Sioux County

Pfc. William Peuse



Called To Armed Service
The following named young men have been sent an order to report for induction and they will leave for camp within the near future.
2196 William Peuse, Maurice

Source: Sioux County Capital Mar. 26, 1942 p 1

William Peuse and William Jasper of Maurice were among 25 from Sioux County who will leave Orange City Thursday of this week for Des Moines, from where they will be transferred to army training camps.

Source: Sioux Center News Apr. 2, 1942 p 8

Wm. Peuse of Maurice stopped in at the News office last week.  He has been given a 5 day furlough from Fort De Moines where he was inducted into the U. S. Army, to attend to business matters.

Source: Sioux Center News Apr. 16, 1942 p 13

William Peuse, son of John Peuse, Sr., who recently was inducted into the army sends his latest address from Camp Roberts, Calif.  Pvt. William Peuse 37190648, Co. B. 79th Tng. Bn., Camp Roberts, Calif.

Source: Sioux Center News Apr. 30, 1942 p 11

William Peuse has informed his friends that he is no longer at Camp Roberts, Calif. but has been transferred to Fort Lawton, Wash.  His latest address is: Pvt. William Peuse, Co. "D" Casual Section, Fort Lawton Staging Area, Fort Lawton, Washington, Barracks 540.

Source: Sioux Center News Aug. 6, 1942 p 2

The address of William Peuse is now: Pvt. William Peuse, 37190648, A.P.O. 942, Seattle, Wash.

Source: Sioux County Capital Aug. 27, 1942 p 2

Pvt. Wm. Peuse who has left the states may be reached by this address: Pvt. Wm. Peuse 37190648, Co. L. 4th Infantry, c/o Postmaster, APO 942, Seattle, Wash.

Source: Sioux Center News Oct. 15, 1942 p 10

I am a mother's son
I am the pride of a family and part of a home
I love my life as you love yours
I am a youth in years and experience in life
Yet I am a gambler
Betting the highest stakes that a man can gamble - my life
If I win, you win
If I lose I have lost all,
The loss is mine, not yours,
And there is a grieved mother, a saddened family
And a broken home to which I can never return,
I ask only for the Godspeed and support of my nation
In return for laying upon the alter
Of my country my all
For bravery and blood.
Will you furnish bullets and bread?
Will you pawn your shekels if I pawn myself?
Will you hazard your wealth
While I risk my life?
I am the flower of a nation's manhood
The glory of a noble race.
I am the American soldier
I am the boy in the trenches.

This poem was sent to a friend by Pvt. William Peuse who is somewhere in Alaska.  Call the News for his address.

Source: Sioux Center News Mar. 4, 1943 p 2

William Peuse, son of Mr. John Peuse, Sr. of Maurice has been promoted to Private First Class.  His complete address is: PFC William Peuse 37190648, Co. L. 4th Inf., APO 942, Seattle, Wash.

Source: Sioux Center News June 10, 1943 p 2

Wm. Peuse, son of Mr. John Peuse of Maurice, has been in Alaska for nearly a year, but expects to come home on furlough soon.
Oct. 26, 1943
Dear Friends:
Well I'll have to bother you again and tell you my address has changed again, it's been a year ago now that my address was changed but this time I don't mind it so much because I'm back in the States again, and it really seems good, too.  I always got your paper, it didn't always get there so regular but that wasn't your fault because the mail sometimes was not too good.  I always read all the news, soldiers addresses and all the sermons that were in it.  I'm almost sure of coming home on a furlough sometime in the near future so I'll stop in if I have a little time or I'll send you a check then for the paper again.  I think it is due again by now but I'll fix it up with you.  I haven't gotten any mail now for a few weeks, being we were going to move, it was stopped at Seattle, but the mail clerk told us today that there was a hundred bags of mail  coming for us tomorrow then I'll get the paper too again I hope.  Well folks, I'll have lot of things to tell, too much to put on paper now.  So I'll try to stop in sometime and try to tell a few things.  It's time for lights out again now, and I still feel kinda tipsy yet of the boat ride.  We rode six days and it wasn't too smooth either at times, but glad to ride the same old boat back again.  Well folks, goodbye and good luck.  Hoping to see some of you people in the near future.  Signing off now in good health.  Your Friend,
PFC William Peuse
ASN 37190648
Co. L. 4th Inf.
Fort Lewis, Wash.

Source: Sioux Center News Nov. 4, 1943 p 6

William Peuse, son of John Peuse, Sr. of Maurice surprised his friends and relatives when he flew home from Seattle and arrived here last Tuesday.  His letter in last week's News said he expected a furlough soon, but he arrived about the same time as his letter.  Bill was inducted April 4, 1941, and only a few weeks later went to Alaska without having a furlough.  He has been there fourteen months, and he said there was no enemy action during his sojourn there, but they were fully prepared for it at any time.  He expects to be stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. at the expiration of his present twenty day furlough.

Source: Sioux Center News Nov. 11, 1943 p 2

Thursday and Friday evening farewell gatherings were held at the home of his father John Peuse, Sr. in honor of PFC William Peuse who left Friday evening for Fort Lewis, Wash.  Thursday evening the guests were ..... Friday evening the guests were ..... PFC William Peuse has been in the service 17 months, has served overseas duty in Alaska for 14 months and had not had a furlough since entering the service.

