Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Albert, Mahale30 June 1845Ohio02 May 1921Lautinzer15-02042D2071
Alger, Avis22 Dec. 1846Ohio04 Nov. 1917 15-01293D2070
Allbright, Doris28 Sept. 1904Iowa24 Nov. 1918Lipp15-01467D2071
Anders, Mark06 Dec. 1852Iowa01 Feb. 1920 15-01773D2071
Andersen, Anna05 Apr. 1880Iowa23 June 1920Jensen15-01858D2071
Andersen, Richard16 Mar. 1853Ohio26 Apr. 1918Patten15-01363D2071
Anderson, Andrew O.24 July 1852Sweden23 Aug. 1919Unknown15-01665D2071
Anderson, George Boyd09 June 1918Iowa22 June 1918Christensen15-01393D2071
Anderson, Oscar14 June 1872Iowa29 June 1917Erickson15-01240D2070
Anderson, Peter Sr.01 Jan. 1835Sweden26 Jan. 1920Unknown15-01753D2071
Andrews, Mary Olive22 May 1855Ohio25 May 1919Darnes15-01624D2071
Angell, James William13 Apr. 1861Iowa27 Dec. 1918Ehle15-01489D2071
Archer, Eva25 Oct. 1867Missouri19 Nov. 1919Lueder15-01711D2071
Archer, Geraldine Elizabeth23 Sept. 1841Michigan01 Jan. 1921Cady15-01973D2071
Archer, Sam Bradford28 Apr. 1865Illinois11 Aug. 1918Edwards15-01417D2071
Ashley, Lewis30 Dec. 1854Canada26 Dec. 1919Unknown15-01732D2071
Ashwood, James Martin Woodrow23 Sept. 1918Iowa09 Feb. 1919Gaines15-01544D2071
Bagshaw, Robert18 Mar. 1845England17 Jan. 1917Barker15-01126D2070
Bailey, Lottie05 Sept. 1855Iowa11 June 1918Martin15-01394D2071
Baines, Donald Earl12 July 1918Iowa27 Nov. 1919Sunette15-01712D2071
Baker, Augusta12 Dec. 1848Vermont19 Apr. 1920Unknown15-01819D2071
Baker, Katherine Brown08 Aug. 1831Ohio06 Dec. 1919Cassner15-01733D2071
Baker, Luisia18 May 1837Pennsylvania07 Mar. 1920Fox15-01800D2071
Baker, Margaret Florence28 June 1889Nebraska20 Oct. 1919Cullison15-01693D2071
Baker, Melvelle Arthur30 Dec. 1919Iowa17 Nov. 1920Roberts15-01930D2071
Baker, Milton Albert18 Jan. 1856Illinois13 Apr. 1920Wallace15-01820D2071
Baker, Simeon27 Mar. 1840Ohio31 July 1917 15-01251D2070
Ballensiefer, August28 Dec. 1857Illinois05 Mar. 1919Cline15-01569D2071
Ballentine, Harold LeRoy11 May 1908Iowa20 June 1920Allen15-01859D2071
Bankerink, Lena31 Jan. 1911Iowa16 Feb. 1917Wissler15-01151D2070
Barley, Sophia21 Dec. 1855Illinois11 Aug. 1919Morsch15-01666D2071
Barnholdt, Lela May17 Feb. 1918Iowa01 Oct. 1918Shoemaker15-01443D2071
Barnholdt, Mariah14 June 1863 03 Mar. 1918Patton15-01342D2071
Barns, Lulella May18 May 1877Iowa14 Dec. 1918Ray15-01490D2071
Baron, John Edward05 Apr. 1864England07 Apr. 1920 15-01821D2071
Battersby, Joseph Robson18 Mar. 1859Iowa20 Jan. 1918Robson15-01308D2071
Bauerle, John20 Mar. 1850Germany13 June 1921Unknown15-02059D2071
Bean, Mary15 July 1833Pennsylvania11 Feb. 19l17Boly15-01152D2070
Beard, Vera Cristena11 Feb. 1920Missouri02 Oct. 1920Bode15-01915D2071
Bebnsee, Henry21 July 1869Iowa23 July 1920Cock15-01876D2071
Beck, George Henry08 Jan. 1882Iowa11 Nov. 1918Buck15-01468D2071
Becker, Carl F.30 July 1860Iowa09 Apr. 1917Miller15-01194D2070
