The USGenWeb Project
Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Published by Harrison & Warner, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1872

??  A  Ba-Bi  Bl-By  Ca-Cl  Co-Cu  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M.-Mc  Me-My  N  O  P  Q  R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sw  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
- P -
Click on section or township or town name to see map
Packard, G.A. 10 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Packard, G.A. 11 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Page, G. 29 260 Florence 82 North 9 West
Paige, S. 29 200 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Paine, B.F.& Kershner, J. 11 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Paine, L. 5 233.24 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Palmer Est. 15 40 Eden 84 North 10 West
Palmer, A. H. 2 80.66 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Palmer, H. H. 1 60 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Palmer, H. H. 2 40 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Palmer, T.S. 15 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pangborn, L. 28 191 Canton 84 North 9 West
Panley, J. 35 20 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Parcell, A. 31 316.78 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Park, G.R. 11 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Park, G.R. 12 120 Florence 82 North 9 West
Parker 27 10 Benton 85 North 9 West
Parker, H.E. 14 33.5 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parker, J. 25 80 Benton 85 North 9 West
Parker, J. 35 205 Benton 85 North 9 West
Parker, J. 36 90 Benton 85 North 9 West
Parker, J. 22 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parker, J. 23 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parker, M.W. 30 65.44 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Parker, S. Mrs. 16 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parker, W.H. 16 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parker,J.& Kirkpatrick,D. 1 86.67 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parkers Grove Nurseries 28 101 Canton 84 North 9 West
Parkhurst, H. 22 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Parks, S.S. 9 40 Union 83 North 11 West
Parks, S.S. 10 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Parris, B. 28 20, 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Parris, B. 29 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Parris, B. 32 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Parris, B. 33 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Parris, W.A. 19 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Parry, T. 28 220 Union 83 North 11 West
Parsons, A. 14 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Parsons, J. 1 63.03 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Parsons, J. 2 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Parsons, R. 7 70 Kane 83 North 12 West
Parsons, T. 18 120 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Parsons, T. 20 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pasco, J.H.& C.H. 28 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Passehl, J. & Dahnukle, J 33 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Patch, W.W. Jr. 18 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Patrick, R. 27 120 Canton 84 North 9 West
Patterson, D. 10 160 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Patterson, D. 17 40 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Patterson, D. Ia. Nursery 9 160 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Patton, T. 21 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Paul P.O. 7   Homer 84 North 12 West
Paul, E.C. 1 39.78 Homer 84 North 12 West
Pauley, J. 35 60 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Pauley, W.W. 31 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Pavey, Mrs. 8 40 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Pavy, T.A. 30 120.02 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Pearsall, W.H.& I.H. 13 30 Benton 85 North 9 West
Peck, J. 32 120 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Peet, L.V. 26 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Peipgrass, P.J. 3 80 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Pelly, P. 20 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pelly, P. 31 20 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pemberton, H.M. 15 20 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Pemberton, W.H. 24 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Penrose, J. 12 90 Canton 84 North 9 West
Penrose, J. 13 10 Canton 84 North 9 West
Percival, E. 13 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Perkins, B. F. 16 307 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Perkins, E. 20 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Perkins, E. 21 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Perkins, J. M. 7 117.25 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Perkins, R. A. 16 80 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Perkins, R. A. 21 90 Bruce 86 North 12 West
Perry, A.W. 33 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Perry, D. 16 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Perry, J. 8 80 Union 83 North 11 West
Perry, R.S. 13 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Peterman, G.H. 1 153.99 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Peterman, J. 5 69.25 Leroy 82 North 11West
Peters, G. 20 40 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Peters, F. 13 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Peters, G. 27 160 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Peters, W. 22 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Peterson 33 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Peterson & String 32 40 Leroy 82 North 11 West
Peterson, E. 29 40 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Peterson, H. 30 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Peterson, H. 5 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Peterson, H. 7 40.5 Florence 82 North 9 West
Peterson, J. 11 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Peterson, J. 6 80, 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Peterson, J.A. 12 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Peterson, J.A.& S.A. 12 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Peterson, N.P. 29 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Peterson, P. 8 60 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Peterson, P.R. 29 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pettit, T. 10 77 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pfaffle, A. 20 160 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Pfister, C. 6 123.69 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Phelps, H.H. 32 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Philips, B. 24 200 Eden 84 North 10 West
Philips, B. 25 40 Eden 84 North 10 West
