This collection is a transcription of a labor of love,
donated to the Davis County Genealogy Society, and found in their
collection. I have gleaned across the document, to share to the
Ottumwa Courier, Floris Bits
On Hunting Trip-
Mr and Mrs Crete Hastings and Mr and Mrs Paul
Wilkinson were in Tama county Sunday on a pheasant hunt.
November 17, 1948
Floris Women’s Council to Meet-
The Women’s council of the Christian Church will
meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Ralph Williams, west of town.
Mr and Mrs Glenn Harward of Denver, Colo., left today after a week’s
visit with relatives. Miss Barbara Jeanne Harward who is attending
college at Iowa City, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs
Glenn Harward. Mrs Selma Morris of Waukee was a week-end visitor with
Stella Parker and Ethel Harward. Mr and Mrs Hollis Wilkinson, Sharon Kae
and Stephen spent the week end in Galesburg at the Garold Wilkinson
home. Robert Hancock of Dubuque accompanied Doy Foster by Ottumwa were
hunting in the vicinity Sunday, and were breakfast guests at the Charles
Harward home. Mrs Ruth Hancock has been visiting the past week at the
parental Orville Rodefer home, returned to Davenport Sunday, with her
husband Osa Hancock, who was a weekend visitor. Rex Hart who has been a
surgical patient at the St Joseph hospital in Ottumwa, returned home.
First Shipments of Corn in Years-
The Whitacre produce firm is buying and shipping
corn out of Floris. The first time in years for this to be done. Warden
Bolwar is building a new frame garage at the east end of Main street in
the same location where he operated a garage 15 years ago. Fred Davis
and his German bride were guests at the Wayne Speer home Wednesday
night, going to Bloomfield Thursday morning, to visit at the Harold
Jones home. Davis formerly of Floris, was discharged from the army at Ft
Devens, Mass. November 1.
November 20, 1948
Christian Women Meet at Floris-
The women’s council of the Christian Church changed
its meeting place from the Mrs Ralph Williams home and met with Mrs Zell
Irelan Thursday afternoon. Mrs Ruth French became a member. Mrs Flora
Fiedler had charge of the lesson and program. Mr and Mrs William Fuller
of Dubuque arrived to visit his mother, Mrs Lillie Fuller, and brother,
Perry. Mr and Mrs Earl Sherman and daughter, Sherry, returned after 2
days visit in Burlington, with their daughter, Mrs Marion Simpson, Mr
Simpson and their daughter, Mary Anna. Mr and Mrs Frank Eaton of east of
Floris went to Iconium Wednesday for a visit with her aged father, Algia
Derby. Charles Whan has bought the Robert Pendrod property east of Paul
Wilkinson, and will sell the property where he now lives.
November 22, 1948
Bible Study-
The Bible study club of the Baptist Church will
meet at the community hall, with a birthday dinner at noon in honor of
Mrs Margaret Eaton. Mr and Mrs Earl Raridon of east of town are both
employed at the Nockonwood factory in Bloomfield, driving to work each
day. Charles Baird is installing a water system in the Ray McReynolds
dwelling, east of the depot, which is occupied by the Glenn Reed family.
Road Maintainer Operator Injured-
Mose Smith, operator of the road maintainer for
Lick Creek township, was injured Friday when struck just below the knee
by a tap which he had knocked off with a sledge. The accident occurred
as he was repairing the blade of his grader.
November 24, 1948
Join In Thanks-
The Christian Church will be host to the annual
union Thanksgiving service conducted by the Davis County Ministerial
service. A negro quartet from Rust College in Mississippi with provide
the music. Mr and Mrs Paul Jones and Charles, Richard and James spent
Sunday at Woodburn with Mrs Alice Mefford, grandmother of Mrs Jones. Tom
Raglin was honored at a dinner Sunday at his home on his 85th
birthday. Those present were Mr and Mrs Glenn Cochrane, Mrs Alice
Cochrane and Mrs Gladys Brown and sons, Jimmie and Keith, of Macon, Mo.
Dean McClure, six year old son of Mr and Mrs Van
McClure, east of Floris, underwent a tonsillectomy at Bloomfield.
