Black Hawk County

S/Sgt. John M. Giltner



Two Waterloo veterans of heavy bombardment missions over Germany have reported to the personnel distribution command at San Antonio, Tex., according to word received here. They are Sgt. Francis L. Burger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Burger, 320 Glenwood street, who completed four missions as a gunner in a 15th air force Liberator before being shot down and captured, and Staff Sgt. John M. Giltner, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Giltner, 412 Frederick avenue, also a gunner who served with the Eighth air force in England. Sergeant Burger holds the air medal and purple heart, and Sergeant Giltner holds the Air Medal with two clusters.

Source: Waterloo Daily Courier, September 19, 1945