANK, Propr Bank of Kirkman and Insurance.
Green Bay Lumber Co.
Gregorson James, drugs.
Greve H & Co, general store.
Howe Rev W E (Meth).
Howell D C, meats.
Kilcain Thomas, hdware and impts.
Kimball Thomas, livery.
Longnecker Mrs W s, GENL STORE.
Mayer Anna E, milliner.
Parkinson Mercantile Co, genl store.
Potter Henry C, blacksmith.
Sabin A E, physician.
Sandberg Hans, mason.
Schmid J H, grain and impts.
Slater S B, cenfr and grocer.
Trans-Mississippi Grain Co, grain.
Tucker E B, justice of peace.
Wilforney Wm, barber and laundry.
Woods M H, contractor.
Yost Thomas, wagonmaker.
[Transcribed from Page 848]


PANAMA. Population, 250. An incorporated town on the Mosquito river and C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Washington township, Shelby county, 42 miles n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 12 n. w. of Harlan, the seat of justice. It has a bank, a weekly newspaper, the Herald, Catholic and Methodist Episcopal churches, and a graded public school. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. Frank Miller, postmaster.

Bank of Panama (not inc), John Sullivan pres, Eugene Sullivan cashier.
Baumeister Charles, physician.
Baxter Mrs, propr Cottage Hotel.
Bendon Ira, blacksmith.
BLIVEN BROS, Publishers Panama Herald.
Cottage Hotel, Mrs Baxter propr.
CRANE S H, General Store.
Durkee Wm, mayor.

Farmers and Merchants Telephone Co.
Fedler Rev John (Catholic).
Fullerton Lumber Co.
Hoffman Fred, hardware.
Kansas City Grain Co, C Riley agent.
Kwepeszewski Martin, blacksmith.
Lombarty Peter, meats.
Lyman Roy, confectioner and bowling alley.
Magas Martin, shoemaker.
Mahlberg J C, livery.
Manhart L, harnessmaker.
Manion Nellie, teacher.
Miller E G, grain.
MILLER FRANK, School Books, Stationery, Confectioner, Cigars and Tobacco.
Mischa Wm, barber.
Oppold Caspar, wagonmaker.
PANAMA HERALD, Bliven Bros Proprs.
Smith O C, r r, exp and tel agt.
Sullivan Bros (John and Eugene), proprs Bank of Panama.
Wickersham Bessie, teacher.
Wescoat Prof J H, principal school.
Wright Rev M A (Methodist).
Zimmerman Joseph, general store.

[Transcribed from Page 1092]


PORTSMOUTH. Population 300. An incorporated town on the C., M, & St. P. Ry. and on the Mosquito river, in Cass township, Shelby county, 12 miles w. of Harlan, the seat of justice. Has Catholic and Methodist Episcopal churches, and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. S. A. Bendon, postmaster.

Atlas Grain Co.
Balfour M W, farm impts.
Batty & Monahan (George Batty, C A Monahan), grain and impts.
COOPER BROS, General Store.
Curran P H, general store.
Elder A A, blacksmith.
Farmers' Lumber Co, C L Dohram mngr.
Fullerton Lumber Co.
Hammerand Bros, blacksmiths.
Hammes John, shoes.
Herkenroth M J, harnessmaker.
Herkenroth & Dohrman (Peter Herkenroth, Henry Dohrman), genl store.
Lee C A, R R, exp and tel agt.
Leiner J M, confectioner.
Lux Peter, livery.
Monahon C A, mayor.
Pfeifer John C, furniture.
Ramsey Hugh, meats.
Scarr H A & Co, drugs.
Shafer M J, hardware.
Sorrenson M A, creamery.
STATE BANK OF PORTSMOUTH (Capital $25,000), Peter Kerth Pres, C S Scraggin Cashr.
Tracy F A, livery.
Walker C N,hardware.
Wehr Nicholas & Son (Nicholas and J E), live stock and grain.
Whaley G, billiards.
White M J, barber.
Wilson Mrs J M, hotel.