Stanley Swinney, a student at the University of Iowa, arrived Wednesday
evening to spend the holiday with his parents, Mr and Mrs Irvin Swinney
of the Dunnville community. George French Jr., and Herbert French, sons
of Mr and Mrs George French, and their families have moved from Joliet,
Ill., to Greenville, S.C.
November 29, 1948
Mr and Mrs Ralph Whitacre were hosts at a
Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Clinton
McGoldrick of Glenwood, Mo. Mr and Mrs Gus Jones entertained their
children of Ottumwa, with fourteen of them present. Larry, seven year
old son of Mr and Mrs Ansel Fite, of east of town, is ill with Scarlet
fever. Miss Beverly Kousenk of Union Grove, Wis., visited from Wednesday
until Saturday with Miss Mary Elizabeth Barker at Midway.
Visits Parents-
The Rev James H Sloan made a short visit at the
parental E G Sloan home Thursday as he had to return to his home at
Muscatine to give the Thanksgiving message of the Ministerial
association over station KWPC.
November 30, 1948
At State Meeting-
Mr and Mrs Charles Chickering, Bobbie, Donnie and
Phyllis, Grover French, Jack French, Albert Guthrie, June McCarroll,
Maryetta Gillin, Sara Belle Hale and Clinton Hale were in Des Moines
Friday. Mr and Mrs Louvinis Cooper of Davenport were calling on Friends
here Saturday, they are former residents. Mrs George French left Friday,
for a visit with her father, Frank Sly of De Soto, and her brother, Carl
Sly, and family at Granger.
December 1, 1948
Guests at Floris-
Guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Eaton, east of town,
included Mrs Eaton’s sister, Mrs Frank Martin, and sons, Thomas, Basil,
Carl, Bruce and family of Melrose. Mrs Hollis Wilkinson and Mrs Wayne
Speer, sisters, were honored at a surprise birthday dinner, at the home
of Mr and Mrs Hollis Wilkinsons. Mr and Mr and Mrs John Jones of
Marshalltown were visitors at the Paul Jones home.
Floris will have Street Lights-
Floris is being wired for street lights by the Iowa
Southern Utilities Co., of Ottumwa. Mrs Iles Heady and daughter Janet,
of the Dunnville community are at Granite City, Ill., visiting Mr and
Mrs Glenn Wyatt. Mrs Wyatt is the former Kathaleen Hinkle, sister of Mrs
Heady. Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Miranda were his son in law
and daughter, Mr and Mrs T C Sprauge of Buffalo, and son, Robert
Miranda, of Davenport.
December 3, 1948
Davis Re-Enlists-
Fred Davis, discharged 4 weeks ago, has re-enlisted
in the air force and left for Denver, Colo., for his assignment. His
wife is staying at the Wayne Speer home for the present. Ira Goodwin
returned home Tuesday after spending two weeks with his daughter in
Phoenix, Arizona.
Mrs Rosa Benge, 81, fell Sunday evening at her home
east of town, and fractured her leg above the knee. Ralph Whitacre was
the buyer of the Orville Rodifer property that was sold at auction for
$2,000. There was a large crowd, and personal property sold well.
December 8, 1948
Coming from Guam-
Mr and Mrs Earl Sherman received work from their
son, SK/3 Gerald Sherman, who has been stationed in Guam, that he will
arrive In Settle about December 15 and be home for Christmas. Mr and Mrs
Marion Simpson and daughter, Mary Anna, of Burlington, spent the week
end at the parental Earl Sherman home. Mr and Mrs Orville Rodefer went
to Des Moines and purchased a large trailer house. The went today to Ft
Madison, where Rodefer has employment in a garage. Mrs Anna Comer
returned Monday after a two week visit at Mercer, Mo., with her sister,
and at Mystic with her brother and Aunt.
The Christmas party of the Spider Web club is being
held today at the home of Mrs E R Humble, north of town. At the AAA
meeting at Floris, the Lick Creek Township committeemen were all
re-elected for 1949. They were Glenn Smith, chairman, Floyd Downing, and
Iles Heady.