Philips, J.P. 25 80 Eden 84 North 10 West
Philips, O.P. 27 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Phillips 27 160 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Phillips, H. 21 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Phillips, H.S. 4 200 Eden 84 North 10 West
Phillips, S. 22 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Phillips, W. 1 78.67 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Phillips, W.S. 21 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Phipps, R.R. 34 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pichard, J. 15 100 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pickard, J. 10 160 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pickard, J. 15 120 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pierce, A.S. 17 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pierce, I. 10 32 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pierce, I. 28 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pierce, J. 24 80 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pierce, J. 25 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pierce, L. 21 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pierce, M. S. 22 120 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Pierce, M.S. 16 120 Cedar 86 North 11 West
Pierce, N.R. 13 160 Homer 84 North 12 West
Pierce, N.R. 19 80.74 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Pierce, N.R. 19 120 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Pierce, N.R. 20 120 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Pierce, N.R. 30 159.33 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Pingle, P.H. 28 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Pingrey, D. 25 160 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pingrie, D. 19 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pingrie, S.W. 30 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Piper, F. 6 126.13 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pirie, J. 13 80 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pister, M. 26 160 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pister, M. 35 40 St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pitts, C.J. 1 100 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pitts, W. 5   Benton 85 North 9 West
Planley, Z. Est. 9 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Platts, W. 31 43.01 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Plummer, A. 35 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Poague, J.G. 22 78 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Poague, J.G. 23 80 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Pogue, J.H. 3 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Pogue, W.C. 3 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Pohlman, J. 14 160 Kane 83 North 12 West
Polk, W. 16 10 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Polley, J. 27 120 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Pollock, S. 18 200 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Pollock, W.A. 3 88.14 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Pomona Nursery 19   Taylor 85 North 10 West
Porter, A.W. 25 80 Big Grove 84 North 11 West
Porter, I. W. 5 80 Monroe 85 North 12 West
Porter, J.A. 27 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Porter, J.A. 28 38 Canton 84 North 9 West
Porter, J.A. 34 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Porter, R. 30   Benton 85 North 9 West
Porter, R.L. 30 15 Benton 85 North 9 West
Porter, W.H.H. 13 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Porter, W.H.H. 14 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Porter, W.H.H. 23 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Porter, W.Y. 34 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Potter, C.H. 13 100 Jackson 85 North 11 West
Potter, H.B. 1 320 Eldorado 83 North 10 West
Potter, J.T. 18 80 Kane 83 North 12 West
Potter, S. 20 160 Eden 84 North 10 West
Potter, S. 29 160 Eden 84 North 10 West
Potterfield, W.& J.O. 18 20 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pouse, J.C. 25 80 Polk 86 North 9 West
Powell, J. 25 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Powell, J. 36 80 Taylor 85 North 10 West
Power, J. 11 160 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Powers, E.C. 22 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Powers, J. 31 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Powers, J. 16 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Powers, J.L. 19 225.36 Homer 84 North 12 West
Powers, M. 13 60 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Powers, W. 13 100 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Pratt 16 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Pratt, D. 34 80 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Pratt, L. 28 160 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Pratt, L. 33 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Pratt, M. 28 95 Canton 84 North 9 West
Pratt, M.S. 21 80 Canton 84 North 9 West
Pratt, R. 27 40 Canton 84 North 9 West
Presbitarian Church
4   Fremont 83 North 9 West
Price, J.J. 16 20 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Price, S.R. 16 160 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Price, S.R. 21 80 Iowa 82 North 12 West
Price, S.R. 27   Iowa 82 North 12 West
Primmer, J. 5 63.5 Benton 85 North 9 West
Primmer, J. 8 20 Benton 85 North 9 West
Primmer, P. 31 40 Polk 86 North 9 West
Primmer, P.E. 5 40 Benton 85 North 9 West
Primmer, P.E. 6 44.93 Benton 85 North 9 West
Primmer, P.E. 8 50 Benton 85 North 9 West
Primmer, W.C. 1 80, 45 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Primmer, W.C. 2 120 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Primmer, W.C. 3   Harrison 86 North 10 West
Primmer, W.C. 11 80 Harrison 86 North 10 West
Primmer, W.C. 6   Polk 86 North 9 West
Primrose, J. 34 120 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Primrose, J. 3 252.36 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pringrery, D. 34 40 Leroy 82 North 11West
Pringrie, D. 30   St. Clair 82 North 10 West
Pruser, J. 15 120 Kane 83 North 12 West
Pryne, A. 7 97.5 Kane 83 North 12 West
Pryne, A. 18 127.46 Kane 83 North 12 West
Pryne, H.& J. 18 127.56 Kane 83 North 12 West
Puley, J. 2   Taylor 85 North 10 West
Pulver, R. 31 80 Florence 82 North 9 West
Pumphrey, M.E. 35 40 Florence 82 North 9 West
Purdy, T. 6 40 Kane 83 North 12 West
Putnam, G. 6 40 Fremont 83 North 9 West
Putnam, J. 18 80 Homer 84 North 12 West
Pyne, J.F. 20   Benton 85 North 9 West


Atlas index created by James P. Kullmer
Copyright , 2000 by James P. Kullmer

Atlas scans by John Shuck

If you note any corrections, changes, additions, or  find any links provided on this web site that are
not  functioning properly please notify  John Shuck, your Benton County Website Coordinator.

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use and benefit of the IAGenWeb Project
a part of the USGenWeb Project.
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