[Transcribed from Page 1114-1115]


PRAIRIE ROSE. A discontinued post office in Monroe township, Shelby county, 11 miles s. e. of Harlan, the judical seat, and 9 1/4 from Walnut, its banking and shipping point. Has rural free delivery from Walnut.

[Transcribed from Page 1117]


REDLINE. A discontinued post office in Shelby county, 14 miles n. w. of Harlan, the judical seat, and 7 from Kirkman, whence it has rural free delivery.

[Transcribed from Page 1126]


RORBECK. A discontinued post office in Shelby county, 7 miles from Marne, its banking and shipping point, whence mail is suppled by rural free delivery.

[Transcribed from Page 1153]


SHELBY. Population, 800. An incorporated town located on the C., R. I. & P. Ry,. in Shelby township and county, 16 miles s. w. of Harlan, the county seat, 32 n. e. of Council Bluffs, and 110 w. of Des Moines. Has Adventist, Christian, German Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Shelby News. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. Arthur E. Curry, postmaster.

Allen Frank H, physician.
Atherton C H, bee hive mnfr.
Bank of Shelby, E C Clapp pres, G H Rink cashier.

Benedict C R, real estate.
Benham Bessie, teacher.
Benham Mrs Emma T, propr Shelby Hotel.
Bixby N M, restaurant.
Blackman Leota, teacher.
Boardman Benjamin, teacher.
Bohlander Opera House, W H Bohlander propr.
Bohlander W H, propr Bohlander Opera House.
Bonne D K, furniture.
Bonne J C, farm implements.
[End Page 1174]

Brink Lafayette, bill poster.
Brown Wm & Sons (Wm, Grant, Edgar and Charles), carpenters.
Buckley Carrie, dressmaker.
Bunting Erasmus H, mason.
Burwell John, painter.
Butler Patrick J, propr Shelby News.
Carling Etta, milliner.
Carling & Buckley (David Carling, George A. Buckley), carpenters.
Carson Robert, auctioneer.
Casidy Gorge, physician.
Chamberlain Fred L, livery.
Chestnut Inez, music teacher.
City Hotel, Victoria Payne propr.
Clasen John, Ice.
Clasen John T, meats.
Cook John A, grocer.
Cox Harvey, carpenter.
Cox Thomas M, live stock.
Cutshall Lemuel, shoemaker.
Curry Arthur E, postmaster and jeweler.
Dee Earl H, painter.
Des Moines Elevator Co, Herman Barnholdt mngr.
Diamond Judd W, billiards.
Dow Josiah & Co, D K Chestnut mngr, grain.
Dow J F & Co, H C Hale mngr, grain elevator.
Durr Andrew, well borer.
Eggerss Fred, general store.
Foster Nels, plasterer.
Foster Nels, well borer.
Fouts F Milton, barber.
Frum Joseph E, justice.
Green Bay Lumber Co, S B Frum mngr.
Hadley L P & Co (Lyell P and James T Hadley), drugs.
Hale Harry C, mgr J F Dow & Co.
Haley Frank R, dentist.
Halladay Charles E, barber.
Hendricks Wm, bowling alley.
Higgins George, justice.
Hillborn Viola, dressmaker.
Holtz Frederick, blacksmith.
Ickes George, live stock.
Ickes John, livery.
Jacobs W C & Co (Wm C Jacobs), general store.
Johnson Albert, general store.
Johnson Charles A, hardware and farm implements.
Johnson Jacob H, hardware.
Jones John M, dentist.
Jones N Jasper, physician.
Jones Winifred, music teacher.
Kay G A, veterinary surgeon.
Kellogg Lewis F, feed and farm impts.
Kellog L F, justice.
Kellogg & Brink (L F Kellogg, L A Brink), implements.
Kegel A, physician.
Laird Rev T W (Presbyterian).
Leonhard Rev F (German Lutheran).
McLaughlin Wm, live stock.
McMullen Edna R, teacher.
Mayne J Frank, hardware.
Means Otho, poultry and insurance.
Meiner J & Co, harness.
Morrow Harry E, dray.
Nelson Nels, dray.
Newman Charles W, blacksmith.
Payne Victoria, propr City Hotel.
Pettit Nelson, live stock.
Pomeroy Bessie, teacher.
Pomeroy W H, lawyer.
Propp Robert M, clothing.
Pryor & Moore (Arthur Pryor, Henry Moore), live stock.
Read H D, mayor and railroad and exp agt.
Reams Joseph B, general store.
Rhodes John C, photographer.
Rink John, live stock.
Robinson Andrew, oil agt.
Sharp Royal H, marshal.
Shelby Commercial Club, D C Cooper pres.
Shelby Cornet Band, George H Rink leader.
Shelby Hotel, Mrs E F Benham propr.
Shelby Independent Telephone Co, C R Benedict pres, N Jasper Jones sec.
Shelby Lumber Co, D K Chestnut mngr, lumber and coal.
Shelby News, P J Butler propr.
Shelby Supply Co (C A Johnson), implements and hardware.
Slaughter Bros (George and Ura), live stock.
Stinman John J, restaurant.
Sutton Jess M, live stock.
Sutton Wm, painter.
Tate Mary E, teacher.
United States Express Co, H D Read agt.
Voss John J, wagonmaker.
Waterloo Creamery Co, George E King manager.
Woodward Rev I N (Methodist).
Zimmerman Geo, billiards and bowling alley.

