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Calvary Cresco
Surnames Starting With
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Calvary Cresco Cemetery Table

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PGFWOSurnamesBirth DateDeath DateNotes
McAllister, Bernard
Father h/o Johanna McAllister Adjacent Stone to : Johanna McAllister Grouped With 3 other graves: Cyril McAllister, Johanna McAllister and Ruth A. McAllister
McAllister, Cyril
Son s/o Johanna and Bernard McAllister Grouped With 3 other graves: Bernard McAllister, Johanna McAllister and Ruth A. McAllister
 G W 
McAllister, Johanna
Mother w/o Bernard McAllister Adjacent Stone to : Bernard McAllister Grouped With 3 other graves: Cyril McAllister, Bernard McAllister and Ruth A. McAllister
McAllister, John A.
McAllister, John L.
Dec. 16, 1937June 2, 2012
h/o Marie C. McAllister Married: July 26, 1958 p/o Pat, Mike, Jeff, Shari and Kathy
McAllister, Lloyd T.
Mar. 7, 1935June 9, 1963
Iowa AIC 6911 Radio GP AF
McAllister, Louise
McAllister, Pamela M.
Sept. 14, 1965July 16, 2011
w/o Michael T. McAllister Married: June 2, 1984 p/o steven, Jessica, Nathan and Tom
McAllister, Ruth A.
Daughter d/o Johanna and Bernard McAllister Grouped With 3 other graves: Cyril McAllister, Bernard McAllister and Johanna McAllister
McAndrew, A
1838/1839May 19, 1889
Aged 50 Ys
McAndrew, Bridget
1795/1796Mar. 25, 1893
Aged 97 Ys s/s Unk #16 McAndrew
McAndrew, Emeline
McAndrew, Unk #16
1849/1850May 10, 1889
w/o A. McAndrew Aged 38 Ys s/s Bridget McAndrew
McBride, David
Apr. 19, 1870Sept. 17, 1935 
 G W 
McBride, Hugh B.
June 1, 1883May 16, 1922
Father h/o Nellie K. McBride Grouped With 2 other graves: Nellie K. McBride and William McBride
McBride, Nellie K.
Mother w/o Hugh B. McBride Grouped With 2 other graves: Hugh B. McBride and William McBride
McBride, William
Our Son Killed in Action s/o Nellie K. and Hugh B. McBride WW II Philippine Islands Grouped With 2 other graves: Hugh B. McBride and Nellie K. McBride
McCabe, J. Flynn
McCabe, Phyllis I.
 G W 
McCartey, Mary Elizabeth
 G W 
McCartey, Michael A.Very Rev
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McCarthy, Mary
Aged 37 Ys
McCarville, Elizabeth
Grouped With 2 other graves: Julia M. McCarville and Phillip McCarville
McCarville, Hazel J.
McCarville, Julia M.
Grouped With 2 other graves: Elizabeth McCarville and Phillip McCarville
McCarville, Leo E.
h/o Thresa McCarville p/o Leland, Donald, Patrica, Robert, David, Dale and Jean Ann
McCarville, Margaret J.
McCarville, Michael J.
McCarville, Phillip
Grouped With 2 other graves: Julia M. McCarville and Elizabeth McCarville
McCarville, Raphael
McCarville, Raymond P.
Father h/o Zelpha M. McCarville
McCarville, Thresa
w/o Leo E. McCarville p/o Leland, Donald, Patrica, Robert, David, Dale and Jean Ann
McCarville, Zelpha M.
Mother w/o Raymond P. McCarville
McConnell, James J.
h/o Shirley A. (Sexton) McConnell p/o Richard, Linda, Mike, Tim, Kathy and Joseph
McConnell, Son
Oct. 6, 1964Oct. 6, 1964
McCulloch, Rosemary E.