December 15, 1948
Drive to Denver-
Fred Davis of the air force at Denver, came Friday
after his wife. They left by car for Denver. Tommy Whitacre, six year
old son of Mr and Mrs Ralph Whitacre, cut a gash in his eye lid while
playing with a cardboard. It took 4 stitches. Mr and Mrs Harry Wilkinson
returned Tuesday night from a 2 weeks visit with Mrs Wilkinson’s
brother, Jack Clark, at Pasco, Washington. Jeff Benge is staying at the
home of his sister, Mrs Charles Baird, and Mr Baird, while his wife is
in the hospital with a fractured hip. Bob Wilson of California was
calling on friends and relatives here Sunday. He was born and reared
here about 30 years ago. He is visiting his sister, Mrs Earl Jones, and
his brother, Charlie Wilson, and his daughter, Miss Mercedes Wilson of
Ottumwa. Mrs Effie Benge’s daughter, Mrs Ida Fisk of Bloomfield became
ill Sunday night and was taken to a hospital in Ottumwa. Mrs Elva
McReynolds has closed her home for the winter and has gone to Ottumwa to
stay with her son, Everette Christy, and his wife. Mrs Sarah Hale has
also closed her home and gone to Ottumwa to stay with her daughter Mrs
Cecil Mefford. Mr and Mr Hollis Wilkinson and Sharon Kae and Stephen
left Wednesday night to spend the holidays at Harlinger, Texas. They
were to be joined at Bryan, Texas, by Mrs Wilkinson’s brother, Joe
Thompson, and wife.
Return to Cheyenne-
Harry Snyder of Cheyenne, Wyoming, left Saturday
after several days with his grandmother, Mrs Minerva Christy, who has
been bedfast since last June. Mrs Sarah Orman is very ill at the home of
her daughter, Mrs Cyrus Christy, west of Floris.
December 16, 1948
Womens Church has party at Floris-
The Women’s council of the Christian church held a
guest day luncheon at the home of Mrs Crete Hastings. Mrs Trissie Fisk
had charge of devotions. Judy Dixon, small daughter of Mrs Hilda Dixon,
is unable to attend school because of a heart ailment. Mrs Flora
Fiedler, accompanied by her sister from Ottumwa, flew to St Louis,
because of the critical illness of another sister, Miss Alma Hancock.
Osa Hancock is hospitalized for fractured ribs received in a fall while
working at Bettendorf. He is the son of Mrs Iva Hancock of Floris. The
Spider Web club served lunch at the Clarence Pilcher sale. Mrs Clay
Smith and Bernadine Frymoyer entertained at a bridal shower honoring
Miss Mary Elizabeth Barker of Midway, whose Marriage to Herbert L Moyle,
of Union grove, Wis., is planned for December 24. Mrs Selma Morris of
Waukee is a holiday guest of her sisters, Mrs Stella Parker and Miss
Ethel Harward.
December 21, 1948
Stanley Swinney Home-
Stanley Swinney, a student at the University of
Iowa, arrived home Friday, and accompanied his parents, Mr and Mrs Irvin
Swinney and sister Jeane Marie, to Denmark, Iowa, Sunday to attend a
family Christmas dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Glenn Roxberg. Mr and
Mrs Kris Hootman, of Rock Island, Ill., spent Saturday at the Reo
Hastings home. Mrs Hootman is the former Ruth Hastings, sister of Reo.
At the telephone meeting Saturday, the following were elected: S E
Hining, president; Glenn Wilkinson, secretary; Glenn Smith, treasurer,
and Mrs Iva Hancock, switchboard operator. Miss Alice Harward of Moline,
Ill., and Miss Olive Harward of Kansas City are spending the holidays
with their parents, Mr and Mrs Ross Harward.
December 24, 1948
Mary Elizabeth Barker wed in Baptist Parsonage-
Miss Mary Elizabeth Barker, daughter of Mr and Mrs
Harley E Barker, of Bloomfield and Herbert L Moyle, son of Mr and Mrs
Fred Moyle of Union Grove, Wis., were married Friday, December 24, at
the home of the officiating minister, the Rev Harold Day, pastor of the
North Court Baptist church in Ottumwa.