History of the Poor-farm Land is as follows:-

On motion, the following abstract of title was to be place on record:

United States to Jesse FRESH, December 20, 1847, e hf, ne qr section 15, township 69, range 15. Jesse FRESH to John BROWN, February 18, 1848, e hf ne qr section 15, township 69, range 15. John BROWN to David SHEARER, August 4, 1854, ne qr section 15, township 69, range 15, w hf ne qr section 22, township 69, range 15.

United States to John BROWN, February 5, 1849, w hf ne qr section 15, township 69, range 13, w hf ne qr section 22, township 69, range 15. John BROWN to David SHEARER, August 4, 1854, ne qr section 15, township 69, range 15, w hf ne qr section, township 69, range 15.

United States to David SHEARER, November 4, 1851, ne qr se qr section 15, township 69, range 15; thence n 20 poles, w 32 poles, s 20 poles, e to beginning, containing 4 acres.

The deed for the poor-farm was executed by David SHEARER and wife to Davis County, February 17, 1875.

This indenture made and entered into on the 17th day of February, in the year of our Lord, 1875, by and between David SHEARER and Elizabeth SHEARER as grantors, and Davis County, Iowa as grantee, witnesseth that the said grantors, for the consideration of $3036 dollars to them in hand paid, do hereby sell and convey to Davis County, Iowa, the following property, to wit;

The NE ¼ of section 15, the W ½ of the NE ¼ of Section 22, and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of section 15, except 4 acres out of the last track, described as follows: beginning at the SE corner of the same and running thence North 20 poles, thence West 32 poles, thence South 20 poles, thence East to the place of the beginning. All of said land being in Township 69, North of Range 15 West, in Davis County, Iowa, and the whole tract containing 276 acres more or less, in the county of Davis and State of Iowa, and the said David SHEARER warrants the title against all persons whomsoever, except against taxes to accrue for the year 1865. In witness whereof we have hereunto signed our names this date.  David and Elizabeth SHEARER

History of Poor House

Continuation of Expenses

Poor-House Census