Aug. 8, 1939Dec. 2, 2001
m/o Patricia, Beth, Kerry and Shannon
McCullow, Catharian
Grouped With 3 other graves: Mae McCullow, Patrick Joseph McCullow and Little Charley McCullow
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McCullow, Charley
Aged 5 Ys 1 Mo 22 Ds s/o P. J. and Kate McCullow Grouped With 3 other graves: Mae McCullow, Patrick Joseph McCullow and Catharian McCullow
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McCullow, Mae
May 31, 1879Sept. 20, 1910
Grouped With 3 other graves: Patrick Joseph McCullow, Catharian McCullow and Little Charley McCullow
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McCullow, Patrick Joseph
Grouped With 3 other graves: Mae McCullow, Catharian McCullow and Little Charley McCullow
McDermott, Charlotte
Grouped With 4 other graves: John B. McDermott, John McDermott, Ellen (Dorgan) McDermott and Julia (McDermott) Zender
McDermott, Eileen Marie (Kelly)
Jan. 25, 1939De. 29, 2003
d/o John and Mary Kelly Sean, Michael, Kevin, Cullen and Phillip
 G W 
McDermott, Ellen (Dorgan)
Mother w/o John McDermott Grouped With 4 other graves: Charlotte McDermott, John B. McDermott, John McDermott and Julia (McDermott) Zender
McDermott, John
Father h/o Ellen (Dorgan) McDermott Grouped With 4 other graves: Charlotte McDermott, John B. McDermott, Ellen (Dorgan) McDermott and Julia (McDermott) Zender
McDermott, John B.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Charlotte McDermott, John McDermott, Ellen (Dorgan) McDermott and Julia (McDermott) Zender
McDermott, John T.
June 24, 1915 July 1, 1945
Adjacent stone to: Mabel E. McDermott Iowa Tec 5 23 Armd Engr BN 3 Armd Div WW II
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McDermott, Julia
1890July, 1952
Married name is Zender Married Charles Zender, Nov. 7, 191 Grouped With 4 other graves: Charlotte McDermott, John B. McDermott, John McDermott and Ellen (Dorgan) McDermott
McDermott, Mabel E.
Adjacent stone to: John T. McDermott
 G W 
McDonough, Ann (Dargan)
Grouped With 2 other graves: Grandpa [John Dargan Sr.] and John McDonough
McDonough, John
Grouped With 2 other graves: Grandpa [John Dargan Sr.] and Ann (Dargan) McDonough
McDonough, John James
McGee, Alvira C.
w/o Edward V. McGee Married: Oct. 13, 1948 p/o Mary, Joan, Tom, Barb, Pat, Kathy, Monica, Jane, Jackie and Bob
McGee, Angeline
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone
McGee, Daniel L.
6 graves are grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone they are: Daniel L., Lucy A., Paul C., Angeline, Dennis and Elizabeth
McGee, Dennis
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone
McGee, Donald J.
July 22, 1919July 9, 1978
Beloved brother and uncle Pvt US Army
McGee, Edward V.
h/o Alvira C. McGee Married: Oct. 13, 1948 p/o Mary, Joan, Tom, Barb, Pat, Kathy, Monica, Jane, Jackie and Bob
McGee, Elizabeth
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone
McGee, Emma Jean
w/o Willis J. McGee Adjacent marker to: Joan Katherine McGee p/o Francis, Diane, Jean and John
McGee, Geneva
McGee, Gerald J.
Sept. 14, 1930Aug. 30, 1991
h/o Agnes L. Hyke McGee AIC US Air Force Korea Glenn and Agnes married Sept. 21, 1948 p/o Marcella, Frances, Lester, Margaret, Dennis, Kenneth, Gordon and Karen Gerald and Agnes married Aug. 26, 1966 p/o Richard, Steven and Maureen GrandDaughter Angel Hyke
McGee, Gladys E.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Orin F. McGee, Owen McGee, Josephine E. McGee and Irene C. McGee
McGee, Irene C.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Orin F. McGee, Owen McGee, Josephine E. McGee and Gladys E. McGee
McGee, James Roy
June 4, 1948Aug. 31, 1992
Beloved Son s/o Marjorie E. and Raymond J. McGee
McGee, Joan Katherine
Dec. 19, 1953Dec. 21, 1953
d/o Willis and Emma Jean McGee Adjacent marker to: Emma Jean McGee
McGee, John S.
Father h/o Mary Ann McGee
McGee, Josephine E.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Orin F. McGee, Owen McGee, Gladys E. McGee and Irene C. McGee
McGee, Leo H.
McGee, Lucy A.
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone
McGee, Marjorie E.
Feb. 6, 1926Oct. 10, 2010
w/o Raymond J. McGee Married: Feb. 6, 1947 p/o James, Patricia, Shirley, Colleen, William, Michael and Joseph
McGee, Mary Ann
Mother w/o John S. McGee
McGee, Olive
McGee, Orin F.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Owen McGee, Josephine E. McGee, Gladys E. McGee and Irene C. McGee
 G W 
McGee, Owen
Grouped With 4 other graves: Orin F. McGee, Josephine E. McGee, Gladys E. McGee and Irene C. McGee
McGee, Paul C.