Beech, Albert G.06 Oct. 1852Pennsylvania15 Oct. 1920 15-01916D2071
Beener, Henry L.24 Sept. 1882Iowa15 Nov. 1918Beener15-01469D2071
Beener, Lena May16 June 1847Germany18 July 1919Strittmatter15-01655D2071
Beers, Samuel1859Iowa23 May 1921Unknown15-02041D2071
Behnken, Claus29 Dec. 1858Germany15 Feb. 1917Groverstein15-01153D2070
Behnken, Henrietta Marguerite16 Dec. 1890Illinois09 Mar. 1917Johnson15-01177D2070
Behnken, Peter Fredrick18 Aug. 1889Iowa26 June 1919Bannick15-01644D2071
Bell, Ross H.17 Apr. 1885Iowa95 Dec. 1918Nordman15-01491D2071
Bell, Thomas Jefferson28 Feb. 1855Illinois17 May 1919Fuqvay15-01625D2071
Benham, Theodre22 Oct. 1856Illinois07 Dec. 1920Unknown15-01947D2071
Bennett, Maeme Beth22 Dec. 1918Iowa23 Dec. 1919Buttermore15-01734D2071
Berry, Clifford Whitney18 May 1905Iowa23 Apr. 1918Worthington15-01364D2071
Berry, Theodore Alfred03 Nov. 1878Illinois09 Dec. 1919Nance15-01735D2071
Bickenhous, John14 Feb. 1872Illinois25 Feb. 1920Sophy15-01774D2071
Bicking, Martin24 Apr. 1853Germany24 May 1917Reacher15-01223D2070
Bilderback, Mary Ellen23 Nov. 1848New York15 Jan. 1921Dean15-01972D2071
Bililngs, Dale Ansel08 Feb. 1914Iowa28 Jan. 1918Wirchert15-01309D2071
Billings, Ansel04 Apr. 1843Ohio19 Sept. 1920Young15-01899D2071
Bishop, Lucil03 July 1824Maine08 July 1918Kingl15-01403D2071
Bissell, Maurice R.04 Sept. 1907Iowa13 Jan. 1918Ahmond15-01310D2071
Blair, Luvery Mildred14 June 1838Virginia09 Mar. 192115-02009D2071
Blake, Emma Nancey30 July 1856Illinois26 July 1920Holbrook15-01877D2071
Blake, Grant L.01 Jan. 1864Illinois27 Mar. 1919Holbrook15-01570D2071
Blake, Mary Elizabeth15 Mar. 1834Pennsylvania17 Mar. 1918Small15-01343D2071
Blake, Rhoda Jane32 July 1833Illinois31 Jan. 1919Thompkins15-01522D2071
Blakely, Emley04 Nov. 1885Iowa02 Nov. 1918Murfott15-01470D2071
Blankenship, Edward Levi07 Nov. 1838Virginia06 July 1918Butler15-01404D2071
Blatner, Ida Anna29 Aug. 1859Indiana16 Mar. 1917Unknown15-01178 D2070
Blunk, Mable24 Nov. 1893Illinois22 Apr. 1921Kirchoff15-02028D2071
Bode, William21 Sept. 1862Germany13 Oct. 1920Unknown15-01917D2071
Bohning, Molile15 Feb. 1862Germany22 Nov. 1920Unknown15-01931D2071
Boiler, Cyrus16 July 1844Ohio06 Aug. 1918Kinsud15-01418D2071
Bonnet, Albert02 Sept. 1842Germany06 Jan. 1920Unknown15-01754D2071
Bontrager, Ira F.19 Sept. 1885Iowa10 Apr. 1917Benton15-01195D2070
Book, Maxene Illa04 May 1917Iowa30 May 1918Sells15-01378D2071
Boos, Cecil M.14 May 1908Iowa11 Feb. 1918Pelzer15-01330D2071
Bootjer, Harm G.04 Apr. 1841Germany10 Apr. 1921Unknown15-02029D2071
Borchardt, Hilda03 Mar. 1898Iowa09 Apr. 1918Thom15-01365D2071
Borchardt, John05 Sept. 1843Germany22 May 1920Unknown15-01841D2071
Bornholdt, Sarah05 Nov. 1858Iowa27 Feb. 1921Swab15-01988D2071
Borth, Daniel15 Sept. 1837Germany26 Apr. 1921Unknown15-02027D2071
Borth, Louisa Dorthy27 July 1845Germany11 Mar. 1917Brerdimam15-01179D2070
Bosley, William Herman28 Feb. 1851Maryland27 Feb. 1920 15-01775D2071
