Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Maas, Anna Mary02 May 1886Iowa20 Sept. 1918Wills15-01436D2071
Maas, Caroline15 June 1849Germany21 May 1920Boness15-01850D2071
Maas, George Albert21 May 1892Iowa06 May 1918Merry15-01387D2071
Maas, Irvin Victor14 Mar. 1919Iowa14 Apr. 1919Mehlman15-01614D2071
MacRae, Jeanette02 Jan. 1831Scotland30 Nov. 1919Unknown15-01719D2071
Magarell, Luella28 Jan. 1920Iowa28 Jan. 1920Rasnick15-01765D2071
Malone, James S.15 July 1859Ohio08 Mar. 1920Brady15-01809D2071
Malone, Thomas L.03 Apr. 1855Ohio04 Dec. 1918Bradey15-01503D2071
Marder, Augustus Grover11 Mar. 1885Iowa17 Feb. 1920Dodge15-01788D2071
Mark, Marry15 Sept. 1827Ohio08 Aug. 1920 15-01893D2071
Marsh, Enoch W.08 Oct. 1846Indiana18 Dec. 1919Maas15-01743D2071
Marsh, Zella Phyliis24 Dec. 1900Missouri05 June 1920 15-01867D2071
Marshall, Anna Maria12 Mar. 1880Iowa15 Jan. 1917Gaffney15-01113D2070
Marshall, Bridget Maria10 Sept. 1847Ireland20 Mar. 1917Long15-01166D2070
Marshall, Stephanna Minnie17 Aug. 1893Iowa02 Dec. 1918Williams15-01504D2071
Marshall, William Oscar06 Aug. 1851Ohio21 Mar. 1917Marlowe15-01167D2070
Martin, Homer30 Apr. 1875Iowa21 Aug. 1917Kirk15-01255D2070
Masching, Jacob1837Switzerland16 Nov. 1919Allen15-01720D2071
Mathers, Matilda M.23 Feb. 1863Illinois18 Sept. 1918Walker15-01437D2071
Matthies, Elizebeth Lucile29 Apr. 1896Iowa19 May 1917Sinnes15-01209D2070
McAfee, Zeta Scott08 June 1897Iowa07 Mar. 1920Demming15-01808D2071
McBride, Samuel17 Oct. 1836Indiana12 Apr. 1919Unknown15-01613D2071
McConell, Loraine Catheran01 Sept. 1920Iowa11 Dec. 1920Stone15-01952D2071
McConville, Edward1830Ireland24 Aug. 1917Gallia15-01256D2070
McCosh, Benjamin Franklin03 June 1847Pennsylvania15 Apr. 1920Earie15-01830D2071
McCosh, Eliza Mayer23 Nov. 1853Iowa13 Feb. 1918Werie15-01334D2071
McCulloch, Mary P.06 July 1832Massachusetts09 Aug. 1918Farr15-01428D2071
McCullough, Kenneth Charles01 Sept. 1918Iowa16 Sept. 1919Partridge15-01682D2071
McCulough, Thelma Nine04 June 1911South Dakota20 Oct. 1918Partridge15-01454D2071
McCurdy, Leo Walter14 Mar. 1920Iowa23 Apr. 1920Brown15-01831D2071
McDermott, Elizabeth Petty19 May 1847New York22 Dec. 1920Martin15-01953 D2071
McDermott, Ella M.08 Mar. 1866Iowa05 Mar. 1921Tienan15-01999D2071
McDowell, Elmer25 July 1892Iowa 21 Mar. 1919Stedman15-01586D2071
McFarland, Elizebeth18 Mar. 1845Pennsylvania25 June 1920Pisel15-01866D2071
McFarland, Henrietta Sarah25 Feb. 1918Iowa25 Feb. 1918Morris15-01335D2071
McFarland, Isaac24 Feb. 1858Illinois11 June 1918Bishop15-01398D2071
McFarland, Jonathson13 Sept. 1845Pennsylvania22 Feb. 1919Hopkins15-01560D2071
McGarth William T.06 Nov. 1834Ireland22 Apr. 1917Bolan15-01187D2070
McGill, Lula24 Feb. 1884Ohio03 Mar. 1918 15-01351D2071
McKane, John09 Feb. 1849Indiana18 May 1920Barton15-01849D2071
McKenzie, Kenneth28 Dec. 1836Scotland28 Aug. 1919McCloud15-01670D2071
McMahon, Edward John28 Jan. 1878Iowa07 Mar. 1917Fitzgera15-01170D2070
McMahon, Edward Joseph13 June 1917Iowa15 June 1917Qui8mlan15-01231D2070