[Transcribed from Page 1174-1175]


TENNANT. Population, 10. On the C., G. W. Ry., in Shelby township and county, 10 1/2 miles southwest of Harlan, the county seat and 6 from Shelby, the nearest banking point. Tel., Postal. Exp., W., F. & Co., C D Grauel, P. M.
Bartholemew ____ railroad, exp and tel agt.
GRAUEL C D, General Storer.
Green Bay Lumber Co, hardware.
Hamler W A, drugs.

[Transcribed from Page 1255]


WESTPHALIA. Population, 200. In Westphalia township, Shelby county, 8 miles n. w. of Harlan, the county seat, and 4 1/2 from Eairling [sic Earling], on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., the nearest banking and shipping point. Mail, daily.

Bock Joseph H, bowling alleys.
Brommenshenkel Rev Peter (Catholic).
Emig Peter, hotel.
GOESER P, General Store.
Goeser P, general store.
Mayes Mrs Albert, millinery.
Rheinlander Maggie, dressmaker.
Rosenthal Joseph, blacksmith.
Ruschenberg Joseph, general store.
Schleimer J, shoemaker.
Schneider Richard notions.

[Transcribed from Page 1342]


Index to Advertisements.
A List of Prominent and Successful Men of Iowa.

No Shelby County Entries Found


from pg. 90-91

ShelbyHarlanGeo. S. CroftWm. HayesW. A. Lesseng?C. M. ChristensenD. W. StewartGeo. A. LuxfordWash. WylandEd. S. White

Chairmen of Boards of County Supervisors.

from pg. 93

ShelbyP. H. RuffcornDefiance


from pg. 107


*Harlan (c.h.).

c.h. = county seat
* = International as well as Domestic Money-Order Offices


from pg. 111-139

DefianceBank of DefianceR. G. Penniston 
EarlingGerman Savings BankN. V. Kuhl25,000
ElkhornElk Horn BankGeorge Kriebs 
HarlanFirst National BankT. N. Franklin50,000
HarlanHarlan Bank(George Walter) 
HarlanSecurity Bank of HarlanR. D. Prouty 
HarlanShelby County State BankF. F. Wunder50,000
IrwinBank of IrwinG. E. McMullen 15,000
KirkmanBank of Kirkman(Frank De Klotz) 
PanamaBank of PanamaEugene Sullivan 
PortsmouthState Bank of PortsmouthC. S. Scraggin25,000
ShelbyBank of ShelbyG. H. Rink 

Transcribed and contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, August, 2024 from Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1905-1906 Volume XIII, Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., 1905. Original images may be viewed offsite at: Babel.Hathitrust.org