Boysen, John16 Dec. 1844Germany03 Dec. 1919Unknown15-01736D2071
Bradbury, Almeda10 Sept. 1842Michigan09 Apr. 1917Adams 15-01196D2070
Brahms, Louise Mildred23 June 1918Iowa12 Feb. 1919Tibken15-01545D2071
Breece, Mary19 Sept. 1839Ohio28 Oct. 1920Williams15-01918 D2071
Breen, Daniel03 Apr. 1845Illinois05 Aug. 1917Belles15-01260D2070
Brewer, Rachel Belle10 Mar. 1861Iowa20 Nov. 1920Burns15-01932D2071
Brickerbaumer, Fredrick William 12 Jan. 1918Iowa17 Jan. 1918Bauerle15-01311D2071
Bridwell (Baby Boy)14 Nov. 1918Iowa14 Nov. 1918Bridwell15-01472D2071
Bridwell (Baby Girl)14 Nov. 1918Iowa14 Nov. 1918Bridwell15-01471D2071
Briggs, Amanda N.25 May 1837Pennsylvania14 Mar. 1919Adair15-01571D2071
Brillhart, Leland Charles14 Feb. 1902Iowa15 Sept. 1917Keller15-01272D2070
Briscoe, Martha Wilhelmine20 May 1879Illinois03 Mar. 1918Unknown15-01344 D2071
Brix, Hans Henry31 July 1836Germany17 Oct. 1918 Shultz15-01444D2071
Brockman, Leland Leroy07 Feb. 1912Iowa28 Apr. 1917Corney15-01197D2070
Broderius, John Henry16 Feb. 1865Illinois11 May 1921Stolley15-02040D2071
Brogger, Karoline11 Oct. 1844Germany20 Jan. 1918Gehrke15-01312D2071
Brosam, Eldon O.06 Aug. 1919Illinois02 Mar. 1920Hall15-01801 D2071
Brotherton, Ruth Anna28 Jan. 1911Iowa16 Nov. 192-Linkey15-01933D2071
Brown, Alice S.20 Nov. 1852New York04 Apr. 1920Ranney15-01822D2071
Brown, Effie18 Feb. 1876Iowa06 Mar. 1918Stonehouse15-01345D2071
Brown, Elijah Summers29 Mar. 1834Ohio05 Feb. 1919 15-01546D2071
Brown, George Elmer11 Oct. 1865Illinois01 Feb. 1917Painter15-01154D2070
Brown, Greta14 June 1892Iowa02 Mar. 1919Molt15-01572D2071
Brown, Henry Paul13 May 1871Illinois13 May 1919 15-01626D2071
Brown, Martha A.22 Apr. 1848Ohio18 June 1919Cudver15-01645D2071
Brown, Sophia Elizabeth21 Apr. 1849Ohio07 Nov. 1918 Arnold15-01473D2071
Brown, William Georg02 July 1875Iowa19 Mar. 1921Mills15-02008D2071
Bruff, Margret Ann25 Sept. 1918Iowa26 Sept. 1918Kelsey15-01432D2071
Bruner, Bernard07 Apr. 1918Iowa29 Jan. 1919Ballenciefer15-01523D2071
Budd, Rachel Lewis17 Oct. 1852Virginia07 Aug. 1918White15-01419D2071
Buffon, John Allen24 Sept. 1868Illinois25 Jan. 1920Unknown15-01755D2071
Bulles, Allen06 June 1847Wisconsin08 Feb. 1919Buck15-01547D2071
Burkhart, Martha A.06 Apr. 1862Pennsylvania30 Apr. 1918Hook15-01366D2071
Burnes, Anna07 June 1837Germany22 May 1919 15-01628D2071
Burt, Phoebe Ann Sophie05 Nov. 1840Pennsylvania14 Mar. 1919Ketchum15-01573D2071
Burtcheard, Maude12 Apr. 1880Illinois11 Feb. 1920French15-01776D2071
Butler, Edward28 Jan. 1842Ireland16 June 1919 15-01646D2071
Butler, Mildred Ruth09 June 1918Iowa16 Dec. 1919Messerschmitt15-01737D2071
Byers, Eramus27 Dec. 1841Ohio19 Mar. 1918Goodsich15-01346D2071
Byrne, WinfirdMay 13 Oct. 1882Iowa19 Nov. 1919Morgan15-01714D2071

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenWeb.

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