Compliments of The Estherville Democrat
October 1904
1904 Estherville City Directory Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Name |
Occupation |
Address |
Aananson, Anna |
servant |
Orleans Hotel |
Abernathy, Edward & wife L P |
laborer |
715 East Lincoln |
Adams, Jane (Mrs) |
widow |
621 North 7th |
Adam, Ira C |
jeweler |
113 North 6th, res 621 North 8th |
Adams, D H & wife |
conductor C R I & P |
921 East Des Moines |
Adams, H A & wife Grace |
paperhanger |
507 North 6th |
Aitchson, J H & wife J N |
farmer |
west side |
Aitchison, W H |
laborer |
west side |
Aitchison, D H |
student |
west side |
Aitchison, Grace |
student |
west side |
Albert, Myrtle |
stenographer |
511 West Lincoln |
Albert, N & wife |
511 West Lincoln |
Albert, Mike |
511 West Lincoln |
Alder, Bertha |
Teacher |
McKinley Building |
Allen, G C & wife |
real estate |
522 ½ E Lincoln, res 109 2nd Av N |
Allen, Frank H |
clerk |
1st National Bank |
Allen, F E (Mrs) |
widow |
815 East Lincoln |
Allen, F E |
815 East Lincoln |
Allen, Donald |
815 East Lincoln |
Alexander D R & wife |
attorney |
office over 1st National Bank, Res 815 North 7th |
Almos, E O |
fireman C R I & P |
European Hotel |
Alt, C & wife Mary |
water supply C R I & P |
1009 East Howard |
Amdal, Sigwald & wife Augusta |
carpenter |
620 North 4th |
Amdal S & wife M O |
section man |
208 East Howard |
Amdal, John & wife Julia |
car repairer |
108 East Howard |
Amdal, Selma |
waiter |
European Hotel |
Ammon, A F & wife Mary |
engineer C R I & P |
415 East Howard |
Ammon, C R & wife Ada A |
retired |
211 West Main |
Ammon, John & wife M J |
retired |
205 East main |
Ammon, Miss M E |
205 East main |
Ammundson, Lars & wife Anna |
725 South 10th |
Ammundson, Ida |
teacher |
725 South 10th |
Amundson, John Jr. & wife |
county clerk |
614 South 8th |
Anstutz, Robt & wife Nellie |
brakeman |
321 South 6th |
Anderson Dr. A & wife Effie |
physician |
cor Des Moines and North 7th |
Anderson, A |
carpenter C R I & P |
1026 North 10th |
Anderson, John A. |
retired |
120 West Howard |
Anderson, Martin & wife Bertiva |
retired |
602 South 8th |
Anderson, Anton |
section man |
410 South 3rd |
Anderson, J P & wife Marie |
Carpenter |
315 Archer |
Anderson, J P & wife |
fireman M & St. L |
1213 East Howard |
Anderson, Geo B & wife |
retired |
1127 East Howard |
Anderson, A S & wife Lizzy |
bridge carpenter C R I & P |
1226 East Howard |
Anderson, C S |
clerk for A. Barber |
215 North 7th |
Anderson, Lloyd L |
student |
cor Des Moines and 7th |
Anderson, W G & wife Clara |
drayman |
910 North 7th |
Anderson, A B & wife Nellie |
laborer |
East Lawn |
Anderson, Oscar |
student |
East Lawn |
Anderson, S (Miss) |
clerk |
602 North 6th |
Anderson Hospital |
cor Des Moines & 7th |
Anthony, L H |
blacksmith |
914 N 4th |
Arwood, Chas & wife |
321 East 11th |
Archer, M L, & wife Grace |
abstractor |
over Estherville State Bank, Res 303 North 7th |
Archer, Miss Lizzie |
clerk |
303 North 7th |
Arnett, M V & wife |
ditcher |
521 North 5th |
Ashford, W R & wife Maude |
editor |
West side |
Askaland, Lena |
domestic |
European Hotel |
Atwood, H E & wife Mary |
real estate, Coon Block |
703 S 9th |
Atwood, Homer S. |
student |
703 South 9th |
Atwood, Naomi |
student |
703 South 9th |
Austin, D B & wife |
professor of music |
214 North 6th |
Ayers, Addie (Mrs) |
widow |
934 North 6th |
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