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Daniel L. and Lucy A. McGee Stone
McGee, Raymond James
July 24, 1921Jan. 2, 2007
h/o Marjorie E. McGee Cpl US Army WW II Purple Heart Married: Feb. 6, 1947 p/o James, Patricia, Shirley, Colleen, William, Michael and Joseph
McGee, Shirley Esther
July 8, 1950July 18, 1950
Our Angel d/o Ray and Marge McGee
 G W 
McGrane, A. J.
McGrane, Virgil J.
h/o Winnifred M. (Reicks) McGrane Married: June 1, 1948 p/o Kenneth J.
pictureG   O
McGrane, Winnifred M. (Reicks)
Aug. 26, 1928Mar. 31, 2014
w/o Virgil J. McGrane Married: June 1, 1948 p/o Kenneth J.
 G W 
McGrath, Mary
McGuire, Cecelia A.
Grouped With 2 other graves: J. Emmet McGuire and Meagan Anne McGuire
McGuire, Emily G.
McGuire, J. Emmet
Grouped With 2 other graves: Cecelia A. McGuire and Meagan Anne McGuire
McGuire, Kevin C.
Oct. 4, 1932July 19, 1995
h/o Mary L. McGuire Married: June 26, 1955 p/o Patricia, Mary, Kevin, Michael, Terrence and Patrick
McGuire, Meagan Anne
Apr. 27, 1986Apr. 27, 1986
Infant d/o Michael and Carol McGuire Grouped With 2 other graves: J. Emmet McGuire and Cecelia A. McGuire
McGuire, William P.
McHugh, Agnes P.
1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
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McHugh, Anna
Apr. 24, 1864jan. 2, 1903
Married name is Ahern Born at Lindsay Ontatio Canada Died at Cresco Iowa 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
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McHugh, John
Dec. 23, 1848Jan. 30, 1897
Born at Lindsay Ontario Died at Cresco Iowa 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
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McHugh, Margaret
june 12, 1842May 2, 1912
Born at Lindsay Ontatio Died at Cresco Iowa 1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
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McHugh, Mary Lyons
July 21, 1877Aug. 8, 1925
1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
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McHugh, Orvine
 Jan. 13, 1903
1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
McHugh, Orvine S.
Jan. 14, 1877Sept. 8, 1931
1 of 9 graves grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone
McHugh, Roderick
9 graves are grouped near the Roderick McHugh Stone they are: Roderick, Agnes P., John Joseph Moore, John, Margaret, Anna (McHugh) Ahern, Mary Lyons, Orvine S. and Orvine
McIntire, Evangeline T.
Aug. 5, 1914June 26, 1992
w/o William S. McIntire Married: Feb. 8, 1939 p/o Joan, Lenn and Glen
McIntire, William S.
Jan. 16, 1918Jan. 6, 1996
h/o Evangeline T. McIntire TM3 US Navy ww II Married: Feb. 8, 1939 p/o Joan, Lenn and Glen
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McKone, Cecelia Anna (Wessels)
Mar. 21, 1922Sept. 27, 2013
Married Nehl J. McKone Nov. 17, 1947
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McKone, Nehl James
Mar. 12, 1920June 18, 2009
h/o Cecelia A. (Wessels) McKone Married: Nov. 7, 1947 p/o Jim. Tom, Mark, Mary and John
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McLaughlin, Anna
Mother w/o James McLaughlin
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McLaughlin, James
Father h/o Anna McLaughlin
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McNally, Anna
Apr. 15, 1856Sept. 20, 1895
Adjacent marker to: Michael L. McNally
McNally, Charles P.
McNally, Mae
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McNally, Mary Loretto
Married name is Rourk w/o E. F. Rourk
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McNally, Michael L.
Feb. 14, 1855Oct. 27, 1899
Adjacent marker to: Anna McNally
McNally, Ora (Hoy)
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McNevin, Ann
1808/1809Sept. 28, 1883
Aged 74 Ys s/s with 3 other graves: Joseph McNevin, Rose A. McNevin and George W. McNevin
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McNevin, George W.
July 5, 1849May 26, 1883
Aged 33 Ys 10 Ms 21 Ds s/s with 3 other graves: Ann McNevin, Joseph McNevin and Rose A. McNevin
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McNevin, Joseph
Apr 11, 1854Jan. 15, 1881
Aged 26 Ys 9 Ms 4 Ds s/s with 3 other graves: Ann McNevin, Rose A. McNevin and George W. McNevin
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McNevin, Rose A.
Aug. 28, 1852June 11, 1880
Aged 27 Ys 9 Ms 14 Ds s/s with 3 other graves: Ann McNevin, Joseph McNevin and George W. McNevin
PGFWOSurnames Starting with MEBirth DateDeath DateNotes