Floris Bits

Newspaper Bits


Census Compilations


1948  |  1949

1945  |  1946  |  1947

This collection is a transcription of a labor of love, donated to the Davis County Genealogy Society, and found in their collection. I have gleaned across the document, to share to the researcher.


Ottumwa Courier, Floris Bits


January 13, 1949

Broken Collar Bone-

Cheryl Hastings, small daughter of Mr and Mrs Crete Hastings, cracked her collar bone, while playing at school. Little Stephen Wilkinson, son of Mr and Mrs Hollis Wilkinson is ill. Due to the icy conditions of the roads, Tom Croft and Stanley Thomas had a collision at four corners, on the road leading north out of town. Born January 16 to Mr and Mrs Leonard Hining of Danville, Ill., a son. Hining is the son of Mr and Mrs S E Hining of Floris, and Mrs Hining is the former Elizabeth Neil of Ottumwa. Pfc Dale Hale of the air force, who is home on furlough, left today for Chanute field for his new assignment. His wife and baby will stay with his parents.

Tuesday, January 18, 1949

The Spider Web Club has changed its meeting place from Mrs Floyd Hales to Mrs Ray McReynolds. Mr and Mrs Charles Whan delivered a car to Mrs Whan’s brother, John Pauley, at Powersville, Mo., Friday.  Charles Hale, son of Mr and Mrs Floyd Hale, is employed as a salesman for a publishing company in Indiana. Mr and Mrs William Fuller of Dubuque are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs Lillie Fuller, and brother Perry.

January 19, 1949

Has Surgery-

Miss Phyllis Swaim 15 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Doy Swaim, a patient at the University hospital in Iowa City, for about a week, underwent an operation for sinus trouble, and will have to have another operation later in the week. Jeanne Marie Swinney of the Dunnville community, a senior at the Bloomfield high school, is employed Saturdays at the office of Attorney Buell McCash. The Earl Simmons family east of town are quarantined for scarlet fever, as 2 of their children have it.

January 20, 1949

Rudd Promoted-

Mr and Mrs Ray McReynolds have word that their son-in-law, Robert J Rudd, who is stationed at Dallas, Texas, in the air force, has been promoted to captain. Mrs Rudd is the former Dorthea McReynolds. The William Thomas home north of Floris was badly damaged by fire. Mrs Shirley Hancock returned after spending 3 weeks at Lincoln, Neb., with her sister, Mrs Jack Cresup. She is the former Norma Hancock, daughter of Mrs Iva Hancock, had been ill in a hospital, with eye infection.

January 27, 1948

Moving to and From Floris-

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Zuehlke are moving from the Arthur Zuehlke farm east of town, into the Mrs Glenn Smith property in Floris, recently vacated by the Wray Warthen family, who moved to Bloomfield. Mr and Mrs Dick Zuehlke are moving from the Charles Whan property to the Dale Zuehlke property. Mr and Mrs Dale Zuehlke have moved to Rock Island. The C C Fiedler car was badly damaged by fire as he was trying to start it. The men from the Wilkinson garage put the fire out with an extinguisher. Mrs Warden Bolwar is sick in bed with high blood pressure. Mrs Art Henderson, east of town, fell on the ice, and fractured her arm.




June 22 1949

Windstorm causes damage at Floris-

During the windstorm here Monday night, a large tree was blown down on Dave Clark’s house, damaging the roof and chimney. The Christian church women will have an ice cream supper Thursday night.

Thursday, June 23, 1949

Youth Caravan to Aid Floris Church-

A Caravan of young people will be at the Floris Christian church for services Sunday morning and evening, June 26, and will assist in the vacation Bible school all next week. Mrs Clarence Dearborn was hostess Wednesday to the Spider Web Club. Mr and Mrs Fred Kline and children of Champaign, Ill., came Tuesday to visit at the parental Ancil Gilland home. The street heading east from the Community hall to the corner by the Dick Zuehlkes place is closed for bridge repairs, as the brige has broken through. Mr and Mrs Jack Greiner moved into the Whan dwelling on Main street Tuesday.

June 24, 1949

Closing Out Store-

Fred Strain is closing out his grocery stock and fixtures at auction Thursday night, June 28.

Soap Creek Out-

Soap Creek was out of banks and over the road leading north out of Floris and on the road leading north from the government farm Friday evening, but was back within banks Saturday.

At Bolwar Home-

Mr and Mrs Willis Lepper and son, Dennis, of Galesburg, Ill., and little Michael Eakins of Des Moines were visitors Monday at the Warden Bolwar home.

June 25, 1949

Go to Youth Camp-

Leaving this morning for Storm Lake for the Young peoples Christian Life camp sponsored b the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches were Valetta Guthrie, Sara Belle Hale, Donnie Chickering, Gary Lanman of Floris, Alice Foster, Bloomfield, and Genevieve Pilcher, Eldon. Mr and Mrs Charles Chickering and daughter took one group and the others will go in a car from Oskaloosa. Bobby Chickering and Dennis Lepper, who attended this week, will return home tonight.

Return from Texas-

Mr and Mrs Frank Eaton returned Thursday night from Mt Pleasant, Texas, where they visited their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs Wayne Amelang. They were accompanied home by Mrs Amelang and little daughter, Jo Lynn, who will visit here and in Ottumwa.

Mrs Shilling Honored-

Mrs Wayland Rogers was hostess Friday at the shower for Mrs Phillip Shiling, who has been ill for some time and in the University hospital at Iowa City.

June 29, 1949

Floris Nine wins Iamo Circuit Clash-

Cashing in on two big innings here Sunday the Floris baseball team beat Monterey, 15-3, in an Iamo league game. The home guards bunched six runs in one frame, five in another. Yochum pitched fro Floris with Inman catching. Monterey used V Waybill, M Tharp and B Horn on the mound and Waybill and Crom behind the plate.

Shower for Bride-

Friends and neighbors will have a shower Friday at 2 p.m. for Mrs Jack Griener, who was recently married. Hostesses are Mrs Alva Battin and Mrs Dale Stookesberry.




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