McMennami, Frank D.31 Aug. 1907Iowa02 May 1917Strittmatter15-01210D2070
McNair, Robert G.05 Aug. 1853Maryland08 Dec. 1917Scott15-01300D2070
McVey, James07 Feb. 1851Ohio15 June 1921Montgomery15-02049D2071
Meek, Margaret Virginia26 Nov. 1850Pennsylvania28 Mar. 1918Whitehead15-01352D2071
Mehrens, Doris Maria26 July 1854Germany13 June 1920Unknown15-01870D2071
Menefee, Hannah Jane01 Nov. 1838Pennsylvania23 Mar. 1919Gray15-01587D2071
Mesner, John Thomas08 Apr. 1850Illinois 07 Apr. 1920Unknown15-01833D2071
Metheny, John Cleo03 Apr. 1918Iowa30 July 1918Salvin15-01410D2071
Meyer, Dorothae Marie28 July 1917Germany28 July 1917Kohneeke15-01245D2070
Miller, Catherine22 Aug. 1840Germany02 Dec. 1917Unknown15-01298D2070
Miller, Donnna Marie17 Jan. 1918Iowa17 Jan. 1918Bronko15-01321D2071
Miller, JennieMay 18 Mar. 1873Iowa28 Apr. 1920Mann15-01832D2071
Miller, John16 May 1837Germany24 Mar. 1917Unknown15-01168D2070
Miller, Sophie Julia04 June 1847Switzerland12 Nov. 1919Barrell15-01721D2071
Mills, Julia F.21 Aug. 1831Ohio19 Feb. 1920Perrine15-01789D2071
Milne, John05 Feb. 1855Scotland31 Oct. 1920Spence15-01925D2071
Milne, John (Mrs.)27 Feb. 1855Scotland02 Dec. 1917McKuzen15-01299D2070
Misner, Flora Ann Blair02 Aug. 1861Iowa04 July 1918Blair15-01411D2071
Montgomery, Frank A.15 Apr. 1837Indiana20 Feb. 1920 15-01790D2071
Moon, Fred N.05 Nov. 1870Wisconsin20 Mar. 1919 Fairbrother15-01588D2071
Moon, John05 Mar. 1853Illinois02 Feb. 1919Haxby15-01561D2071
Moon, Namoni Greta28 July 1913Iowa14 Feb. 1918Allen15-01336D2071
Moore (Baby Boy)27 Jan. 1919Iowa28 Jan. 1919Dooley15-01532D2071
Moore (Baby Boy)30 Apr. 1917Iowa30 Apr. 1917Baxter15-01186D2070
Moore, Eliza04 Jan. 1849Canada25 Feb. 1921Unknown15-01982D2071
Moore, William Elliot21 June 1854Iowa19 May 1918Myers15-01388D2071
Moreland, Catherine M.c.1872Wisconsin15 June 1920Tracy15-01869D2071
Morgan, Martha Anna13 Mar. 1850Illinois02 Mar. 1918Berry15-01353D2071
Morland, Lola Ester Mendenhall26 June 1888Missouri05 Feb. 1917Hatfield15-01138D2070
Morrison, Dora Ernestine25 Aug. 1865Iowa04 Dec. 1919Collin15-01744D2071
Morrison, Franklin Chiles18 Apr. 1860Iowa05 May 1919Robison15-01641D2071
Morton, Harlen W.24 Aug. 1911Iowa06 Feb. 1920Collins15-01791D2071
Mueller, Florance29 Jan. 1904Iowa01 Apr. 1921Berg15-02019D2071
Muller, John10 Dec. 1839Germany16 Feb. 1917Bentjer15-01139D2070
Murphy, Cecilia22 Apr. 1884Iowa15 Feb. 1921O'Donnel15-01981D2071
Murphy, Mary Elizabeth17 June 1854Ohio05 June 1921Haynes15-02048D2071
Murphy, William Joseph16 Apr. 1919Iowa08 Apr. 1920McEvoy15-01834D2071
Murray, Emeline Hart06 Apr. 1851Michigan13 May 1291Hart15-02036D2071
Murray, Henry31 Oct. 1947Iowa28 Dec. 1920Galbreth15-01954D2071
Myers, Barbara Elizabeth11 Oct. 1826Pennsylvania28 Jan. 1917 15-01115D2070
Myers, Jacob Epply15 Nov. 1841Pennsylvania27 Dec. 1918Epley15-01505D2071

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenweb.

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