Plymouth County

John Foreman




Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foreman have received word that their son, Edward, Fireman 2/c, was wounded aboard the USS Bunker Hill in the southwest Pacific.  He received a shrapnel wound in his leg.  In a letter which his parents received on Wednesday, however, he was reported much improved, but will have to be in sick bay for some time.  Edward joined the Navy last November 18, and has been overseas for several months. 

Mr. and Mrs. Foreman also received a letter from their son, John, who is a first class private in the army, stating that he will be sent overseas soon.  He is with an anti-aircraft unit in the coast artillery.

Source: LeMars Globe-Post, July 6, 1944

***Further Research:

John Foreman was born Oct. 14, 1917 to Michael Jacob “Mike” and Hattie Reinders Foreman. He died May 4, 1983 and is buried in West Lawn Cemetery, Orange City, IA.