Source: Sioux County Capital Nov. 25, 1943 p 2

Jan. 11, 1944
Dear Friends;
I received a letter today from brother John in England somewhere.  He said it was easier for me to write to you folks than it was for him.  His address is changed again somewhat, so he asked me to send it in for him:
Cpl. John Peuse, Jr. 37113664
Co. B. 820th Engrs. Avn. Bn.
APO 568, c/o Postmaster
New York City, N.Y.
So will you please send it this way.  I know he is just as anxious to get the paper as I am.  He wrote this letter the 5th of Dec. already, os maybe you have his change of address from someone by now, but you can check to see, and I was notified to notify my people of my new address, too, because some still send it APO and I notice my last paper still had the APO number on it yet, so will you please change it, that way I'll get the paper a day or two sooner too.  Hello to all the friends in Iowa. Good-bye and good luck to you all.  As ever your friend, Wm. Peuse
Pfc. William Peuse 37190648
Co. L. 4th Inf.
Ft. Lewis, Washington

Source: Sioux Center News Jan. 20, 1944 p 2

Pfc. William Peuse Co. L. 4th Inf., Fort Benning, Georgia

Source: Sioux County Capital Feb. 3, 1944 p 7

Pfc. Will Peuse arrived home Monday from Ft. Benning, Ga. on a week's furlough.  He was married Wednesday, Feb. 9, to Miss Hester Cleveringa of Newkirk at a ceremony in the home of her parents.  The young couple will leave soon after the wedding for Georgia, where the groom will be stationed for some time. 

Source: Sioux Center News Feb. 10, 1944 p 10

Pfc. and Mrs. William Peuse arrived last week from Ft. Benning, Ga. to spend a two week furlough in the Peuse home, and Cleveringa home at Newkirk.

Source: Sioux Center News Aug. 10, 1944 p 8

Last Wednesday evening a farewell gathering was held at the home of John Peuse, Sr. in honor of Pfc. and Mrs. William Peuse who were leaving on Thursday for Ft. Benning, Ga.

Source: Sioux Center News Aug. 24, 1944 p 4

Mrs. Wm. Peuse returned Monday morning from Ft. Benning, Ga. where she had been staying with her husband, Cpl. Wm. Peuse.  Cpl. Peuse has been transferred to another cam.

Source: Sioux County Capital Nov. 9, 1944 p 6

Pfc. Wm. Peuse arrived home Friday from Ft. Benning, Ga., having received an honorable discharge.  He has been in the army over two years and was stationed in the Aleutians most of this time.

Source: Alton Democrat Nov. 23, 1944 p 4

Back From Alaska (photo) 


Pfc William Peuse, who recently returned from Alaska where he was stationed for fourteen months, spent his furlough with his father near Orange City, other relatives, and friends. William is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. 

His address is: Pfc. William Peuse Co. L. 4th Inf. Fort Lewis, Wash. 

Source: Sioux Center News Dec. 23, 1943, p 1 

Mrs. Nie Cleveringa and daughter Hester returned home Saturday night, after taking a trip to Washington where they visited Pfc. William Peuse at Ft. Lewis and other relatives and friends. 

Source: Sioux Center News Jan. 6, 1944, p 9 

Miss Betty Ann Muilenberg of the Junior College is teaching at Newkirk this week taking the place of Miss Hester Cleveringa. The latter plans to leave soon to visit William Peuse in Georgia. He was recently transferred from Washington. 

Mrs. Eugene Mulder has been engaged to teach Miss Cleveringa's room as soon as she returns from New York. 

Source: Sioux County Capital Jan. 20, 1944, p 2 

Pfc. William Peuse Co. L. 4th Inf., Fort Benning, Ga. 

Source: Sioux County Capital Feb. 3, 1944, p 7 

Pfc. William Peuse arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Peuse of Orange City Saturday to spend seven days there. He has been stationed in Georgia. 

Source: Sioux Center News Feb. 10, 1944, p 10 

Court House News 

Marriage licenses were issued to the following persons: … William Peuse, Orange City Hester Cleveringa, Sheldon … 

Source: Sioux Center News Feb. 17, 1944, p 3 

Mr. John Peuse and daughters, Katie and Mattie, and son Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Van Roekel and children, Laurence, Francis and Joyce, attended the wedding of Pfc. William Peuse and Miss Hester Cleveringa at the brides home at Newkirk Wednesday, February 9th. 

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Van Roekel entertained a group of relatives in their home Friday evening as a farewell for John Maassen who leaves this week for the army, and Pfc. Will Peuse and his bride, who leave Monday for Ft. Benning, Ga. …  

Source: Alton Democrat Feb. 17, 1944, p 5 

Pfc. and Mrs. William Peuse arrived last week from Ft. Benning, Ga. to spend a two week furlough in the Peuse home and the Cleveringa home at Newkirk. 

Source: Alton Democrat Aug. 10, 1944, p 5 

Pfc. William Peuse of Ft. Benning, Ga. writes the following note: 

Dear Friends: Nov. 10, 1944 Just a few lines to let you know that I'm moving from here sometime soon the way it sounds so will you please send my paper to my wife until I get my different address? Her address is: Mrs. William Peuse, c/o Nie Cleveringa, Sheldon, Iowa. The weather is cold at night up here and also in the forenoon, but warms up a lot in the afternoon. Some noon’s it gets hot. This is all for now. Will try better next time. Goodbye, and good luck to all. Your friend, Wm. Peuse 

Source: Sioux Center News Nov. 16, 1944, p 8 

Pfc. William Peuse arrived home Friday from Ft. Benning, Ga. having received an honorable discharge. He has been in the army over two years and was stationed in the Aleutians most of the time. 

Source: Alton Democrat Nov. 23, 1944, p 4 

Iowa, U.S., World War II Bonus Case Files, 1947-1954, Claim Number 187002 

William Peuse, was born May 30, 1907, at Maurice, Iowa, where he was residing prior to entering the army on April 11, 1942, at Jefferson Bks., Mo. He served with the 4th Infantry, left for overseas service on Aug. 10, 1942, returned on Oct. 25, 1943, and was honorably discharged on Nov. 16, 1944. His application for bonus pay was filed on July 13, 1949, for which he received $367.00. 
