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Re: Silvia Hazelrig - Child of Lydia Harvey/Felden Hazelrig


Posted By: Sarah Thorson Little (email)
Date: 4/12/2019 at 10:04:34

In Response To: Silvia Hazelrig - Child of Lydia Harvey & Felden Hazelrig (Nicole Mauser-Storer)

I located quite a bit for you to confirm the family relationships including the fact that Fielding Hazelrigg went to California for the gold rush and was never heard from again. Hope this helps.

First Dispatch from Anamosa. Anamosa, March 28, 1865. Editor Dubuque Times:
Eureka! Anamosa.
The response was as follows:
Dubuque, March 28, 1865. Editor Anamosa Eureka:

Died — In Anamosa, March 28th, of old age, Mr. Amasa Harvey, aged 85 years and six months. The deceased came to this place from Chenango county, New York, in 1847, and he was a native of East Haddam, Conn. He was a good and respected citizen. Mr. Harvey was the father of Orrin, Edwin and Ira Harvey, and Mrs. S. J. Mead, Mrs. Lydia Hazelrigg, afterwards Mrs. Squire Graham, and Mrs. Lucetta Harvey Stevens. Mrs. Graham, then single, taught the first school the writer ever attended, held in a log cabin just east of the Boone place, later the property of Mr. A. A Myrick, about half a mile southwest of the village of Fairview. Strange as it may seem, the two oldest children of Mr. Amasa Harvey are still living, Mr. Orrin Harvey and Mrs. Mead, and both are enjoying comparatively good health.

Anamosa Eureka -- Anamosa, Iowa
March 22, 1906

Mrs. Minnie Graham Ritts, of Witten, South Dakota, has been visiting in the homes of her aunt, Mrs. Orrin Harvey; and three cousins, Mrs. H. W. Sigworth, Mrs. John Snyder and Mrs. Mary Barnes. Mr. Ritts, her husband, died ten years ago. Their family consisted of six sons and three daughters. Mrs. Ritts has had a long and varied experience in school teaching, including five years in the Rosebud reservation, where Indian children as well as white were attendants. She is the owner of a substantial property in South Dakota and is returning from a visit of five months with her half sister, formerly Miss Sylvia Hazelrigg, at Greenville, Term.

Mrs. Ritts was born in a residence occupied years later by Col. Shaw, on the Anamosa fair grounds. Her mother was Mrs. Lydia Harvey Graham. Miss Lydia Harvey taught school in the summer of 1847 in a log cabin just east of the Boone farm — afterwards known as the Augustus Myrick place—-about a mile southwest of Fairview, on what was called the Marion road. The log house apparently had been abandoned by some settler, and here the writer received his first schooling, Miss Harvey, the teacher, being a sprightly, handsome girl of about sixteen. Her father, Mr. Amasa Harvey, was a New Yorker, a sturdy pioneer, and landed in the quite pretentious municipality of Fairview with his family, June 14, 1847. The school house noted above was about twelve feet square and between the logs was the usual chinking of mud. A few rough oak boards or slabs, paintless, backless and comfortless, served as seats for perhaps a dozen, squirming youngsters. The "school-ma'am" enjoyed the luxury of a plain wood chair, but civilization had not reached the grandeur of a desk and platform equipment. The most impressive event we recall of those school experiences was the passing, one summer day, of a band of seven hundred Indians, on the wearisome, unending trail toward the setting sun, searching for the happy land of "somewhere," some new paradise of hunting and fishing, because the profiressive and oftentimes too aggressive white man had crowded them from their ancient domain in some state east of the Mississippi. Swarthy men, women, boys, girls and blinking pappooses in abundance, and several hundred ponies, some carrying their red-skinned riders and others loaded with all sorts of packs, tepee-poles, blankets, kettle wares, rifles, bows and arrows, etc. formed a novel procession seldom witnessed and never forgotten.

In the spring of 1848 Lydia Harvey was married to Fielding Hazelrigg, one daughter, Sylvia, above referred to, being the only child. Sometime after this event he joined what was really the "innumerable caravan" of California gold-seekers of '49-50-51 and it is supposed that he died on the journey or not long after reaching his destination, as he was never heard from. In 1858 or 1859, Mrs. Hazelrigg was united in marriage with Mr. Squire Graham – a brother of Mr. David Graham and some years later they removed to Woodbury county, this state, where he died in 1897 and Mrs. Graham passed away in 1902. Mr. Orrin Harvey, Mrs. S. J. Mead, Mrs. G. B. Stevens and Edwin and Ira Harvey were her brothers and sisters, all well known among the early pioneers, and all of whom, are now numbered with the citizenship of the land beyond.

Anamosa Eureka -- Anamosa, Iowa
April 11, 1918

The following from the Anthon (Woodbury county) Press of April 24 will be read with interest by many who knew Mrs. Graham:

Died at her home in Anthon, on Tuesday, April 22d, 1902, of neuralgia of the heart, after an illness of only a few hours' duration, Lydia P. Graham. She was born on July 23d, 1831 at Pitcher Springs, New York. In 1859 she was married to S. J. Graham at Anamosa, Iowa, where they resided for a number of years. In 1869 they came to Woodbury county and located on a farm west of Anthon. Her husband died on April l5th, 1897, since which time she has lived with her children until a few weeks ago when she purchased a cozy little home on Bridge street.

Early in life Mrs. Graham united with the M. E. church and remained a faithful and consistent member until death. She leaves four children, besides a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn her departure. The children are: Mrs. J. W. Livermore, of Galloway, Tenn.; Byron Graham, of Anthon; Mrs. J. E. Ritts, of Moville, and Mrs. Maud Kagley of Kingsley.

The funeral services were held at the M. E. church on Thursday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. F. C. Taylor. After the brief but impressive service the remains were interred in Oak Hill cemetery. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. …. We are informed that Mrs. Graham had been enjoying good health and only a short time ago wrote to her sister, Mrs. S. J. Meade, that she was so happy in her new home. She was taken in the morning with neuralgia and after the most intense suffering passed away at five o'clock the same day.

She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Harvey and sister to the late Mrs. G. B. Stevens, Edwin and Ira Harvey. The Harvey family came to Fairview in the year 1847. Lydia taught the first school the writer ever attended. This was in the summer of 1847 or 1848, and the school house was a little log cabin about a mile southwest of Fairview, near or on the Boone farm, on the Marion road. Probably there were a dozen children, possibly two dozen in all, and teacher and children sat on rude benches while the openings between the logs admitted an abundance of both air and light. We have known this bright, kindly lady all these years and never lost the peculiar affection she inspired in us for one who knew so well how to win the good will of children. She in common with us all has had her share of life's sorrows as well as its days of sunshine, but she has entered into the rest that belongs to the faithful, patient soul soul and the joys of eternity are before her.

The Anamosa Eureka – Anamosa, Iowa
May 1, 1902

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